Frequently Asked Questions


PAGE UPDATED: Jun. 5, 2024

General Questions

Q: What is the application name of the ZDS agent on the device?

A: The current ZDS agent is implemented as two files:

  • Zebra Data Service | Main analytics engine (2 MB)
  • Zebra Data Service Plugin | Data collection plug-in (0.2 MB)

Both components listed above must be running and enabled for proper data-collection operations.

Q: What are the server address(es) and port number(s) used by ZDS?

A: ZDS uses the servers shown below. Devices running Android 10 (and later) require connectivity with both servers:

ZDS Server #1:

  • URL:
  • IP Address:
  • Port: 443

ZDS Server #2:

  • URL:
  • IP Address:
  • Port: 443
    This server uses Certificate-based Mutual Authentication.

Zebra recommends using DNS server names (instead of IP addresses) when whitelisting (aka "allow-listing") to avoid service interruptions and required router changes if IP addresses change in the future.

Q: How can I determine whether the required servers are visible to ZDS from devices?

A: Zebra recommends using ping or a similar network tool to confirm communication between the device network and the ZDS server(s). Once such a connection is verified, all devices on that network should be able to connect to and send collected data to the server(s).

The Zebra Data Service itself uses the following sites, all of which must be visible on the network for ZDS operation:


Q: Is the time of the upload the same for every device?

A: No, the upload time is different for each device. It begins when the device is first powered up and cannot be changed or configured to vary by connection or network type. The first upload occurs approximately 24 hours after first boot. Upload times are designed to vary randomly by three minutes (plus or minus) to help spread inbound server traffic throughout the period. To view the latest upload time for a device, see Check ZDS Status in the Setup guide.

Q: What is the size of the ZDS update download?

A: The size of ZDS components can vary, but its maximum download size is about 10MB* in total. The system consists of the following components:

  • ZDS Client and Plug-in components (combined size: 2.2–4MB)
  • Zebra Common Transport Layer (about 4MB)
  • Zebra Life Guard Enablement (LGE) Client (about 2MB)

*Not all components are downloaded with every update.

Q: Does ZDS self-update?

A: Yes. The preinstalled Zebra applications listed below are configured to self-update as new versions become available. This ensures that Zebra devices always have the latest features and capabilities.

  • Zebra Data Service
  • LifeGuard-Over-the-Air client app
  • Zebra Common Transport Layer (CTL)

Q: What server endpoints are used to update the ZDS and Lifeguard OTA client apps?

A: All such apps are downloaded from, TCP port: 443

Q: How often does ZDS check for available updates?

A: ZDS polls Zebra servers for updates once every 24 hours and every time the device reboots. One or more ZDS components are generally updated once every 3-4 months.

Q: Can updates of the ZDS agent be disabled?

A: Not directly, but ZDS updates can be prevented by using an enterprise mobile management (EMM) system to lock device apps to a specific ZDS version. However, Zebra recommends keeping ZDS updates enabled to ensure the highest levels of security, stability, feature enhancement and bug fixes.

Q: Can any ZDS parameters can be changed?

A: Yes, Zebra allows organizations to request changes to the following ZDS parameters:

  • Data collection (On/Off)
  • Upload frequency (default = once every 24 hrs.)
  • Data collection for certain individual events

Contact Zebra support for more information about changing ZDS parameters.

Q: How can the current ZDS parameters be changed?

A: The ZDS settings on a device can be changed in two ways:

Contact Zebra support for more information about changing ZDS parameters.

Q: Which Zebra devices are supported?

A: Most Zebra devices support data collection. See the About ZDS page for the full list of supported devices.

Q: Why isn't Remaining Useful Life (RUL) information visible and/or accurate for my devices?

A: Reporting of RUL information is best supported on devices running Android 7, 8 and 10 (and later). On devices running Android 4, 5, 6 and 9, RUL reports are less accurate.

Q: Why can't I see the EULA screen on my device?

A: Some older versions of the ZDS agent did not display the end-user license agreement screen. To view the EULA, update ZDS to the latest version. Contact Zebra support for more information.

Q: Where can I get ZDS configuration files for VisibilityIQ Foresight (VIQF) and Proactive Battery Replacement (PBR) services?

A: ZDS configuration files for VIQF and PBR customers can be found on the VIQF landing page.

VIQF and PBR configurations are required only for customers of those services. Applying their configurations without a subscription can cause unwanted device behavior.

Data Collection

Q: How frequently does the ZDS Agent upload device data to the server?

A: The default upload frequency is once every 24 hours.

Q: How much collected data is stored on the device each day?

A: ZDS stores a maximum of 70 KB on the device each day.

Q: How much data is sent back during each upload?

A: ZDS sends a maximum of 2 MB of (compressed) data with each upload.

Q: After data is uploaded from a device, where can it be viewed?

A: ZDS data can be viewed on the Zebra Foresight server.

Q: What data is collected from the device?

A: ZDS collects data about device hardware, app info and usage, network communications, location and many other parameters. See the About ZDS page for a complete list of data collected.

Android 13 Devices

Q: Will Android 7, 8, 10 and 11 ZDS configuration Profiles and/or barcodes work with Android 13?

A: No. XML-based files and barcodes for configuring ZDS on devices with Android 7, 8, 10 and 11 will NOT work on devices with Android 13 or later. Such devices require new configuration files and/or barcodes to be created for all ZDS configuration changes from default settings. For more information, please contact your Zebra account manager, sales engineer or VisibilityIQ representative.

What happens to ZDS configuration settings when a device is upgraded from Android 10 or 11 to Android 13?

A: All previously applied configurations are preserved; no additional actions are required to restore settings.

Q: What happens to the ZDS configuration when a device upgrades from Android 8 to Android 13?

A: After a device is upgraded to Android 13 from Android 8, previously applied ZDS settings (e.g. WLAN, GPS, etc.) are removed and the ZDS data collection frequency reverts to once every 24 hours. If configuration changes are needed, new configuration files must be created and applied. For more information, please contact your Zebra account manager, sales engineer or VisibilityIQ representative.

Q: Does migration to Android 13 require any additional steps for ZDS ?

A: No. Upgrading a device to Android 13 requires no additional steps for ZDS unless changes are required to its default settings (see above).