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FormatUtilGetVariableFields Method

Returns a list of descriptors of the variable fields in this format.

Namespace: Zebra.Sdk.Printer
Assembly: SdkApi.Core (in SdkApi.Core.dll) Version: 3.0.3271
FieldDescriptionData[] GetVariableFields(
	string formatString


formatString  String
The contents of the recalled format.

Return Value

A list of field data descriptors. For a CPCL printer, the nth element of the list will contain the integer n and no name. For a LinkOS/ZPL printer, each element will contain an ^FN number and a variable name if present. If the format contains multiple ^FNs with the same number, only the last one will be in the result.
See FieldDescriptionData for an example of how variable fields look.
On a LinkOS/ZPL printer, only ZPL formats are supported. On a CPCL printer, only CPCL formats are supported.
See Also