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Zebra.Sdk.Printer Namespace

Provides implementation for Zebra branded printer functionality.
  Class Description
Public class Code example CsvPrinter A class used to print template formats using comma separated values as input data.
Public class FieldDescriptionData This class is used to describe format variable fields.
Public class FirmwareUpdateHandler Handler class is used to update status while performing a firmware download and to notify the caller when the printer has reconnected after restarting.
Public class FontConverterZpl A class used to convert TrueType® fonts for use on ZPL printers.
Public class LinkOsInformation A container class used to hold Link-OS specific information
Public class NotALinkOsPrinterException Signals that a Link-OS™ operation has been attempted on a non-Link-OS™ printer.
Public class Code example PrinterAlert Defines a printer alert.
Public class PrinterLanguage Enumeration of the various printer control languages supported by Zebra Printers.
Public class PrinterObjectProperties Container for properties of a printer object.
Public class Code example PrinterStatus A class used to obtain the status of a Zebra printer.
Public class Code example PrinterStatusMessages This class is used to acquire a human readable string of the current errors/warnings stored in a PrinterStatus instance.
Public class Code example PrinterUtil Numerous utilities to simplify printer operations.
Public class Code example SettingsSetter A utility class used to wrap with a map and send settings commands to a connection.
Public class Code example SGD A utility class used to wrap and send SGD commands to a connection.
Public class SnmpException Signals that an error has occurred when attempting to communicate with SNMP.
Public class Code example SnmpPrinter An instance of an SNMP only Zebra printer.
Public class StorageInfo A container class which holds information about various printer drives.
Public class TcpPortStatus Class for describing the status of ports open on a Zebra printer.
Public class Code example XmlPrinter A class used to print template formats using XML as input.
Public class ZebraPrinterFactory A factory used to acquire an instance of a ZebraPrinter.
Public class ZebraPrinterLanguageUnknownException Signals that an error has occurred when determining the printer language.
Public class ZplPrintMode Enumeration of the various print modes supported by Zebra Printers.
  Interface Description
Public interface Code example AlertProvider This is an utility class for getting/setting alerts on a printer.
Public interface FirmwareUpdateHandlerBase Handler class is used to update status while performing a firmware download.
Public interface FirmwareUpdaterLinkOs This is the interface for updating firmware on a Link-OS™ printer.
Public interface Code example FontUtil Defines functions used for downloading fonts to Zebra printers.
Public interface Code example FormatUtil Defines functions used for interacting with printer formats.
Public interface Code example FormatUtilLinkOs Defines functions used for interacting with Link-OS™ printer formats.
Public interface Code example GraphicsUtil This is an utility class for printing images on a device.
Public interface PrinterReconnectionHandler Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a printer comes back online and has been rediscovered.
Public interface Code example ProfileUtil Defines functions used for creating and applying profiles to a Zebra printer.
Public interface ToolsUtil This is a utility class for performing printer actions. (Restore defaults, calibrate, etc.)
Public interface ToolsUtilLinkOs Utility class for performing Link-OS™ printer actions.
Public interface Code example ZebraPrinter An interface used to obtain various properties of a Zebra printer.
Public interface ZebraPrinterLinkOs This interface defines increased capabilities of a Zebra Link-OS™ printer. Link-OS™ printers support many features not supported by non-Link-OS™ Zebra printers.
  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration DriveType Drive types.
Public enumeration FileDeletionOption Options for deleting files when loading profiles to a Zebra printer.