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ZebraPrinterFactory Class

A factory used to acquire an instance of a ZebraPrinter.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Zebra.Sdk.Printer
Assembly: SdkApi.Core (in SdkApi.Core.dll) Version: 3.0.3271
public class ZebraPrinterFactory

The ZebraPrinterFactory type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberCreateLinkOsPrinter(ZebraPrinter) Create a wrapper around a Zebra printer that provides access to Link-OS™ features.
Public methodStatic memberCreateLinkOsPrinter(ZebraPrinter, LinkOsInformation) Create a wrapper around a Zebra printer that provides access to Link-OS™ features.
Public methodStatic memberCreateLinkOsPrinter(ZebraPrinter, PrinterLanguage) Create a wrapper around a Zebra printer that provides access to Link-OS™ features.
Public methodStatic memberCreateLinkOsPrinter(ZebraPrinter, LinkOsInformation, PrinterLanguage) Create a wrapper around a Zebra printer that provides access to Link-OS™ features.
Public methodEquals
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetHashCode
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodStatic memberGetInstance(Connection) Factory method to create the correct ZebraPrinter concrete class based on the printer's control language.
Public methodStatic memberGetInstance(PrinterLanguage, Connection) Factory method to create the correct ZebraPrinter concrete class based on the printer's control language.
Public methodStatic memberGetInstance(String, Connection) Factory method to create the correct ZebraPrinter concrete class based on the printer's control language.
Public methodStatic memberGetLinkOsPrinter(Connection) Create Link-OS™ Zebra printer from a connection that provides access to Link-OS™ features.
Public methodStatic memberGetLinkOsPrinter(Connection, LinkOsInformation) Create Link-OS™ Zebra printer from a connection that provides access to Link-OS™ features.
Public methodStatic memberGetLinkOsPrinter(Connection, PrinterLanguage) Create Link-OS™ Zebra printer from a connection that provides access to Link-OS™ features.
Public methodStatic memberGetLinkOsPrinter(Connection, LinkOsInformation, PrinterLanguage) Create Link-OS™ Zebra printer from a connection that provides access to Link-OS™ features.
Public methodGetType
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodToString
(Inherited from Object)
See Also