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FieldDescriptionData Class

This class is used to describe format variable fields.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Zebra.Sdk.Printer
Assembly: SdkApi.Core (in SdkApi.Core.dll) Version: 3.0.3271
public class FieldDescriptionData : IComparable<FieldDescriptionData>

The FieldDescriptionData type exposes the following members.

Public methodFieldDescriptionData Create a descriptor for a field
Public propertyFieldName In CPCL, this field is always null.
In ZPL, this field will correspond to the optional name parameter of the ^FN command, or null if the parameter is not present
Public propertyFieldNumber In CPCL, this number will be the number of the variable field in the format. The fields are numbered starting at 1.
In ZPL, this number will correspond to the ^FN number.
Public methodCompareTo 
Public methodEquals
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetHashCode
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetType
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodToString
(Inherited from Object)
For example, in CPCL, the following format will contain 2 FieldDescriptionData.
            ! DF SHELF.FMT
            ! 0 200 200 210 1
            TEXT 4 3 0 15 \\
            TEXT 4 0 0 95 \\
The first FieldDescriptionData will contain a fieldNumber of 1, and a fieldName of null. The second FieldDescriptionData will contain a fieldNumber of 2, and a fieldName of null.

In ZPL, the following ^FN command will contain 2 FieldDescriptionData.
The first FieldDescriptionData will contain a fieldNumber of 15, and a fieldName of "Address". The second FieldDescriptionData will contain a fieldNumber of 18, and a fieldName of null.
Note: If a label format contains multiple Field Numbers, only 1 will be returned since the data will be shared by all variables with the number. The FieldName portion of the variable will be the last one in the format, unless it is not present.For example, in the format above, there are 3 ^FN15's. The first 2 have a "prompt" parameter, the third does not. The second one, "Address", overwrites the first one, "Name". The third one is not present, so the previous one, "Address", is preserved.
See Also