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wall - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.personalshopper.CradleConfig.CradleLocation
The wall identification number.
webCode - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.ScannerConfig.DecoderParams
The webCode class provides access to parameters that are available for the webCode decoder.
webcode - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.ProfileConfig.DataCapture.Barcode.Decoders
Sets the Enabled State of Decoder Web Code.
width - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.simulscan.SimulScanTemplate
width - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.simulscan.SimulScanTemplateRegion
write - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.securenfc.MifareDesfire.FileAccessRights
Key no.
write(byte[], int) - Method in class com.symbol.emdk.serialcomm.SerialComm
Writes a specified number of bytes from buffer to the opened communication channel.
writeBlock(boolean, boolean, short, byte[]) - Method in class com.symbol.emdk.securenfc.MifarePlusSL3
Writes specified number of blocks starting from specified block number.
writeData(byte, MifareDesfire.FileCommMode, int, byte[]) - Method in class com.symbol.emdk.securenfc.MifareDesfire
Writes data to standard or backup data file.
writeRecord(byte, MifareDesfire.FileCommMode, int, int, byte[]) - Method in class com.symbol.emdk.securenfc.MifareDesfire
Writes records to cyclic or linear record file.
writeValue(boolean, boolean, short, int) - Method in class com.symbol.emdk.securenfc.MifarePlusSL3
Writes value to a specified value block.This call should be preceded with the first authentication.