- ucc_link_mode - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.ProfileConfig.DataCapture.Barcode.DecoderParams.Composite_AB
- uccLinkMode - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.ScannerConfig.DecoderParams.CompositeAB
- udiParams - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.ScannerConfig
The UdiParams class holds the parameters for UDI.
- uid - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.securenfc.MifareDesfire.CardVersionInfo.ManufacturerInfo
Unique 7 byte serial number
- uid - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.securenfc.MifareSam.SamInfo.ManufacturerInfo
Unique 7 byte serial number
- uk_Postal - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.ProfileConfig.DataCapture.Barcode.DecoderParams
- uk_postal - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.ProfileConfig.DataCapture.Barcode.Decoders
Sets the Enabled State of Decoder UK Postal.
- ukPostal - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.ScannerConfig.DecoderParams
The UKPostal class provides access to parameters that are available
for the UKPostal decoder.
- UNIT_OF_MEASURE_ID - Static variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.TokenizedData.Keys
- unlock(int, CradleLedFlashInfo) - Method in class com.symbol.emdk.personalshopper.Cradle
This unlocks terminal from cradle and flashes the LED.
- upca - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.ScannerConfig.DecoderParams
The UPCA class provides access to parameters that are available for
the UPCA decoder.
- upca - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.ProfileConfig.DataCapture.Barcode.DecoderParams
- upca - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.ProfileConfig.DataCapture.Barcode.Decoders
Sets the Enabled State of Decoder UPCA.
- upce0 - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.ScannerConfig.DecoderParams
The UPCE0 class provides access to parameters that are available for
the UPCE0 decoder.
- upce0 - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.ProfileConfig.DataCapture.Barcode.DecoderParams
- upce0 - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.ProfileConfig.DataCapture.Barcode.Decoders
Sets the Enabled State of Decoder UPCE0.
- upce1 - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.ScannerConfig.DecoderParams
The UPCE1 class provides access to parameters that are available for
the UPCE1 decoder.
- upce1 - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.ProfileConfig.DataCapture.Barcode.DecoderParams
- upce1 - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.ProfileConfig.DataCapture.Barcode.Decoders
Sets the Enabled State of Decoder UPCE1.
- upcEanParams - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.ScannerConfig.DecoderParams
The UPCEAN class provides access to parameters that are available for the UPC/EAN decoder.
- upcEanParams - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.ProfileConfig.DataCapture.Barcode
- upperLimit - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.securenfc.MifareDesfire.ValueFileSettings
Upper limit of value
- us4State - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.ScannerConfig.DecoderParams
The US4State class provides access to parameters that are available
for the US4State decoder.
- us4state - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.ProfileConfig.DataCapture.Barcode.Decoders
Sets the Enabled State of Decoder US4State.
- us4state_fics - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.ProfileConfig.DataCapture.Barcode.Decoders
Sets the Enabled State of Decoder US4State FICS.
- us4StateFics - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.ScannerConfig.DecoderParams
The US4State_FICS class provides access to parameters that are
available for the US4StateFics decoder.
- useLogicalChannelForCMacCalculation - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.securenfc.MifareSam.AdditionalAuthData.AV1Mode
useLogicalChannelForCMacCalculation - False: Do not use logical
channel for CMAC calculation.
- userConfirmationOnScan - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.simulscan.SimulScanConfig
If userConfirmationOnScan is true, shows UI for user to confirm the scanned data
before sending results to application.
- useSecretKeyForCrypto - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.securenfc.MifareSam.AdditionalAuthData.AV1Mode
useSecretKeyForCrypto - False: Generate session key by
- usPlanet - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.ScannerConfig.DecoderParams
The USPlanet class provides access to parameters that are available
for the USPlanet decoder.
- usPlanet - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.ProfileConfig.DataCapture.Barcode.DecoderParams
- usplanet - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.ProfileConfig.DataCapture.Barcode.Decoders
Sets the Enabled State of Decoder US Planet.
- usPostNet - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.barcode.ScannerConfig.DecoderParams
The USPostNet class provides access to parameters that are available
for the USPostNet decoder.
- usPostnet - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.ProfileConfig.DataCapture.Barcode.DecoderParams
- uspostnet - Variable in class com.symbol.emdk.ProfileConfig.DataCapture.Barcode.Decoders
Sets the Enabled State of Decoder US Postnet.