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FormatUtilLinkOs Methods

The FormatUtilLinkOs type exposes the following members.

  Name Description
Public method PrintStoredFormatWithVarGraphics(String, DictionaryInt32, String) Prints a stored format on the printer, filling in the fields specified by the Dictionary.
Public method PrintStoredFormatWithVarGraphics(String, DictionaryInt32, String, String) Prints a stored format on the printer, filling in the fields specified by the Dictionary.
Public method PrintStoredFormatWithVarGraphics(String, DictionaryInt32, ZebraImageI, DictionaryInt32, String) Prints a stored format on the printer, filling in the fields specified by the Dictionaries.
Public method PrintStoredFormatWithVarGraphics(String, DictionaryInt32, ZebraImageI, DictionaryInt32, String, String) Prints a stored format on the printer, filling in the fields specified by the Dictionaries.
See Also