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ProfileUtil Methods

The ProfileUtil type exposes the following members.

  Name Description
Public method CreateBackup Save a backup of your printer's settings, alerts, and files for later restoration.
Public method CreateProfile(Stream) Create a profile of your printer's settings, alerts, and files for cloning to other printers.
Public method CreateProfile(String) Create a profile of your printer's settings, alerts, and files for cloning to other printers.
Public method LoadBackup(String) Takes settings, alerts, and files from a backup, and applies them to a printer.
Public method LoadBackup(String, Boolean) Takes settings, alerts, and files from a backup, and applies them to a printer.
Public method LoadProfile(String) Takes settings, alerts, and files from a profile, and applies them to a printer.
Public method LoadProfile(String, FileDeletionOption, Boolean) Takes settings, alerts, and files from a profile, and applies them to a printer.
See Also