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XmlPrinterPrint(String, Stream, String, String, Stream) Method

Print template formats using XML as input data to destinationDevice.

Namespace: Zebra.Sdk.Printer
Assembly: SdkApi.Core (in SdkApi.Core.dll) Version: 3.0.3271
public static void Print(
	string destinationDevice,
	Stream sourceDataStream,
	string templateFilename,
	string defaultQuantityString,
	Stream outputDataStream


destinationDevice  String
The connection string.
sourceDataStream  Stream
The source stream containing the XML.
templateFilename  String
The template to merge the XML to.
defaultQuantityString  String
The quantity, if not specified in the data.
outputDataStream  Stream
Optional stream to send data to.
See ConnectionBuilder for the format of destinationDevice
IOExceptionIf an I/O error occurs.
ConnectionExceptionIf it was not possible to connect to the device.
ArgumentExceptionIf there is an issue with the arguments.
See Also