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ZebraPrinterLinkOsGetPortStatus Method

Retrieve the TCP port status of the printer and returns a list of TcpPortStatus describing the open ports on the printer.

Namespace: Zebra.Sdk.Printer
Assembly: SdkApi.Core (in SdkApi.Core.dll) Version: 3.0.3271
List<TcpPortStatus> GetPortStatus()

Return Value

List of open ports on the ZebraPrinter. Note: The open connection from the SDK will be listed.
ConnectionExceptionIf there is an issue communicating with the printer (e.g. the connection is not open.)
The open connection from the SDK will be listed in the return value. This method will throw a ConnectionException if it is unable to communicate with the printer.

Note: Tabletop printers support more than one established connection on the raw port at a time, so the same port may be listed more than once.
See Also