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FormatUtilPrintStoredFormat(String, String) Method

Prints a stored format on the printer, filling in the fields specified by the array.

Namespace: Zebra.Sdk.Printer
Assembly: SdkApi.Core (in SdkApi.Core.dll) Version: 3.0.3271
void PrintStoredFormat(
	string formatPathOnPrinter,
	string[] vars


formatPathOnPrinter  String
The name of the format on the printer, including the extension (e.g. "E:FORMAT.ZPL").
vars  String
An array of strings representing the data to fill into the format. For LinkOS/ZPL printer formats, index 0 of the array corresponds to field number 2 (^FN2). For CPCL printer formats, the variables are passed in the order that they are found in the format.
ConnectionExceptionIf an I/O error occurs.
The values of any format variables will be encoded using the default encoding type. On a LinkOS/ZPL printer, only ZPL formats are supported.On a CPCL printer, only CPCL formats are supported.
See String for more information about encoding types.
See Also