Profile Methods |
The Profile type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
AddFirmware(String) | Adds a firmware file to an existing printer profile. | |
AddFirmware(String, Byte) | Adds a firmware file to an existing printer profile. | |
AddSupplement | Adds data to supplement an existing printer profile. | |
ConfigureAlert | Configures an alert to be triggered when the alert's condition occurs or becomes resolved. | |
ConfigureAlerts | Configures a list of alerts to be triggered when their conditions occur or become resolved. | |
DeleteFile | Deletes the file from the profile. The filePath may also contain wildcards. | |
DownloadTteFont(Stream, String) | Adds a TrueType® font to a profile and stores it at the specified path as a TrueType® extension (TTE). | |
DownloadTteFont(String, String) | Adds a TrueType® font file to a profile and stores it at the specified path as a TrueType® extension (TTE). | |
DownloadTtfFont(Stream, String) | Adds a TrueType® font file to a profile and stores it at the specified path as a TTF. | |
DownloadTtfFont(String, String) | Adds a TrueType® font file to a profile and stores it at the specified path as a TTF. | |
Equals |
(Inherited from Object) |
GetAllSettings | Retrieve all settings and their attributes. | |
GetAllSettingValues | Retrieves all of the profile's setting values. | |
GetArchivableSettingValues | Retrieve the values of all the settings that are archivable. | |
GetAvailableSettings | Retrieve all of the setting identifiers for a profile. | |
GetClonableSettingValues | Retrieve the values of all the settings that are clonable. | |
GetConfiguredAlerts | A list of objects detailing the alert configurations in a profile. | |
GetFirmwareFilename | Returns the file name of the firmware file within the profile. | |
GetHashCode |
(Inherited from Object) |
GetObjectFromPrinter(String) | Retrieves a file from the profile and returns the contents of that file as a byte array. | |
GetObjectFromPrinter(Stream, String) | Retrieves a file from the printer's file system and writes the contents of that file to destinationStream. | |
GetObjectFromPrinterViaFtp(String, String) | This method is not valid for a profile. | |
GetObjectFromPrinterViaFtp(Stream, String, String) | This method is not valid for a profile. | |
GetPrinterDownloadableObjectFromPrinter | Retrieves a file from the profile and returns the contents of that file as a byte array including all necessary file wrappers for re-downloading to a Zebra printer. | |
GetSetting | Retrieves the profile's Setting for a setting id. | |
GetSettingRange | Retrieves the allowable range for a setting. | |
GetSettingsValues | Retrieves the profile's setting values for a list of setting ids. | |
GetSettingType | Returns the data type of the setting. | |
GetSettingValue | Retrieves the profile's setting value for a setting id. | |
GetStorageInfo | This method is not valid for a profile. | |
GetSupplement | Returns the supplement data within the profile. | |
GetType |
(Inherited from Object) |
IsSettingReadOnly | Returns true if the setting is read only. | |
IsSettingValid | Returns true if value is valid for the given setting. | |
IsSettingWriteOnly | Returns true if the setting is write only. | |
PrintImage(String, Int32, Int32) | Prints an image from the connecting device file system to the connected device as a monochrome image. | |
PrintImage(String, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Boolean) | Prints an image from the connecting device file system to the connected device as a monochrome image. | |
PrintImage(ZebraImageI, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Boolean) | Prints an image to the connected device as a monochrome image. | |
ProcessSettingsViaMap | Change or retrieve settings in the profile. | |
RemoveAlert | Removes a configured alert from a profile. | |
RemoveAllAlerts | Removes all alerts currently in a profile. | |
RemoveFirmware | Removes the firmware file from the profile. | |
RetrieveFileNames | Retrieves the names of the files which are in the profile. | |
RetrieveFileNames(String) | Retrieves the names of the files which are stored on the device. | |
RetrieveObjectsProperties | Retrieves the properties of the objects which are stored on the device. | |
SendContents | Adds a file to the profile named fileNameOnPrinter with the file contents from fileContents. | |
SendFileContents(String) | This method is not valid for a profile. | |
SendFileContents(String, ProgressMonitor) | This method is not valid for a profile. | |
SetAllSettings | Change settings in the profile. | |
SetSetting(String, String) | Change the value of the setting in the profile to the given value. | |
SetSetting(String, Setting) | Change the setting in the profile. | |
SetSettings | Set more than one setting. | |
StoreFileOnPrinter(String) | Stores the file in the profile using any required file wrappers. | |
StoreFileOnPrinter(Byte, String) | Stores a file in the profile named fileNameOnPrinter with the file contents from fileContents using any required file wrappers. | |
StoreFileOnPrinter(String, String) | Stores the file in the profile at the specified location and name using any required file wrappers. | |
StoreImage(String, String, Int32, Int32) | Stores the specified image to the connected printer as a monochrome image. | |
StoreImage(String, ZebraImageI, Int32, Int32) | Stores the specified image to the connected printer as a monochrome image. | |
ToString |
(Inherited from Object) |