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Profile Methods

The Profile type exposes the following members.

  Name Description
Public method AddFirmware(String) Adds a firmware file to an existing printer profile.
Public method AddFirmware(String, Byte) Adds a firmware file to an existing printer profile.
Public method AddSupplement Adds data to supplement an existing printer profile.
Public method ConfigureAlert Configures an alert to be triggered when the alert's condition occurs or becomes resolved.
Public method ConfigureAlerts Configures a list of alerts to be triggered when their conditions occur or become resolved.
Public method DeleteFile Deletes the file from the profile. The filePath may also contain wildcards.
Public method DownloadTteFont(Stream, String) Adds a TrueType® font to a profile and stores it at the specified path as a TrueType® extension (TTE).
Public method DownloadTteFont(String, String) Adds a TrueType® font file to a profile and stores it at the specified path as a TrueType® extension (TTE).
Public method DownloadTtfFont(Stream, String) Adds a TrueType® font file to a profile and stores it at the specified path as a TTF.
Public method DownloadTtfFont(String, String) Adds a TrueType® font file to a profile and stores it at the specified path as a TTF.
Public method Equals
(Inherited from Object)
Public method GetAllSettings Retrieve all settings and their attributes.
Public method GetAllSettingValues Retrieves all of the profile's setting values.
Public method GetArchivableSettingValues Retrieve the values of all the settings that are archivable.
Public method GetAvailableSettings Retrieve all of the setting identifiers for a profile.
Public method GetClonableSettingValues Retrieve the values of all the settings that are clonable.
Public method GetConfiguredAlerts A list of objects detailing the alert configurations in a profile.
Public method GetFirmwareFilename Returns the file name of the firmware file within the profile.
Public method GetHashCode
(Inherited from Object)
Public method GetObjectFromPrinter(String) Retrieves a file from the profile and returns the contents of that file as a byte array.
Public method GetObjectFromPrinter(Stream, String) Retrieves a file from the printer's file system and writes the contents of that file to destinationStream.
Public method GetObjectFromPrinterViaFtp(String, String) This method is not valid for a profile.
Public method GetObjectFromPrinterViaFtp(Stream, String, String) This method is not valid for a profile.
Public method GetPrinterDownloadableObjectFromPrinter Retrieves a file from the profile and returns the contents of that file as a byte array including all necessary file wrappers for re-downloading to a Zebra printer.
Public method GetSetting Retrieves the profile's Setting for a setting id.
Public method GetSettingRange Retrieves the allowable range for a setting.
Public method GetSettingsValues Retrieves the profile's setting values for a list of setting ids.
Public method GetSettingType Returns the data type of the setting.
Public method GetSettingValue Retrieves the profile's setting value for a setting id.
Public method GetStorageInfo This method is not valid for a profile.
Public method GetSupplement Returns the supplement data within the profile.
Public method GetType
(Inherited from Object)
Public method IsSettingReadOnly Returns true if the setting is read only.
Public method IsSettingValid Returns true if value is valid for the given setting.
Public method IsSettingWriteOnly Returns true if the setting is write only.
Public method PrintImage(String, Int32, Int32) Prints an image from the connecting device file system to the connected device as a monochrome image.
Public method PrintImage(String, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Boolean) Prints an image from the connecting device file system to the connected device as a monochrome image.
Public method PrintImage(ZebraImageI, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Boolean) Prints an image to the connected device as a monochrome image.
Public method ProcessSettingsViaMap Change or retrieve settings in the profile.
Public method RemoveAlert Removes a configured alert from a profile.
Public method RemoveAllAlerts Removes all alerts currently in a profile.
Public method RemoveFirmware Removes the firmware file from the profile.
Public method RetrieveFileNames Retrieves the names of the files which are in the profile.
Public method RetrieveFileNames(String) Retrieves the names of the files which are stored on the device.
Public method RetrieveObjectsProperties Retrieves the properties of the objects which are stored on the device.
Public method SendContents Adds a file to the profile named fileNameOnPrinter with the file contents from fileContents.
Public method SendFileContents(String) This method is not valid for a profile.
Public method SendFileContents(String, ProgressMonitor) This method is not valid for a profile.
Public method SetAllSettings Change settings in the profile.
Public method SetSetting(String, String) Change the value of the setting in the profile to the given value.
Public method SetSetting(String, Setting) Change the setting in the profile.
Public method SetSettings Set more than one setting.
Public method StoreFileOnPrinter(String) Stores the file in the profile using any required file wrappers.
Public method StoreFileOnPrinter(Byte, String) Stores a file in the profile named fileNameOnPrinter with the file contents from fileContents using any required file wrappers.
Public method StoreFileOnPrinter(String, String) Stores the file in the profile at the specified location and name using any required file wrappers.
Public method StoreImage(String, String, Int32, Int32) Stores the specified image to the connected printer as a monochrome image.
Public method StoreImage(String, ZebraImageI, Int32, Int32) Stores the specified image to the connected printer as a monochrome image.
Public method ToString
(Inherited from Object)
See Also