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Setting Class

A class that represents an internal device setting.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Zebra.Sdk.Settings
Assembly: SdkApi.Core (in SdkApi.Core.dll) Version: 3.0.3271
public class Setting

The Setting type exposes the following members.

Public methodSettingInitializes a new instance of the Setting class
Public propertyAccess Gets or sets a string that describes the access permissions for the setting. RW is returned for settings that have read and write permissions. R is returned for settings that are read-only W is returned for settings that are write-only
Public propertyArchive Gets or sets if this setting can be applied when loading a backup
Public propertyClone Gets or sets if this setting can be applied when loading a profile
Public propertyIsReadOnly Returns true if the setting does not have write access.
Public propertyIsWriteOnly Returns true if the setting does not have read access.
Public propertyRange Gets or sets a string that describes the acceptable range of values for this setting.
Public propertyType Gets or sets a string describing the data type of the setting.
Public propertyValue Gets or sets the setting's value.
Public methodEquals
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetHashCode
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetType
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodIsValid Returns true if value is valid for the given setting.
Public methodToString Retruns a human readable string of the setting.
(Overrides Object.ToString())
See Also