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PrinterUtil Methods

The PrinterUtil type exposes the following members.

  Name Description
Public method Static member ConvertGraphic(String, ZebraImageI, Stream) Encodes supplied image in either ZPL or CPCL after dithering and resizing.
Public method Static member ConvertGraphic(String, ZebraImageI, Int32, Int32, Stream) Encodes supplied image in either ZPL or CPCL after dithering and resizing.
Public method Static member CreateBackup Create a backup of your printer's settings, alerts, and files.
Public method Static member CreateProfile Create a profile of your printer's settings, alerts, and files for cloning to other printers.
Public method Static member DeleteFile Deletes file(s) from the printer and reports what files were actually removed.
Public method Static member DeleteFileReportDeleted Deletes file(s) from the printer and reports what files were actually removed.
Public method Equals
(Inherited from Object)
Public method Static member GetCurrentStatus Returns a new instance of PrinterStatus that can be used to determine the status of a printer.
Public method GetHashCode
(Inherited from Object)
Public method Static member GetObjectFromPrinter(String, String) Retrieves a file from the printer's file system and returns the contents of that file as a byte[].
Public method Static member GetObjectFromPrinter(Stream, String, String) Retrieves a file from the printer's file system and returns the contents of that file as a byte[].
Public method Static member GetObjectFromPrinterViaFtp(String, String, String) Retrieves a file from the printer's file system and returns the contents of that file as a byte[].
Public method Static member GetObjectFromPrinterViaFtp(Stream, String, String, String) Retrieves a file from the printer's file system and returns the contents of that file as a byte[].
Public method Static member GetOdometerStatus Retrieves status of the printer odometer which includes the total print length, head clean counter, label dot length, head new, latch open counter, and both user resettable counters.
Public method Static member GetPortStatus Retrieves a list of currently open tcp ports on the printer.
Public method Static member GetPrinterStatus Retrieves status of the printer which includes any error messages currently set along with the number of labels remaining in queue, number of labels remaining in batch, and whether or not a label is currently being processed.
Public method Static member GetSettingsFromPrinter Retrieve all settings and their attributes from the specified printer.
Public method GetType
(Inherited from Object)
Public method Static member ListFiles Retrieves the names of the files which are stored on the device.
Public method Static member LoadBackup(String, String) Takes settings, alerts, and files from a backup, and applies them to a printer.
Public method Static member LoadBackup(String, String, Boolean) Takes settings, alerts, and files from a backup, and applies them to a printer.
Public method Static member LoadProfile(String, String, FileDeletionOption) Takes settings, alerts, and files from a profile, and applies them to a printer.
Public method Static member LoadProfile(String, String, FileDeletionOption, Boolean) Takes settings, alerts, and files from a profile, and applies them to a printer.
Public method Static member PrintConfigLabel Causes the specified printer to print a configuration label.
Public method Static member PrintDirectoryLabel Causes the specified printer to print a directory listing of all the files saved on the printer.
Public method Static member PrintNetworkConfigLabel Causes the specified printer to print a network configuration label.
Public method Static member QuickStatus Retrieves the quick status of the printer.
Public method Static member ResetNetwork Resets the network of the specified printer.
Public method Static member ResetPrinter Resets the specified printer.
Public method Static member RestoreNetworkDefaults Restores the printer's network settings to their factory default configuration.
Public method Static member RestorePrinterDefaults Restores the printer's settings to their factory default configuration.
Public method Static member SendContents(String, Stream) Send contents of data directly to the device specified via connectionString using UTF-8 encoding.
Public method Static member SendContents(String, String) Send contents of data directly to the device specified via connectionString using UTF-8 encoding.
Public method Static member SendContents(String, Stream, String) Send contents of data directly to the device specified via connectionString using encoding.
Public method Static member SendContents(String, String, String) Send contents of data directly to the device specified via connectionString using encoding.
Public method Static member SendJSON Send contents of data directly to the device specified via connectionString using encoding.
Public method Static member SetClock Set the RTC time and date on the printer.
Public method Static member StoreFile Stores the file on the printer at the specified location and name using any required file wrappers.
Public method ToString
(Inherited from Object)
Public method Static member UpdateFirmware Update the printer firmware.
See Also