
Consult the following developer guides on common subjects and usage of EMDK for Android features and API's.

SimulScan API

Understand how to use the SimulScan API's to perform full document capture in your application. SimulScan involves capturing fields of interest in a given document and converting it into data that an end-user application can use immediately at the point of transaction.

Name-Value Pair

Using the Profile Manager API's you can quickly change values dynamically on a given profile using name-value pairs. This guide contains examples of how to best use these APIs.

PersonalShopper API

The MC18 device provided by Zebra allows developers to easily create applications in the Personal Shopper category. This guide contains examples specific to using EMDK for Android with the MC18.

Secure NFC API

This guide contains examples and best practices when using the Secure NFC API's including MifareDesfire, MiFareSam, SamKey, etc.