Consuming Data

Zebra OEMinfo


OEMinfo defines Data Consumers as apps seeking to retrieve information about the device on which they are running. Examples of such Zebra-owned apps include StageNow and OEMConfig device configuration tools, as well as Power Manager and other built-in configuration service provider (CSP) modules, which interface directly with Zebra's device API layer.

Information for consumption is made available through Data Provider apps. Both app types–Consumers and Providers–use the Zebra Data Provider Interfaces (ZDPIs) included in the OEMinfo Content Provider Framework to consume data and/or to publish data for consumption.

Consuming OEMinfo Data

The process of retrieving data through OEMinfo is the same as that of querying an Android content provider. And like Android, OEMinfo employs content URIs to identify certain data available from a provider.

However, before an app can retrieve data from OEMinfo, it must first receive permission to do so. This step must be performed only once for each app, but is required before the app can attempt any OEMinfo read operation.

To acquire read permission:

Add the following statement to the app's AndroidManifest.xml file:

    <uses-permission android:name=”com.zebra.provider.READ”>

Content URIs

Each content URI includes the authority of the content provider represented as a symbolic name along with the package name of a Content Provider or path to a table containing its content. When calling a client method to access a content provider or table, the content URI is passed as an argument.

URIs are broken into four (4) parts as<scheme:>//<Authority>/<Provider name>/<API>

For example, the URI content://oem_info/ can be broken down as follows:

  • content:// is the scheme, which tells Android that the URI points to a content provider.
  • oem_info is the authority name of the content provider.
  • is the content provider name unique within a given authority, usually a package name.
  • build_serial is the API name unique within a given package name.

Authorization Mechanism

The ZDPI uses Zebra Access Manager to grant or deny apps authorization to access data published by the framework. The Zebra-owned system components and application types listed below are authorized by default.

Authorization Required

  • Customer-developed apps and services
  • Third-party apps
  • Any app NOT developed by Zebra

When provisioning one or more of the app types listed above, authorization to access the ZDPI can be granted using StageNow and Access Manager, OEMconfig and the Service Access Configuration, or a company's own Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) system.

image Click image to enlarge; ESC to exit.

To grant access using Access Manager and StageNow:

Configure the following actions based on the individual requirements.

  1. Service Access Action: “Allow Caller to Call Service”
  2. Service Identifier: ZDPI URI to access (see Data Consumption guide)
  3. Caller Package Name: Package Name of the third-party app
  4. Caller Signature: App certificate of the third-party app

Also See

How to generate a caller signature | Zebra engineering article on the "package signature"

Targeting Android 11

Enhancements delivered with Android 11 (API level 30) enforce greater protections on app and user data stored externally, building on the scoped storage feature introduced with Android 10 (API level 29). Scoped storage limits apps targeting API 29 (and later) to an app-specific device folder and to media types it creates. This was intended to provide more user control over stored files and reduce the file clutter. Apps targeting Android 10 (API level 29) can opt out of restrictions imposed by Android 11 by setting a flag in the app's manifest. This flag is ignored by apps that target Android 11.

Android 11 also imposes a package visibility filter, which effectively reduces the number of other apps that appear to be installed on the device when queried by your app. See below to grant visibility to your app and prevent it from being filtered.

Grant Visibility

To grant visibility to an app so that it's not subject to the visibility filter, add the following to the app's manifest:

    <package android:name="com.zebra.zebracontentprovider" />

Learn more about package visibility filtering from the Android developer community.

Sample Code

The sample code below acquires the build serial number from a device. Modify the code to suit individual needs. For more information or to request additional sample URIs, contact the Zebra Data Services team.

Acquire Device Data

  1. Get the AUTHORITY, PROVIDER and API using the following example URI:

    String SERIAL_URI = "content://oem_info/";
  2. Get the data (in this case the "build serial" number) by parsing the string using Android cursor query methods implemented in the following Java code:

    // Prepare the URI
    public void getData() {
        final Uri myUri = Uri.parse(SERIAL_URI);
        new UpdateAsync().execute(myUri.toString());
    // Always query for data in Async task or background thread
    class UpdateAsync extends AsyncTask<String,Void,Cursor> {
        private String myUri;
    protected Cursor doInBackground(String... args) {
        myUri = args[0];
    // Query the content provider
    ContentResolver cr = getContentResolver();
    Cursor cursor = cr.query(Uri.parse(myUri),
                    null, null, null, null);
    // Read the cursor
    String serialNumber = cursor.getString(0);
    Log.i(TAG, "Device Serial Number is : ” + serialNumber);            
    return cursor;

About the Sample

Copy, paste and modify the sample Java code above to programmatically retrieve the desired device data. The image below shows which areas of the sample to modify. Note that if peripheral info is to be retrieved from a device (e.g. the Bluetooth MAC address), the peripheral must be connected and enabled at the time of the query.

See OEMConfig or your company's EMM system documentation for more information.

image Click image to enlarge; ESC to exit.

For monitoring non-static device data (e.g. the build serial number), Zebra recommends configuring the app to be notified of changes to OEMinfo data. See Callback section below for more information.


Use the following Java code to register an app to be notified when URI data changes. Apps also can receive callbacks for changes to the content using the standard Android content observer methods, but Zebra recommends always registering callbacks for semi-static URI values.

    // Prepare the URI
    Uri myUri = Uri.Parse(MY_URI_STRING);

    // Register with content observer
    ContentResolver cr = getContentResolver();
    cr.registerContentObserver(myUri, true, 
        new ContentObserver(new Handler(getMainLooper())) {

        public void onChange(boolean selfChange, Uri uri) {
            super.onChange(selfChange, uri);

            // Content has changed
            Log.d(TAG, "content has changed, uri = " + uri);

            // Reading the data is like above example

Data Acquisition APIs

Acquire Battery Info

Battery information can be retrieved only on peripherals connected to the mobile computer at the time of the query. Information is stored as a single JSON string that can be queried based on application requirements. API values match those of Android system properties.

To retrieve information about a connected peripheral (e.g. battery status):

  • Zebra Device Central must be installed and running on the mobile device.
  • The peripheral must be connected to—and enabled on—the device.
  • To query battery information of RS-series scanners:
    • Devices running Android 13 must have the Jul. 2023 LifeGuard update (or later)
    • Devices running Android 11 must have the Oct. 2023 LifeGuard update (or later)

Where to get LifeGuard updates


  • content://com.symbol.devicecentral.provider/peripheral_info/


  • battery_info


  • /accessory_name
  • /battery_level
  • /battery_health_status
  • /battery_serial_number
  • /battery_model_number

(Properties are returned in JSON format)

To retrieve battery information from a connected peripheral, perform the following in the app:

1. Declare the content URI that identifies the data in the provider:

String BATTERY_INFO_URI = "content://com.symbol.devicecentral.provider/peripheral_info/battery_info";

2. Parse the JSON string using Android cursor query methods:

// Prepare the URI:
public void getData() {

final Uri myUri = Uri.parse(BATTERY_INFO_URI);
new UpdateAsync().execute(myUri.toString());
// Always query for data in async task or background thread:
    class UpdateAsync extends AsyncTask<String,Void,Cursor> {

private String myUri;

protected Cursor doInBackground(String... args) {
    myUri = args[0];
    JSONObject batteryDetails;

// Query the content provider:
    ContentResolver cr = getApplicationContext.getContentResolver();
    Cursor cursor = cr.query(Uri.parse(myUri), null, null, null, null);

// Read the cursor:
    batteryDetails = new JSONObject(cursor.getString(0));
    Log.i(TAG, "Peripheral Battery Information : ” + batteryDetails);     
    return cursor;

Supported Bluetooth Scanners

  • DS2278
  • DS3678
  • DS8178
  • LI3678
  • RS507
  • RS5100
  • RS6000
  • RS6100

Supported Bluetooth Headsets

  • HS3100

To retrieve peripheral battery information:

  • Zebra Device Central must be installed and running on the mobile device
  • The peripheral must be connected to and enabled on the device

Acquire Secure Info

Data acquired with the APIs in this section is considered sensitive. API values match those of Android system properties.


  • content://oem_info/


  • ro_product_model
  • build_serial
  • identity_device_id
  • manifest_verify_info
    • /*
    • /ro.device.*
    • /ro.config.*
    • /ro.product.*
    • /ro.symbol.*
    • /ro.boot.device.*
    • /min_sdk
  • bt_mac
  • persist.sys.reboot_count
  • wifi_mac
  • wifi_ap_mac
  • wifi_ssid
  • ethernet_mac
  • ro.bluetooth.bt_filter (Qurvo BT chipset only)

* Wildcard supported for adb shell commands; exact API values vary by device

To retrieve peripheral information (for example an Ethernet or Wi-Fi MAC address), the peripheral must be connected to and/or enabled on the device.

Acquire Software Info

The API values below match those of Android system properties.


  • content://oem_info/


  • ro.device.patch.version
  • persist.sys.cfe.patchver
  • ro.crypto.type
  • persist.vendor.sys.touch_mode
  • persist.sys.touch_mode
  • zdm_version
  • mx_version

Varies by Android version

Acquire WAN Info

The API values below match those of Android system properties. To retrieve information about the cellular provider, subscriber ID or WWAN circuitry in use on a device, a SIM and/or corresponding circuitry must be installed and/or enabled on the device.


  • content://oem_info/wan/


The following APIs can be used with the URI above to return the information described below.

  • eid - Embedded Identity Document (EID) unique to each eSIM
  • imei - International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) unique to each mobile phone SIM slot
  • telephony_sim_operator - Mobile country code and mobile network code (MCCMNC) of the SIM's mobile service provider. Learn more.


  • content://


The following APIs can be used with the URI above to return the information described below.

  • AllESIMProfilesInfo1 – The eSIM profile information of all the eSIM profiles* associated with the first slot; returned as a JSON-formatted string
  • AllESIMProfilesInfo2 - The eSIM profile information of all the eSIM profiles* associated with the second slot; returned as a JSON-formatted string
  • CarrierName1 – Carrier name associated with the SIM in the first SIM slot
  • CarrierName2 - Carrier name associated with the SIM in the second SIM slot
  • Eid1 - EID for the eSIM installed in the first SIM slot
  • Eid2 - EID for the eSIM installed in the second SIM slot (if device is so equipped)†
  • Iccid1 - Integrated Circuit Card Identification (ICCID) information (a unique identifier for SIM and other circuit cards) associated with the SIM card in the first SIM slot
  • Iccid2- ICCID information associated with the SIM card in the second SIM slot (if device is so equipped)†
  • Imei1 - IMEI information for the first SIM slot
  • Imei2 - IMEI information for the second SIM slot (if device is so equipped)†
  • Imsi1 - International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) (a unique number that identifies each user of a cellular network) associated with the SIM card in the first SIM slot
  • Imsi2 - IMSI information associated with the SIM card in the second SIM slot (if device is so equipped)†
  • PreferredAPN - The access point name (APN) currently set by the device user or the network provider for the device's data connection. Returns a JSON-formatted string containing the APN, MCC, MNC, NAME, TYPE, MVNO_TYPE and MVNO_MATCH_DATA.
  • SimState1 – State of the SIM card in the first slot
    Possible values:
    • “Present”
    • “Absent”
    • “Unknown”
    • “Card Restricted”
    • “Card I/O Error”
  • SimState2 – State of the SIM card in the second slot (if device is so equipped)†
    Possible values:
    • “Present”
    • “Absent”
    • “Unknown”
    • “Card Restricted”
    • “Card I/O Error”
* The JSON object element is repeated based on the number of eSIM profiles available on the respective eSIM chip. For example, if there are five eSIM profiles, there must also be five such JSON object elements for each profile. eSIM ICCID and eSIM IMSI are not guaranteed to be available for all profiles; some such profiles can have an empty string.
† Queries of a slot not present in the device return an empty string.

Acquire OS Update Info

The process for acquiring the device OS varies slightly from others. The APIs below are defined by Zebra.


  • content://oem_info/oem.zebra.osupdate/


  • detail: Verbose text describing the status
  • ts: Returns an epoch timestamp indicating when the intent was received
  1. Get the AUTHORITY, PROVIDER and API using the following Java code:

    String OSU_URI = “content://oem_info/oem.zebra.osupdate”;
    // APIs
    String OSU_STATUS = “status”; 
    String OSU_DETAIL = “detail”;
    String OSU_TS = “ts”;
  2. Get the data (in this case the device OS update info) by parsing the string using Android cursor query methods implemented in the following Java code:

            // Prepare the URI
            public void getData() {
                final Uri myUri = Uri.parse(OSU_URI);
                new UpdateAsync().execute(myUri.toString());
        // Always query for data in Async task or background thread
            class UpdateAsync extends AsyncTask&lt;String,Void,Cursor&gt; {
            private String myUri;
        protected Cursor doInBackground(String... args) {
            myUri = args[0];
            // Query the content provider
            ContentResolver cr = getContentResolver();
            Cursor cursor = cr.query(Uri.parse(myUri),
                            null, null, null, null);
            // Read the cursor
            While (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            String status = cursor.getString(
            String detail = cursor.getString(
            String time = cursor.getString(
            Log.i(TAG, "STATUS : " + status + “, DETAIL : ” + detail
                + “, TIME : ” + time);
        return cursor;


Data acquired through the OEMinfo content provider is subject to the rules and behavior listed below.

  • With the exception of OS Update events, OEMinfo does NOT read system properties that can change at runtime.
  • OEMinfo reads system properties only after being signaled by the BOOT_COMPLETE event.
    • After receiving BOOT_COMPLETE, OEMinfo queries selected system properties and refreshes the content provider. This generally takes a few seconds, but a delay of about one minute is typical before results of an OS Update are published to the ZDPI.
    • If an app queries OEMinfo too soon after reboot, some URIs might return "stale" data, posing a potential issue for non-static values.
  • OEMinfo requires extra time populate the content provider database when device data is wiped after an Enterprise Reset, Factory Reset or other erasure event.
    • Zebra recommends registering apps with a content observer on the URI to receive a callback whenever new data is available to avoid issues relating to stale or missing data due to re-population delays.
  • OEMinfo is “System UID” and platform-signed, and is therefore subject to platform permissions and SELinux restrictions across Android versions and devices.
    • The same set of system properties might not be readable on all devices.
    • System properties might become restricted, removed or added after an OS update.

Also See

Android Developer Docs

Articles by Zebra Engineers