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FileUtilLinkOsStoreFileOnPrinter(Byte, String) Method

Stores a file on the printer named fileNameOnPrinter with the file contents from fileContents using any required file wrappers.

Namespace: Zebra.Sdk.Device
Assembly: SdkApi.Core (in SdkApi.Core.dll) Version: 3.0.3271
void StoreFileOnPrinter(
	byte[] fileContents,
	string fileNameOnPrinter


fileContents  Byte
The contents of the file to store.
fileNameOnPrinter  String
The full name of the file on the printer (e.g "R:SAMPLE.ZPL").
ConnectionExceptionIf there is an error connecting to the device.
ZebraIllegalArgumentExceptionIf fileNameOnPrinter is not a legal printer file name.
If the fileContents contains any commands which need to be processed by the printer, use SendFileContents(String) instead. These commands include download commands and any immediate commands(~CC, ~CD, ~DB, ~DE, ~DG, ~DY, ~EG, ~HI, ~HU, ~HM, ~HQ, ~HS, ~JA, ~JB, ~JC, ~JD, ~JE, ~JF, ~JG, ~JI, ~JL, ~JN, ~JO, ~JP, ~JQ, ~JR, ~JS, ~JX, ~NC, ~NT, ~PL, ~PP, ~PR, ~PS, ~RO, ~SD, ~TA, ~WC, ~WQ, ^DF)

The name cannot be longer than 16.3 characters (16 for the file name and 3 for the extension). If it is already being used, it will overwrite the existing file.

See Also