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UsbConnection Class

Establishes an Androidâ„¢ USB connection to an attached Zebra USB printer.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Zebra.Sdk.Comm
Assemblies:  ZebraPrinterSdk (in ZebraPrinterSdk.dll) Version: 3.0.3271
  SdkApi.Desktop (in SdkApi.Desktop.dll) Version: 3.0.3271
public class UsbConnection : ConnectionA

The UsbConnection type exposes the following members.

Public methodUsbConnection(String) Initializes a new instance of the UsbConnection class.
Public methodUsbConnection(UsbManager, UsbDevice) Creates a new UsbConnection.
Public methodUsbConnection(String, Int32, Int32) Initializes a new instance of the UsbConnection class.
Public methodUsbConnection(UsbManager, UsbDevice, Int32, Int32) Creates a new UsbConnection.
Public propertyConnected Returns true if the connection is open.
(Inherited from ConnectionA)
Public propertyDeviceName Returns the USB device name.
Public propertyManager Returns the UsbManager object.
Public propertyManufacturer
(Overrides ConnectionA.Manufacturer)
Public propertyMaxDataToWrite Gets or sets the maximum number of bytes to write at one time
(Inherited from ConnectionA)
Public propertyMaxTimeoutForRead Gets or sets the maximum time, in milliseconds, to wait for any data to be received.
(Inherited from ConnectionA)
Public propertyMaxTimeoutForRead Gets or sets the maximum time, in milliseconds, to wait for any data to be received.
(Overrides ConnectionA.MaxTimeoutForRead)
Public propertyMultipartTimeToWaitAfterSend
(Inherited from ConnectionA)
Public propertyPermissionRequestor Gets/sets the UsbPermissionRequestor instance.
Public propertySerialNumber Returns the serial number of the printer.
Public propertySimpleConnectionName Gets a human-readable description of the connection.
(Overrides ConnectionA.SimpleConnectionName)
Public propertyTimeToWaitForMoreData Gets or sets the maximum time, in milliseconds, to wait in-between reads after the initial read.
(Inherited from ConnectionA)
Public methodAddWriteLogStream Sets the stream to log the write data to.
(Inherited from ConnectionA)
Public methodBytesAvailable() Returns an estimate of the number of bytes that can be read from this connection without blocking.
(Inherited from ConnectionA)
Public methodBytesAvailable() Returns number of bytes currently read from printer.
(Overrides ConnectionA.BytesAvailable())
Public methodClose() Closes this connection and releases any system resources associated with the connection.
(Inherited from ConnectionA)
Public methodClose() Closes this connection and releases any system resources associated with the connection.
(Overrides ConnectionA.Close())
Public methodEquals
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetConnectionReestablisher Returns a ConnectionReestablisher which allows for easy recreation of a connection which may have been closed.
(Overrides ConnectionA.GetConnectionReestablisher(Int64))
Public methodGetHashCode
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetType
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodOpen() Opens the connection to a device.
(Inherited from ConnectionA)
Public methodOpen() Opens the connection to a device.
(Overrides ConnectionA.Open())
Public methodRead() Reads all the available data from the connection. This call is non-blocking.
(Inherited from ConnectionA)
Public methodRead(BinaryWriter) Reads all the available data from the connection.
(Inherited from ConnectionA)
Public methodRead(Int32)
(Overrides ConnectionA.Read(Int32))
Public methodRead(Int32, Boolean) Reads maxBytesToRead of the available data from the connection.
(Inherited from ConnectionA)
Public methodReadChar() Reads the next byte of data from the connection.
(Inherited from ConnectionA)
Public methodReadChar() Reads the next byte of data from the connection.
(Overrides ConnectionA.ReadChar())
Public methodSendAndWaitForResponse(Byte[], Int32, Int32, String) Sends dataToSend and returns the response data.
(Inherited from ConnectionA)
Public methodSendAndWaitForResponse(BinaryWriter, BinaryReader, Int32, Int32, String) Sends data from sourceStream and writes the response data to destinationStream.
(Inherited from ConnectionA)
Public methodSendAndWaitForValidResponse(Byte[], Int32, Int32, ResponseValidator) Sends dataToSend and returns the response data.
(Inherited from ConnectionA)
Public methodSendAndWaitForValidResponse(BinaryWriter, BinaryReader, Int32, Int32, ResponseValidator) Sends data from sourceStream and writes the response data to destinationStream.
(Inherited from ConnectionA)
Public methodSetReadTimeout Sets the underlying read timeout value.
(Inherited from ConnectionA)
Public methodToString The USB device name is obtained from the device when this connection is opened.
(Overrides ConnectionA.ToString())
Public methodWaitForData Causes the currently executing thread to sleep until BytesAvailable() > 0, or for a maximum of maxTimeout milliseconds.
(Inherited from ConnectionA)
Public methodWrite(BinaryReader) Writes all available bytes from the data source to this output stream.
(Inherited from ConnectionA)
Public methodWrite(Byte[]) Writes data.Length bytes from the specified byte array to this output stream.
(Inherited from ConnectionA)
Public methodWrite(Byte[]) Writes data.Length bytes from the specified byte array to this output stream.
(Overrides ConnectionA.Write(Byte[]))
Public methodWrite(Byte[], Int32, Int32) Writes length bytes from data starting at offset.
(Overrides ConnectionA.Write(Byte[], Int32, Int32))
See Also