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Device Interface

An interface used to control and obtain various properties of a device.

Namespace: Zebra.Sdk.Device
Assembly: SdkApi.Core (in SdkApi.Core.dll) Version: 3.0.3271
public interface Device : SettingsProvider

The Device type exposes the following members.

Public methodGetAllSettings Retrieve all settings and their attributes.
(Inherited from SettingsProvider)
Public methodGetAllSettingValues Retrieves all of the device's setting values.
(Inherited from SettingsProvider)
Public methodGetAvailableSettings Retrieve all of the setting identifiers for a device.
(Inherited from SettingsProvider)
Public methodGetSettingRange Retrieves the allowable range for a setting.
(Inherited from SettingsProvider)
Public methodGetSettingsValues Retrieves the device's setting values for a list of setting IDs.
(Inherited from SettingsProvider)
Public methodGetSettingType Returns the data type of the setting.
(Inherited from SettingsProvider)
Public methodGetSettingValue Retrieves the device's setting value for a setting id.
(Inherited from SettingsProvider)
Public methodIsSettingReadOnly Returns true if the setting is read only.
(Inherited from SettingsProvider)
Public methodIsSettingValid Returns true if value is valid for the given setting.
(Inherited from SettingsProvider)
Public methodIsSettingWriteOnly Returns true if the setting is write only.
(Inherited from SettingsProvider)
Public methodProcessSettingsViaMap Change or retrieve printer settings.
(Inherited from SettingsProvider)
Public methodSetSetting Sets the setting to the given value.
(Inherited from SettingsProvider)
Public methodSetSettings Set more than one setting.
(Inherited from SettingsProvider)
See Also