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MultichannelTcpConnection Methods

The MultichannelTcpConnection type exposes the following members.

  Name Description
Public method AddWriteLogStream Sets the stream to log the write data to.
(Inherited from MultichannelConnection)
Public method BytesAvailable Returns an estimate of the number of bytes that can be read from this connection without blocking.
(Inherited from MultichannelConnection)
Public method Close Closes both the printing and status channels of this MultichannelConnection.
(Inherited from MultichannelConnection)
Public method ClosePrintingChannel Closes the printing channel of this MultichannelConnection.
(Inherited from MultichannelConnection)
Public method CloseStatusChannel Closes the status channel of this MultichannelConnection.
(Inherited from MultichannelConnection)
Public method Equals
(Inherited from Object)
Public method GetConnectionReestablisher Returns a ConnectionReestablisher which allows for easy recreation of a connection which may have been closed.
(Overrides MultichannelConnectionGetConnectionReestablisher(Int64))
Public method GetHashCode
(Inherited from Object)
Public method GetType
(Inherited from Object)
Public method Open Opens both the printing and status channel of this Multichannel connection.
(Inherited from MultichannelConnection)
Public method OpenPrintingChannel Opens the printing channel of this Multichannel connection.
(Inherited from MultichannelConnection)
Public method OpenStatusChannel Opens the status channel of this Multichannel connection.
(Inherited from MultichannelConnection)
Public method Read Reads all the available data from the connection. This call is non-blocking.
(Inherited from MultichannelConnection)
Public method Read(BinaryWriter) Reads all the available data from the connection.
(Inherited from MultichannelConnection)
Public method ReadChar Reads the next byte of data from the connection.
(Inherited from MultichannelConnection)
Public method SendAndWaitForResponse(Byte, Int32, Int32, String) Sends dataToSend and returns the response data.
(Inherited from MultichannelConnection)
Public method SendAndWaitForResponse(BinaryWriter, BinaryReader, Int32, Int32, String) Sends data from sourceStream and writes the response data to destinationStream.
(Inherited from MultichannelConnection)
Public method SendAndWaitForValidResponse(Byte, Int32, Int32, ResponseValidator) Sends dataToSend and returns the response data.
(Inherited from MultichannelConnection)
Public method SendAndWaitForValidResponse(BinaryWriter, BinaryReader, Int32, Int32, ResponseValidator) Sends data from sourceStream and writes the response data to destinationStream.
(Inherited from MultichannelConnection)
Public method ToString The Address, PrintingPort, and StatusPort are the parameters which were passed into the constructor.
(Overrides ObjectToString)
Public method WaitForData Causes the currently executing thread to sleep until BytesAvailable > 0, or for a maximum of maxTimeout milliseconds.
(Inherited from MultichannelConnection)
Public method Write(BinaryReader) Writes all available bytes from the data source to this output stream.
(Inherited from MultichannelConnection)
Public method Write(Byte) Writes data.Length bytes from the specified byte array to this output stream.
(Inherited from MultichannelConnection)
Public method Write(Byte, Int32, Int32) Writes length bytes from data starting at offset.
(Inherited from MultichannelConnection)
See Also