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NetworkDiscoverer Methods

The NetworkDiscoverer type exposes the following members.

  Name Description
Public method Static member DirectedBroadcast(DiscoveryHandler, String) Sends a directed broadcast discovery packet to the subnet specified by ipAddress.
Public method Static member DirectedBroadcast(DiscoveryHandler, String, Int32) Sends a directed broadcast discovery packet to the subnet specified by ipAddress.
Public method Equals
(Inherited from Object)
Public method Static member FindPrinters(DiscoveryHandler) This method will search the network using a combination of discovery methods to find printers on the network.
Public method Static member FindPrinters(DiscoveryHandler, List<String> ) Sends a discovery request to the list of printer DNS names or IPs in printersToFind.
Public method Static member FindPrinters(DiscoveryHandler, List<String> , Int32) Sends a discovery request to the list of printer DNS names or IPs in printersToFind.
Public method GetHashCode
(Inherited from Object)
Public method GetType
(Inherited from Object)
Public method Static member LocalBroadcast(DiscoveryHandler) Sends a local broadcast packet.
Public method Static member LocalBroadcast(DiscoveryHandler, Int32) Sends a local broadcast packet.
Public method Static member Multicast(DiscoveryHandler, Int32) Sends a multicast discovery packet.
Public method Static member Multicast(DiscoveryHandler, Int32, Int32) Sends a multicast discovery packet.
Public method Static member SubnetSearch(DiscoveryHandler, String) Sends a discovery packet to the IPs specified in the subnetRange.
Public method Static member SubnetSearch(DiscoveryHandler, String, Int32) Sends a discovery packet to the IPs specified in the subnetRange.
Public method ToString
(Inherited from Object)
See Also