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SettingsValuesSetValues Method

Set each of the settings in settingValues on a printer.

Namespace: Zebra.Sdk.Settings
Assembly: SdkApi.Core (in SdkApi.Core.dll) Version: 3.0.3271
public Dictionary<string, string> SetValues(
	Dictionary<string, string> settingValues,
	Connection printerConnection,
	PrinterLanguage printerLanguage,
	LinkOsInformation version


settingValues  DictionaryString, String
Map from setting names to desired values.
printerConnection  Connection
A connection to the printer.
printerLanguage  PrinterLanguage
The printer control language for the connection.
version  LinkOsInformation
The LinkOS version information.

Return Value

DictionaryString, String
A map from setting name to value.
ConnectionExceptionIf it was not possible to communicate with the printer.
Use either JSON or SGD set commands to set the values on the printer, depending on the connection type and the printer language.The default timeout values from the connection will be used when communicating with the printer.If printerConnection is a MultichannelConnection, prefer the status channel.
See Also