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JobUtil Methods

The JobUtil type exposes the following members.

Public methodCancel
Cancels all jobs or a specific job.
Public methodDestroy
Clean up all the resources and stop any running threads.
Public methodEjectCard
Sends the card to the eject bin.
Public methodGetJobList
Returns a list of all the current jobs in the printer's queue.
Public methodGetJobStatus
Returns the job status for the specified jobId.
Public methodCode exampleMagEncode
Encodes a magnetic card for the current job.
Public methodPositionCard
Moves a card from the specified source to the specified destination.
Public methodCode examplePrint
Prints a card.
Public methodCode examplePrintAndMagEncode
Writes the magnetic encoding data and prints a card.
Public methodCode examplePrintTemplate
Prints a card from the provided templatejobData.
Public methodReadMagData(DataSource)
Reads the data from a magnetically encoded card.
Public methodCode exampleReadMagData(DataSource, Boolean)
Reads the data from a magnetically encoded card.
Public methodReprint
Reprints the last rendered job.
Public methodResume
Resumes the processing of a held job such as a smart card encoding job.
Public methodCode exampleSmartCardEncode
Positions a card at the smart card station, suspends the job to allow the card to be read or encoded, and waits for Resume to be called before completing the job.
See Also