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JobUtilZmotif Methods

The JobUtilZmotif type exposes the following members.

Public methodAbort
Aborts a print job.
Public methodGetReservationStatus
Queries the printer and returns the current status of the printer from the supplied reservation token.
Public methodGetTestPrintImageNames
Queries the printer and returns a list of available test print image names.
Public methodPrintTestCard(String)
Prints the specified test image.
Public methodPrintTestCard(Byte, Int32, Boolean)
Prints the specified test image.
Public methodReadBarcodeData
Sends a job to the printer to scan and return the barcode data from a card.
Public methodReject
Rejects a card from the printer's home position.
Public methodReleaseDeviceReservation
Releases the reservation session associated with the reservationToken.
Public methodReserveDevice
Requests a reservation to a shared printer.
Public methodRetrySmartCard
Repositions a smart card that is already present at the encoder.
See Also