class | BluetoothDiscoverer |
| A class that discovers Bluetooth® devices. More...
class | BluetoothDiscovererImplementation |
| The implementation class that discovers Bluetooth� devices. More...
class | Connection |
| A connection to a device. More...
class | ConnectionBuilder |
| Builds a Connection from a description string. The description string is used to specify a connection to a specific device over TCP or Bluetooth. More...
class | ConnectionBuilderImplementation |
| The OS specific implementation of IConnectionBuilder More...
class | ConnectionImplementation |
| The OS specific implementation of an IConnection More...
class | DiscoveredPrinter |
| Container holding information about a discovered printer. More...
class | DiscoveredPrinterBluetoothImplementation |
| An OS specific instance of IDiscoveredPrinter that is returned when performing a bluetooth discovery. More...
class | DiscoveredPrinterImplementation |
| The OS specific implementation of an IDiscoveredPrinter More...
class | DiscoveredPrinterNetworkImplementation |
| An OS specific instance of IDiscoveredPrinter that is returned when performing a network discovery. More...
class | DiscoveryHandler |
| Class to provide printer discovery events More...
class | FieldDescription |
| This class is used to describe format variable fields. More...
class | NetworkDiscoverer |
| A class used to discover printers on an IP Network. More...
class | NetworkDiscovererImplementation |
| The OS specific implementation of an INetworkDiscoverer More...
class | PrinterStatus |
| A class used to obtain the status of a Zebra printer. More...
class | PrinterStatusImplementation |
| The OS specific implementation of an IPrinterStatus More...
class | PrinterUtil |
| Numerous utilities to simplify printer operations More...
class | UsbDiscoverer |
| Discovers Zebra printers connected to an Android™ device via USB Host More...
class | ZebraPrinter |
| A genaric class used to obtain various properties of a Zebra printer. More...
class | ZebraPrinterFactory |
| A factory used to acquire an instance of a ZebraPrinter. More...
class | ZebraPrinterFactoryImplementation |
| The OS specific implementation of an IZebraPrinterFactory More...
class | ZebraPrinterImplementation |
| The OS specific implementation of an IZebraPrinter More...