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ZebraP12InfoGetEncryptedPrivateKeyContent Method (String, String)

Get the encrypted private key content.

Namespace:  Zebra.Sdk.Certificate
Assembly:  SdkApi_Core (in SdkApi_Core.dll) Version: 2.13.898
public string GetEncryptedPrivateKeyContent(
	string alias,
	string passwordToEncryptKey


Type: SystemString
The alias name of the specific entry to extract from the certificate file.
Type: SystemString
The password used to encrypt the resulting private key.

Return Value

Type: String
The encrypted private key in PEM format.
ZebraCertificateExceptionIf the provided alias does not exist, certificate password is incorrect, or private key content is corrupt.
The resulting content can be stored to a printer for use with wireless security. Note: Any printer using the generated private key must also be configured to use the provided password to encrypt the private key. Send the following command to the printer to configure it to use a private key encryption password: ! U1 setvar "wlan.private_key_password" "value".
See Also