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<ToolsUtil> Protocol Referenceabstract

This is a utility class for performing printer actions. More...

#import <ToolsUtil.h>

Instance Methods

(BOOL) - calibrate:
 Sends the appropriate calibrate command to the printer.
(BOOL) - restoreDefaults:
 Sends the appropriate restore defaults command to the printer.
(BOOL) - printConfigurationLabel:
 Sends the appropriate print configuration command to the printer.
(BOOL) - sendCommand:error:
 Sends the specified command to the printer.
(BOOL) - reset:
 Sends the appropriate reset command to the printer.

Detailed Description

This is a utility class for performing printer actions.

(Restore defaults, calibrate, etc.).

Method Documentation

- (BOOL) calibrate: (NSError **)  error

Sends the appropriate calibrate command to the printer.

errorWill be set to the error that occured.
- (BOOL) printConfigurationLabel: (NSError **)  error

Sends the appropriate print configuration command to the printer.

errorWill be set to the error that occured.
- (BOOL) reset: (NSError **)  error

Sends the appropriate reset command to the printer.

Note: You should call close (ZebraPrinterConnection-p) after this method, as resetting the printer will terminate the connection.

errorWill be set to the error that occured.
- (BOOL) restoreDefaults: (NSError **)  error

Sends the appropriate restore defaults command to the printer.

errorWill be set to the error that occured.
- (BOOL) sendCommand: (NSString *)  command
error: (NSError **)  error 

Sends the specified command to the printer.

commandThe command to send to the printer.
errorWill be set to the error that occured.

The documentation for this protocol was generated from the following file: