Enterprise Browser Licensing

Enterprise Browser 5.0


Commercial deployment to devices requires an End-User License (also known as an "Activation ID" or AID) issued by Zebra Technologies for each device. Licenses are available for one-, three- and five-year terms, a 90-day trial period, or for perpetual usage. All license types permit an unlimited number of Enterprise Browser-based apps to run on each licensed device. This guide explains the process of obtaining an Enterprise Browser license for commercial use and applying the license(s) to individual devices or as part of a mass-deployment. A given license key can be activated on any number of devices up to the total quantity of licenses purchased, as explained below.

Important Licensing Information

  • Licenses for Enterprise Browser 3.0.6 (and later) and the MDNA bundle can be activated using single Activation ID.
  • Enterprise Browser 3.0 and later supports term-based (subscription) licensing with one-, three- and five-year terms available for purchase. A 90-day trial term also is available (a 30-day evaluation term comes preinstalled with every EB 3.0 download).
  • An “unlicensed software” reminder appears on devices every four hours beginning one month before the end of all non-evaluation terms. After expiration, the prompt appears every five minutes until an EB license is applied.
  • Perpetual licenses remain in effect. Read more about perpetual licenses.
  • Important PS20 Information:
    • Upgrading to Enterprise Browser 3.0 on the PS20 requires purchase of a new license.
      To upgrade, EB 3.x must be downloaded and installed separately and an EB 2.x or 3.x license purchased and applied.
    • PS20s running Android 11 (or later) require Enterprise Browser (or later)
    • PS20s running Android 10 must upgrade to Android 11 to run EB (or later)
    • Use the May 2022 LifeGuard update† to avoid additional EB licensing requirements
  • Upgrading from EB 1.x to EB 2.0 (or higher) requires licenses on all devices to be converted to the new licensing model.
    Need help with license migration? See License Migration FAQs.
  • Only Android and Windows CE7 devices support cloud-based license deployment.
  • Licensed apps running on EB 1.8 (and older) are unaffected; existing licenses remain valid.

† Enterprise Browser must be reinstalled following the May 2022 LifeGuard update.

Also see the Zebra Licensing Portal for more information.

NOTE: Date formats vary between the License Manager app (MM/DD/YY) and EB user interface (DD/MM/YYYY).


ALL THREE of the following are required to activate EB license(s):

  1. One or more license keys (aka Activation IDs or Feature names) purchased for EB 2.0 (or higher) software
  2. One or more supported Zebra device(s) with the correct License Manager app installed:
       Android: License Manager 3.1.1 or higher (pre-installed on supported devices)
  3. One of the following server connections:
       An internet connection for online activation (Android and/or CE7 only) OR
       Linux or Windows server (for off-line activation of any supported device)

NOTE: Only Android and Windows CE7 devices support license deployment from a cloud-based server.

Common Criteria

Some Zebra devices are compatible with Common Criteria for IT Security Evaluation, a standard for certifying the security of computing devices and systems. When in the so-called "CC state" of heightened security, such Zebra mobile and touch computers are blocked from use of external storage and other features. Learn more.

I. Contact a Reseller

The first step in obtaining a license is to engage with Zebra or a Zebra reseller.

1. Visit Zebra's Enterprise Browser Product Page and select one of the methods for contacting Zebra directly or engaging with a reseller or partner.

2. Alternatively, select one of the following Zebra resources:

II. Access Licensing System

After a licensing agreement is purchased from Zebra or a Zebra reseller, an email is sent to the license requester containing user credentials for accessing the Zebra Enterprise Software Licensing system.

Visit the Zebra licensing support page, register and log into the portal to:

  • Order licenses
  • Check status of existing orders
  • Assign licenses to devices or deployments
  • View inventory and assignments of current licenses

Available License Types

  • Perpetual License (never expires)
  • Trial License (90-day evaluation period)
  • Term-based License:
    • 5-year term
    • 3-year term
    • 1-year term
  • These licenses can be activated using Activation IDs or one of the following Feature Names:
    • eb-feature-android (Perpetual licenses)
    • eb-feature-android-eval (Trial licenses)
    • eb-feature-android-subs (Term-based licenses)

An “unlicensed software” reminder appears on devices every four hours beginning one month before the end of all non-evaluation terms. After expiration, the prompt appears every five minutes until an EB license is applied. A 30-day term is included with every EB download.

About Perpetual Licenses

  • Upgrades to EB 3.x are provided at no charge for all EB 2.x perpetual licenses covered under an Active Zebra OneCare™ Software Maintenance Agreement.
  • The same Activation ID (license key) can be used for EB 2.x or EB 3.x (For EB 3.0, a new .apk must be deployed).
  • Customers not under maintenance can purchase Zebra OneCare™ for their EB 2.x licenses and access EB 3.x software at no extra charge.
  • Customers purchasing a maintenance agreement for their perpetual EB 2.x license get access to the EB 3.x perpetual license through the Zebra Software Library portal.

Common Criteria

Some Zebra devices are compatible with Common Criteria for IT Security Evaluation, a standard for certifying the security of computing devices and systems. When in the so-called "CC state" of heightened security, such Zebra mobile and touch computers are blocked from use of external storage and other features. Learn more.

III. Manually Assign License

This section describes the process for activating a license on a single device running Android. To remotely activate multiple licenses for an entire organization, see the Mass Deployment section of this guide.

License Source Types

  • Cloud-based server (internet connection required)
  • Local server (on customer premises)

Connectivity Options

  • Production Cloud Direct - License Manager maps automatically to web-based Zebra Licensing Server to activate licenses; no server configuration required.
  • Production Cloud Through Proxy - License Manager maps automatically to web-based Zebra Licensing Server through customer's on-premise proxy server. Requires configuration of proxy server settings.
  • Custom Cloud - Reserved for future use.
  • Test Cloud Direct - For Zebra internal use only.
  • Test Cloud Through Proxy - For Zebra internal use only.


  • Confirm that the clock is set correctly on the device to ensure proper license-application behavior.
  • License-key barcodes are not provided by Zebra; they can be created by the licensee to ease the activation process. Keys also can be typed in manually.

To activate license(s), please refer to the License Manager User Guide "License Activation" section for further instructions.

Off-line Licensing

License Manager provides a Local License Server option, enabling organizations to employ an on-premise server to distribute licenses to devices without access to the internet. This option requires software installed on a company's own IP-based Linux or Windows server in advance of license distribution to devices.

For more information, including hardware requirements and setup instructions, download the appropriate Local License Server Administration Guide from the Zebra License Management support portal page.

Also see the License Manager User Guide.


  • To use StageNow to persist license keys on the device following an Enterprise Reset:
    • All License Manager and Persist Manager steps MUST be stored in a SINGLE PROFILE.
    • WLAN settings MUST be configured BEFORE license activation steps in the Profile.
    • Keys MUST be stored in the /enterprise/usr folder on the device.

From a Local Server

Before Beginning

  • Install and configure Local License Server according to the relevant admin guide.
  • Acquire a .BIN file containing licenses (Activation IDs) from Zebra License Server for all devices to be licensed.
  • Ensure target devices are connected to the Local Licensing Server.

To install licenses from a local server:

  1. In the Licensing app, select Local Server from the License Source drop-down.
    A screen appears as below: Click image to enlarge; ESC to exit.
  2. Enter the server URL, provide a name and tap SUBMIT.
  3. Enter or scan the license key for the device.
    Then Tap Activate. Click image to enlarge; ESC to exit.

Successful license activation is indicated by a screen similar to the image below:

Click image to enlarge; ESC to exit.

From Preactivated License Keys


  • Preactivated licenses are valid only on the day they are generated.
  • If multiple preactivated licenses are generated, they must be applied in the same order as generated.
  • Preactivated licenses must be applied before all other license actions.
  • If combining the application of Activation IDs and preactivated licenses in the same configuration Profile, preactivated licenses must be applied first.

Before Beginning

  • Acquire a .BIN file containing licenses (Activation IDs) from Zebra License Server for all devices to be licensed.

To install licenses from preactivated keys

  1. Push preactivated license keys (as .BIN files) to device(s).
  2. In the Licensing app, select Preactivated from the License Source drop-down.
    Click image to enlarge; ESC to exit.
  3. Navigate to the file on the device, select it and tap ACTIVATE.
    Click image to enlarge; ESC to exit.
  4. Confirm successful license activation by a screen similar to the image below: Click image to enlarge; ESC to exit.

The device is now licensed to use Enterprise Browser.

Mass Deployment

Mass-deployment of Enterprise Browser device licenses requires use of an Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) system and/or Zebra StageNow tools and its License Manager Setting Type.


  • The procedures described below include only those for deploying and activating licenses for EB 2.0 (or later). They DO NOT include the purchase process for license activation IDs nor configuration of the network and device clock settings, which are required to download the app and properly apply the license(s).
  • To set license keys to remain on the device following an Enterprise Reset, keys MUST be stored in the /enterprise/usr folder on the device and in a single Profile activated using License Manager and preserved using Persist Manager.


  • Profiles for correctly configuring device clock and network settings
  • Software License key(s) (aka Activation IDs)
  • All necessary EB 2.x application (binary) files

Zebra recommends testing any new Profile on a working device before general deployment.

To create the licensing portion of a StageNow Profile:

  1. Launch StageNow and select “Create new Profile" from the left-hand pane.
    The "Select a Wizard" dialog box appears.

  2. Select MX version to match device, click "Xpert Mode" and click the "Create" button.

  3. Enter a Profile name and click "Start" button.

  4. Single-click LicenseMgr (scroll down if necessary); then click "Update" button.

  5. Under "License action type:" select “Perform Zebra license action.” Additional options appear: Click image to enlarge; ESC to exit.

  6. Set the parameters as required to activate the license:
    a. For cloud-based licensing:
    Zebra recommends this option for the best device visibility from the licensing portal:

    • Zebra license action: Activate AID -> select "Use one of the Zebra Licensing cloud options"
    • Cloud Source: "Use the Zebra licensing Production Cloud"
    • Enter the AID and quantity. Select "Continue"

    b. For local (on-premise) licensing:
    Best for fire-walled networks or those lacking internet access:

    • Zebra license action: Activate AID -> select "Use a local license server option"
    • Enter the URL, friendly name, AID and quantity
    • Select Continue
  7. To persist license key(s) on the device following an Enterprise Reset:
    a. Download(†) and save key(s) as .BIN file(s) to /enterprise/usr folder on the device
    b. From a single Profile:

    • Activate key(s) using License Manager (licensing method="reference a preactivated license file already on the mobile device")
    • Preserve settings using Persist Manager
  8. Complete Profile creation and scan the staging barcode

  9. Confirm that the Profile successfully licensed the device:
    a. Launch the License Manager app on the device; activated license should be visible
    b. Alternatively, launch EB 2.0 on the device and view licensing status on splash screen
    c. Quantity of available licenses visible on the licensing portal should decrease by the number of licenses deployed. A list of device IDs also is visible there

(†) To download a License key as a .BIN file from the Zebra Licensing Portal, select "Download Capability Response" from the Device Action menu. Each .BIN file contains a license for a specific device.

Also see related guides.

License Transfer

Enterprise Browser supports the transfer of licenses from one device to another if the device licenses were originally activated using a cloud-based or local licensing server. This is done by returning the activated license(s) to the pool (using License Action "Return") and activating them on new device(s).

See the License Manager section of Zebra's StageNow tool for details.


On Android devices, License Manager activities are captured in adb and RXLogger log files.

Notes and FAQ

The following notes are derived from frequently asked questions about device licensing and apply to most licensing scenarios.

  • Licenses erased by a Factory Reset can be reissued to the same device(s) using the same StageNow Profile and the same License Source (i.e. cloud-based or local server).
  • When ordering additional unit entitlements for an existing site license, include the Activation ID with the order to ensure that the same EMM policy can be used for the additional devices.
  • The fastest way to deploy a trial license on a device is by using the License Manager app and the manual license assignment procedures above.
  • Device licenses can be activated using: