
The Generic Preexisting JavaScript Object contains read only properties and methods which do not belong to a specific module. If you have configured 'PreloadLegacyGeneric' to be '1' the JavaScript object 'generic' will be inserted automatically into your page's DOM by RhoElements.


Generic (Preexisting JavaScript Object) <META> Syntax

generic.Log('Message to be logged', 1);

var myOEM = generic.OEMInfo;


Invokes the specified meta function immediately.
Name: Module Name, Values: String
Description: Module on which to perform the method or apply the property. This would be placed in the 'HTTP-Equiv' part of the Meta tag if it was being parsed on a page.

Name: Content, Values: Method or Property
Description: The method or Property to be applied to the module.

Invokes a user defined type log entry using the standard RhoElements logger component. With this invocation RhoElements will log to either a text file or HTTP as defined in the configuration settings.
Name: Log Entry, Values: String
Description: The string to log.

Name: Severity, Values: 1, 2 or 3
Description: 1 is low severity, 2 is medium severity, 3 is high priority

A boolean value to indicate success or failure or the log operation
Launches a new process which blocks execution until the process terminates. (Not supported on ET1)
Name: FileName to launch, Values: String
Description: Filename of the application to execute

Name: Commandline, Values: String
Description: Optional command line parameters

The return code of the launched process
Launches a new process which does not block execution. (Not supported on ET1)
Name: FileName to launch, Values: String
Description: Filename of the application to execute

Name: Commandline, Values: String
Description: Optional command line parameters

The launched process handle
Closes the handle opened by LaunchProcessNonBlocking. (Not supported on ET1)
Name: Handle To close, Values: object
Description: Handle returned by LaunchProcessNonBlocking

Retrieves the exit code of a previously run LaunchProcessNonBlocking call. (Not supported on ET1)
Name: Handle to Get, Values: object
Description: Process handle returned by previously called LaunchProcessNonBlocking

Return value of the process specified by the process handle
Waits for the process started by LaunchProcessNonBlocking to terminate or it times out. (Not supported on ET1)
Name: Process Handle, Values: object
Description: Handle returned by LaunchProcessNonBlocking

Name: Timeout Value, Values: Seconds
Description: Time to wait before method times out. A value of 0 will return immediately and can be used to determine if the process has completed or not.

True if the process terminated or False if the timeout expired
Configures the specified registry setting on the device. (Not supported on ET1)
Name: Hive, Values: String

Name: Type, Values: String
Description: The type of registry entry (REG_SZ = 1, REG_BINARY = 3, REG_DWORD = 4, REG_MULTI_SZ = 7)

Name: Key, Values: String
Description: The Name of the key to set

Name: Setting, Values: String
Description: The name of the sub key to be set

Name: Setting, Values: String
Description: The string value to be set

Retrieves the specified registry setting. (Not supported on ET1)
Name: Hive, Values: Number

Name: SubKey, Values: String
Description: The name of the sub key to be retrieved

Name: Setting, Values: String
Description: The name of the setting within the sub key

The data held in the specified registry setting
plays the specified WAV file.
Name: Filename, Values: String
Description: The name of the WAV file to play. If the specified file does not exist the default sound will be played unless specified by the flags.

Name: Flags, Values: Number
Description: Flags for playing the file. The flags can be combined, see remarks

A boolean value to indicate success or failure of the operation. Note that synchronous sounds will block until they have finished playing.
reads a setting from the configuration file. (Not supported on ET1)
Name: Setting, Values: See Configuration Settings Help Page
Description: A setting identifier

Name: Application Name, Values: String
Description: The name of the RhoElements application as specified in config.xml. When writing to a global setting this should be omitted or 'GLOBAL' used.

A string which when evaluated creates an array of returned strings.
Writes a setting to the configuration file. Configuration changes will only take effect after RhoElements is re-started. (Not supported on ET1)
Name: Setting, Values: See Configuration Settings Help Page
Description: A setting identifier

Name: Value, Values: String
Description: The value to set.

Name: Application Name, Values: String
Description: The name of the RhoElements application as specified in config.xml. When writing to a global setting this should be omitted or 'GLOBAL' used.

A boolean value to indicate whether or not the write was successful
Reads a custom setting stored in the configuration file. (Not supported on ET1)
Name: Setting, Values: String
Description: The name of the setting to be read

The read value as a string or 'Undefined if the setting can not be found
Writes a custom setting to the configuration file. Configuration changes will only take effect after RhoElements is re-started. (Not supported on ET1)
Name: Setting, Values: String
Description: The name of the setting to be stored

Name: Value, Values: String
Description: The value to write

A boolean value to indicate success or failure of the operation


OEMInfoThe OEM Information string for the terminal
UUIDThe Unique Unit IDentifier for the terminal


Play Flags

Flags are as follows:

0x00000000 = Play synchronously (default all but ET1).  The function returns after the sound event completes. (Not supported on ET1)
0x00000001 = The sound is played asynchronously (default on ET1 device).  To terminate an asynchronously played waveform 
             sound, call PlayWave with strSound set to null.
0x00000002 = No default sound event is used. If the sound cannot be found, PlayWave returns 
             silently without playing the default sound. (Not applicable on ET1)
0x00000008 = The sound plays repeatedly until PlayWave is called again with the strSound parameter 
             set to null. You must also specify the 0x00000001 flag to indicate an asynchronous 
             sound event.
0x00000010 = The specified sound event will yield to another sound event that is already playing. 
             If a sound cannot be played because the resource needed to generate that sound is 
             busy playing another sound, the function immediately returns without playing the 
             requested sound.  If this flag is not specified, PlaySound attempts to stop the 
             currently playing sound so that the device can be used to play the new sound.

Backwards Compatibility

The Generic Preexisting JavaScript Object provides backwards compatibility with code written for PocketBrowser and also supports the syntax below. Because RhoElements inserts the object 'generic' on the page automatically when 'PreloadLegacyGeneric' is configured to be '1' you can not create your own objects by this name, see below:

  //  Old PocketBrowser syntax supported by the Generic Object
  var gen = new ActiveXObject("PocketBrowser.Generic"); 

  //  Note: var generic = new ... will fail because the object already exists on the page.
  gen.Log('My Log Data', 1);


RhoElements Version1.0.0 or above
Supported DevicesAll supported devices
Minimum RequirementsNone.
PersistenceImmediate - These methods are actioned immediately.

HTML/JavaScript Examples

The Following example shows usage of the Generic object:

   //  Log some data as low severity
   generic.Log('Scanner data successfully received',1);
   //  Retrieve the type of terminal
   var myTerminal = generic.OEMInfo;
   //  Retrieve the UUID of the terminal
   var myUUID = generic.UUID;
   //  Play a wave file
   generic.PlayWave('\\windows\\alarm1.wav', 1);

The Following example shows usage of Invoke Meta Function:

   //  Enable the scanner
   generic.InvokeMETAFunction('Scanner', 'Enable');
   //  Configure the Scanner
   generic.InvokeMETAFunction('Scanner', 'all_decoders:disabled; ean8:enabled; Enabled');
   //  Show the signature capture window
   generic.InvokeMETAFunction('SignatureCapture', 'Visibility:Visible');
   //  Show and configure the battery icon
   generic.InvokeMETAFunction('Battery', 'Left:50; Top:50; IconPosition:Bottom; color:#FF0000; visibility:visible');

The Following example shows usage of the Generic object when controlling processes:

   //  Launch CtlPanel (blocking)
   var exitCode1 = generic.LaunchProcess('\\application\\ctlpanel.exe', '');

   //  Launch CtlPanel and see if the user closes it before 5 seconds
   var hProcess = generic.LaunchProcessNonBlocking('\\application\\ctlpanel.exe', '');
   var bRetVal = generic.WaitProcess(hProcess, 5);
   if (bRetVal)
      var exitCode2 = generic.GetProcessExitCode(hProcess);
      alert('Process Ended by User: ' + exitCode2);
      alert('Process Still Running');

The Following example shows usage of the Generic object for interfacing with the registry:

   //  Write a registry setting
   var REG_SZ = 1;
   var szWrittenData = "Fred";
   generic.SetRegistrySetting(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REG_SZ, "Software\\Motorola\\MySettings", "Name", szWrittenData);

   //  Read back the previously written setting
   var szReadData = generic.GetRegistrySetting(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\\Motorola\\MySettings",  "Name");

The Following example shows usage of the Generic object for reading / writing configuration settings:

   //  Read the FULLSCREEN setting and alert it to the user.
   var Ret = generic.ReadConfigSetting("FULLSCREEN");
   eval("var arrRet = "+Ret);

   //  Show an alert with the scrollbar setting for an application named "Menu".
   var Ret = generic.ReadConfigSetting("SCROLLBARSENABLED","Menu");
   eval("var arrRet = "+Ret);

   //  Show an alert for each preload in the application named "Menu".
   var loop;
   var Ret = generic.ReadConfigSetting("PRELOAD","Menu");
   eval("var arrRet = "+Ret);
   for(loop=0;loop < arrRet.length;loop++){

   //  Set fullscreen off in the configuration file.
   var Ret = generic.WriteConfigSetting("FULLSCREEN","0");
    alert("Setting saved and will take place on the next RhoElements re-start");

   //  Turn the scrollbars setting off for the application named "Menu".
   var Ret = generic.WriteConfigSetting("SCROLLBARSENABLED","0","Menu");
    alert("Setting saved and will take place on the next RhoElements re-start");

The Following example shows usage of the Generic object for reading / writing user settings:

   //  Write the string 'red' to the custom setting 'bgcolor'
   var Ret = generic.WriteUserSetting("BgColor","red");
    alert("Custom setting saved");

   //  Retrieve the value we have just written
   var Ret = generic.ReadUserSetting("BgColor");
   alert("background color is "+Ret);