
The History Meta Tag is an action tag used to navigate forward or backward through the page history.


history (META Tag) <META> Syntax

<META HTTP-Equiv="History" content="Back:1">

<META HTTP-Equiv="History-Back" contents="1">

History JavaScript Object Syntax:
By default the JavaScript Object 'history' will exist on the current page and can be used to interact directly with the history.
To Invoke history methods via JavaScript use the following syntax: history.method();

e.g. history.back();

To Set history parameters via JavaScript use the following syntax: history.parameter = 'value'; remembering to enclose your value in quotes where appropriate.

e.g. history.back = 'value';

To set multiple EMML parameters / events on a single line use the following syntax: history.setEMML("[Your EMML Tags]");

e.g. history.setEMML("back:valueback");


Items listed in this section indicate methods or, in some cases, indicate parameters which will be retrieved.

NameDescriptionDefault Value
backNavigates back one page in the browser history. This tag will have no effect if there is no browser history. N/A
forwardNavigates forward one page in the browser history. This tag will have no effect if not predicated by a 'Back' command. N/A


Items listed in this section indicate parameters, or attributes which can be set.

NamePossible ValuesDescriptionDefault Value
back:[Value] Positive Integer specifying the number of pages to navigate back Navigates back the specified number of pages in the browser history. This tag will have no effect if there is no browser history. 1. See parameters without attributes section.
forward:[Value] Positive Integer specifying the number of pages to navigate forward Navigates forward the specified number of pages in the browser history. This tag will have no effect if there is no browser history. 1. See parameters without attributes section.



This tag deprecates the history:back URL


RhoElements VersionN/A or above
Supported DevicesWindows CE, Windows Mobile, Windows Mobile SE
Minimum RequirementsRhoElements
PersistenceThis tag is page specific and is actioned immediately.

HTML/JavaScript Examples

The following example navigates back one page when the delete key is pressed (regardless of the Accelerate Key mode)

<META HTTP-Equiv="AccelerateKey" Content="OFF">
<META HTTP-Equiv="OnKey0x09" Content="onBackspacePressed">
    function onBackspacePressed()
        history.back = 1;