Config.xml Reference

Enterprise Browser 1.4


Runtime configuration settings of Enterprise Browser apps are managed through the Config.xml file, a required file that must accompany every EB app. The Config.xml determines features and behavior of the EB runtime, including its start-up page, keys that can be intercepted by an app, and whether to pre-load modules on startup. A default configuration file is provided as part of the Enterprise Browser installation, and contains some (though not all) of the most common settings.

The default Config.xml file for Android devices is displayed below, followed by explanations of all tags and parameter settings for Android and Windows Mobile/CE. The EB Config.xml can be edited with an ordinary text editor or with the Config Editor utility included with the installation of Enterprise Browser 1.3 and higher.

Config.xml Location

The location of the configuration file on the device varies by target and platform:

  • On the Enterprise Tablet, the Config.xml file is read from: /Android/data/com.symbol.EnterpriseBrowser/

  • On all other devices, Enterprise Browser will attempt to read the Config.xml file from the /Config directory off the installation root, which varies by device platform:

    • Android: /Android/data/com.symbol.enterprisebrowser
    • Windows: \Program Files\EnterpriseBrowser\Config
  • If multiple Config.xml files are required for a single device, they can be configured and selected at runtime using the /C: configuration parameter or by using Shortcuts. See the Shortcut Creator Guide for details.

Persistent Installations

If a Config.xml must be retained after a cold boot, a persistent installation can be selected (applies to Windows devices only). In such systems:

  • The Config.xml file is permanently stored in: \Application\EnterpriseBrowser\Config\Config.xml
  • On cold boot the Config.xml is copied to: \Program Files\EnterpriseBrowser\Config\Config.xml
  • This behavior can be modified by changing \Application\EnterpriseBrowser.cpy file

Note: File and directory names of operating systems are case sensitive. Zebra therefore recommends that case values of files and directories entered in the Config.xml file are identical to the names of the files themselves.

Substitution Variables

The following substitution variables are available in the configuration file:

Variable -> Expanded Value
%INSTALLDIR% -> The directory into which the Enterprise Browser has been installed.

Config.xml file format

The default Config.xml file for Android is shown below for reference. Important differences exist between Android and Windows Mobile/CE settings in the Config.xml file, mainly involving directory structure and file naming. Use care when setting these values.

WARNING: Free-form text fields (i.e. username and password) can accept alpha-numeric characters unless otherwise noted. Entering non-text characters (< > \ / " ') in these fields could cause the Config.xml file to become corrupt.

<?xml version = "1.0"?>
<!-- Enterprise Browser 1.4 configuration file for Android-->
<!-- IMPORTANT: Differences exist in Windows Mobile/CE version--> 

    <DebugButtonsEnabled value="0" />

    <ExitPasswordEnabled value="0" />
    <ExitPasswordValue value="" />

    <SettingsButtonEnabled value="0"/>
    <SettingsPageProtectionEnabled value="1"/>
    <SettingsPagePassword value="admin"/>

    <ShortcutCreationEnabled value="0"/>
        <ZoomInKey value=""/> 
        <ZoomOutKey value=""/> 
    <LogProtocol   value="FILE"/>
    <LogPort       value="80"/>
    <LogURI        value="file://%INSTALLDIR%/Log.txt"/>
    <LogError      value="1"/>
    <LogWarning    value="1"/>
    <LogInfo       value="1"/>
    <LogTrace      value="0"/>
    <LogUser       value="0"/>
    <LogMemory     value="0"/>
    <LogMemPeriod  value="5000"/>
    <LogMaxSize    value="5000"/>

    <RegEXFile  value="file://%INSTALLDIR%/RegEx.xml"/>

    <FullScreen value="1"/>
    <PageZoom value="1.0" />
    <EnableZoom value="1"/>

    <Enabled VALUE="0"/>  
    <Port VALUE="8082"/>  
    <WebFolder VALUE=""/>  
    <Public VALUE="0"/>  

    <SplashScreenPath value="file://%INSTALLDIR%/rho/apps/app/loading.png"/>
    <SplashScreenDuration value="0"/>

    <WakeLockType value=""/>

    <TrackConnection value="0"/>
    <HostURL value=""/>
    <Message value="Establishing Connection..."/>
    <Timeout value="30000"/>
    <PollInterval value="5000"/>

    <FunctionKeysCapturable   value="0"/>
    <EnableFunctionKey_F1     value="1"/>
    <EnableFunctionKey_F2     value="1"/>
    <EnableFunctionKey_F3     value="1"/>
    <EnableFunctionKey_F4     value="1"/>
    <EnableFunctionKey_F5     value="1"/>
    <EnableFunctionKey_F6     value="1"/>
    <EnableFunctionKey_F7     value="1"/>
    <EnableFunctionKey_F8     value="1"/>
    <EnableFunctionKey_F9     value="1"/>
    <EnableFunctionKey_F10    value="1"/>
    <EnableFunctionKey_F11    value="1"/>
    <EnableFunctionKey_F12    value="1"/>
    <EnableApplicationKey_A1  value="1"/>
    <EnableApplicationKey_A2  value="1"/>
    <EnableApplicationKey_A3  value="1"/>
    <EnableApplicationKey_A4  value="1"/>
    <EnableApplicationKey_A5  value="1"/>
    <EnableApplicationKey_A6  value="1"/>
    <EnableApplicationKey_A7  value="1"/>
    <EnableApplicationKey_A8  value="1"/>

    <NavTimeout value="45000"/>

    <GeolocationEnabled value="1"/>

    <AutoRotate value="1" />

    <NewTabPhysicalMemLimit value="90"/>
    <NewTabVirtualMemLimit value="80"/>

    <EngineInUse value="ENGINE_TO_USE"/>


      <HTTP_Proxy value=""/>
      <HTTPS_Proxy value=""/>
      <isWindowsKey  value="0"/>
      <usedwforscanning  value="0"/>
        <EnableReceiver  value="0"/>
        <IntentAction  value=""/>
        <IntentCategory  value=""/>

        <Name value="Menu"/>
        <StartPage value="file://%INSTALLDIR%/menu.html" name="Menu"/>

        <DisableScannerDuringNavigation value="1"/>

        <!--  Used for Digest Access Authentication and Basic Access Authentication -->
        <!--  Global  -->
        <Username VALUE=""/>
        <Password VALUE=""/>

        <JavascriptEnabled     value="1" />
        <FontFamily            value="Droid Sans Fallback" />

        <ResizeOnSIP  value="1"/>

        <LowBatteryScan  value="0"/>

        <DecodeVolume           value="5"/>
        <DecodeFrequency        value="0xBB8"/>
        <InvalidDecodeFrequency value="0x9C4"/>
        <DecodeDuration         value="250"/>
        <ScanDecodeWav          value=""/>
        <ScanInvalidWav         value=""/>
        <ImagerCaptureWav       value=""/>

        <SignalRefresh      value="5000"/>
        <BatteryRefresh     value="5000"/>
        <HourglassEnabled   value="1" />
        <HourglassLeft      value="" />
        <HourglassTop       value="" />

        <BadLinkURI value="file://%INSTALLDIR%/badlink.html"/>
        <UserAgent  value="" />
            <NetworkCookieDatabase value="file://%INSTALLDIR%/cookies.db"/>
            <ViewportEnabled value="1"/>
            <VerifyPeerCertificate value="1"/>
        <Cache      VALUE="5MB"/>

        <EnableCtrlKey_A    value="1"/>
        <EnableCtrlKey_C    value="1"/>
        <EnableCtrlKey_V    value="1"/>
        <EnableCtrlKey_O    value="0"/>
        <EnableCtrlKey_P    value="0"/>


      <CustomDOMElements value=""/>




Defines the start page of the Enterprise Browser application displayed at launch. A device-resident file is recommended to avoid connectivity issues on startup. StartPage entry must be a fully qualified local path using file:// or URL using http://**. For URLs, accepts UTF-8 characters only. Case sensitive.

Possible Values:

  • Fully qualified path to start page


<StartPage value="file:///index.html" name="Start Page"/>

<!-- OR -->

<StartPage value="" name="Menu"/>


Stores the name of the application.

Possible Values:

  • ASCII text


<Name value="My App"/>


Used to maintain backward compatibility with PocketBrowser syntax for controlling device capabilities. This is accomplished through a Regular Expression engine, which applies a series of transformations as defined in RegEx.xml to each meta tag or JavaScript call being processed. If backward compatibility is not required, regular expressions can be safely disabled to help improve app performance (depending on app structure). Applies only to apps for Windows Mobile/CE devices built with RhoMobile Suite 2.2 or higher that need backward compatibility with PocketBrowser.

Possible Values:

  • 0 - Do Not Use Regular Expressions
  • 1 - Use Regular Expressions


<UseRegularExpressions value='1'/>


Specifies the URL and port number for the HTTP proxy. Leave this field blank if no proxy is to be used. Applies to the Zebra Webkit engine on WM/CE devices and to the stock webkit on Android. Supported on WM/CE only when Zebra Webkit is used; proxy settings for Internet Explorer are picked up from the Windows connection manager.

Possible Values:

  • URL: PortNo


<HTTP_Proxy value=""/>


Specifies the URL and port number for the HTTPS proxy. Leave this field blank if no proxy is to be used. Applies to the Zebra Webkit engine on WM/CE devices and to the stock webkit on Android. Supported on WM/CE only when Zebra Webkit is used. Not otherwise supported on WM/CE; use HTTP_Proxy instead.

Possible Values:

  • URL: PortNo


<HTTPS_Proxy value=""/>


Used to specify sites to be accessed directly rather than through a proxy. Accepts a comma-separated list of host names, domain names (beginning with a dot), IP addresses, or CIDR-format IP network addresses. Examples: myhost,, and Applies only to the Zebra Webkit engine.

Possible Values:

  • Comma separated list of direct access addresses.


<No_Proxy value="*,"/>


Specifies the fully qualified path of an image to be displayed at app start-up. If tag is removed or left unspecified, default EB splash screen will be displayed. Default values for Android and WM/CE are shown in the examples below. Image file must reside in device internal storage; removable storage (i.e. SD card) is not supported. Supported file formats for WM/CE are .bmp, .png; for Android are .bmp, .gif, .jpg, .png. A 640 x 960 .png file is recommended; other resolutions may not display correctly.

Possible Values:

  • fully qualified path and file name

Example Android

<SplashScreenPath value="file://%INSTALLDIR%/rho/apps/app/loading.png"/>

Example WM/CE


<SplashScreenPath value="file://%INSTALLDIR%\rho\apps\app\loading.png"/>


Specifies the length of time (in milliseconds) to display the image defined by the SplashScreenDuration tag. It is recommended that the duration be greater than 3000 ms (3 seconds) to compensate for image loading time. If tag is removed or left unspecified, will default to 0 seconds. Applies only to Android devices.

Possible Values:

  • time in milliseconds (default = 0)


<SplashScreenDuration value="0"/> //Applies to Android only



Determines whether an Enterprise Browser app will receive Intent actions, which work with the Intent function for inter-application communication. When enabled, the application can be called upon by other apps to perform Actions, such as capturing an image or scanning a barcode. For more information about the IntentReceiver tag, see the Remarks section and the Android Developer Forum.

Possible Values:

  • 0 - Disabled (default)
  • 1 - Enabled


    <EnableReceiver value="1"/>


Specifies the Action for which the receiver is to be registered. There must be at least one IntentAction value for a Receiver to be registered. IntentAction value can be an Android-defined or custom.

Possible Values:

  • string


<IntentAction  value="android.intent.action.VIEW"/>


Specifies the Category under which the receiver is to be registered. There can be zero or many IntentCategory tags. IntentCategory values are Android-defined.

Possible Values:

  • string


<IntentCategory value="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER"/>



When enabled, presents a set of controls useful for development and debugging purposes. Note: When debug buttons are enabled, the Gesture API might not function as expected, and screen distortion might be displayed while scrolling on CE devices that use the IE rendering engine.

Possible Values:

  • 0 - Disabled
  • 1 - Enabled


<DebugButtonsEnabled value="1"/>



Sets the protocol over which the logging data will be sent.

Possible Values:

  • File
  • HTTP


<LogProtocol value="FILE"/>


The port over which the logging data will be sent when HTTP is set in LogProtocol (otherwise ignored).

Possible Values:

  • Any valid HTTP port


<LogPort value="80"/>


The URL or file name and path to which logged data should be sent or saved.

Possible Values:

  • Any valid URL or fully qualified file name

Note: The file systems of some operating systems are case-sensitive. For cross-platform compatibility, letter case for URL, file and path references in the Config.xml file should be identical to those of the sources.


<!-- Store log file in the file log.txt in the app's installation directory -->
<LogURI value="file://%INSTALLDIR%/log.txt"/>


Controls logging of ERROR messages generated by the Enterprise Browser. If set to 1, it enables error-level logging only (can be overridden by LogWarning).

Possible Values:

  • 0 - Disabled
  • 1 - Enabled


<LogError value="1"/>


Controls the logging of WARNING messages generated by the Enterprise Browser. If set to 1, enables warning and error messages (overrides LogError setting; can be overridden by LogInfo).

Possible Values:

  • 0 - Disabled
  • 1 - Enabled


<LogWarning value="1"/>


Controls the logging of INFORMATION messages generated by the Enterprise Browser. If set to 1, enables Info, Warning and Error logging (Overrides LogWarning and/or LogError settings; can be overridden by LogUser).

Possible Values:

  • 0 - Disabled
  • 1 - Enabled


<LogInfo value="1"/>


Controls the logging of the Trace messages generated by Enterprise Browser. If set to 1, enables Trace, Info, Warning and Error logging. Applies to Android and Windows Mobile/CE.

Possible Values:

  • 0 - Disabled (default)
  • 1 - Enabled


<LogTrace value="0"/>


Controls logging of User, Info, Warning and Error messages from the user application. Overrides LogWarning, LogError and/or LogInfo settings. Data can be logged using the Log API.

Possible Values:

  • 0 - Disabled
  • 1 - Enabled


<LogUser value="1"/>


Controls the logging of memory usage in the system. Supports Android, WM/CE; does not apply to the Enterprise Tablet.

Possible Values:

  • 0 - Disabled
  • 1 - Enabled


<LogMemory value="1"/>


Specifies the time interval after which memory logs will be generated. Supports Android and WM/CE; does not apply to the Enterprise Tablet.

Possible Values:

  • Time in milliseconds


<LogError value="5000"/>


Specifies the maximum allowable size of the log file, after which no more logs will be saved.

Possible Values:

  • File size in kilobytes


<LogMaxSize value="100"/>

File locations


Applies to Android and Windows Mobile/CE. Defines the location of RegEx.xml, which contains conversions to be used for backward compatibility with EMML 1.0. Case sensitive. Changing this file or its location is not recommended, and might prevent an app from launching.

Possible Values:

  • Fully qualified path to file defining the regular expressions

Example - Android

<RegEXFile value="file://%INSTALLDIR%/RegEx.xml"/>

Example - Windows Mobile/CE

<RegEXFile value="file://%INSTALLDIR%\Config\RegEx.xml"/>


Applies only to Windows Mobile/CE. Not applicable to the Enterprise Tablet. Specifies location of the plug-in file (a .DLL on the device), which facilitates mapping between modules and plug-ins on the device. Changing this file or its location is not recommended, and might prevent an app from launching.

Possible Values:

  • Fully qualified path to plug-in file.

Note: The file systems of some operating systems are case-sensitive. For cross-platform compatibility, letter case for URL, file and path references in the Config.xml file should be identical to those of the sources.


<PluginFile value="file://%INSTALLDIR%\Config\Plugin.xml"/>



Sets the Enterprise Browser app to display in full screen mode, hiding the OS from the user unless specifically minimized using the Application API. For Windows Mobile devices that include a custom Zebra user interface, access is provided to the status bar at the top of the screen. Enabled by default.

Possible Values:

  • 0 - Disabled
  • 1 - Enabled


<FullScreen value="0"/>


Applies to Windows Mobile/CE. Controls the display of the “Licensed to…” dialog at launch (on licensed devices only). Has no effect on unlicensed devices.

Possible Values:

  • 0 - Do not show license confirmation
  • 1 - Show license confirmation


<ShowLicenseConfirmation value="1"/>


Applies to Android only. Sets whether the WebView should use its built-in zoom mechanisms. Enabled by default.

Possible Values:

  • 0 - Disable Zoom
  • 1 - Enable Zoom


<EnableZoom value="1"/>


Sets the zoom factor of the page. Default zoom value is 1.0 (if unspecified). On Android, zero and negative values are not supported. On Windows, zoom value less than 1.0 reverts to 1.0 since lower values would not be readable. Page zoom settings will sometimes be reflected a few milliseconds after navigating from one page to another. A one-second delay should be anticipated. Not Supported when using Internet Explorer as the rendering engine.

Possible Values:

  • Zoom factor of the page


<PageZoom value="1.0"/>



Controls whether the application will monitor connection to the server specified by the HostURL tag. Will display a pop-up when connectivity is lost and navigate to a "bad link" page if the timeout interval is reached. Modal pop-up on Android prevents further UI actions. Non-modal Windows pop-up allows user to access background apps, which is not recommended.

Possible Values:

  • 0 - Disabled
  • 1 - Enabled


<TrackConnection value="0"/>


Used to specify the URL to which your application will connect. Supports IP addresses, host names and specific ports (when appended to URL with a colon. If no port is specified, default=80).

Possible Values:

  • Fully qualified URL for the host


<HostURL value=""/>


Use to specify a custom message to be displayed in a pop-up window.

Possible Values:

  • Customized message


<Message value="Connection message!"/>


Defines the amount of time (in milliseconds) the application should wait for a connection to the URL specified in ‘HostURL’ before displaying the ‘bad link’ message. The minimum value is 30000; lower values will revert to 30000. Value should be a multiple of the value set in PollInterval.

Possible Values:

  • Timeout in milliseconds


<Timeout value="20000"/>


Defines the amount of time (in milliseconds) the application should pause before subsequently checking for a connection to the URL specified in ‘HostURL.’ The minimum value is 5000; lower values will revert to 5000. The value in ‘Timeout’ should be a multiple of this number. NOTE: This parameter is not testable.

Possible Values:

  • PollInterval in milliseconds


<PollInterval value="5000"/>



Determines whether a web server will be running locally on the device to service the application. When multiple webview applications are deployed, all can run from a single embedded server or use discrete servers, each running on a different port.

Possible Values:

  • 0 - Disabled
  • 1 - Enabled


<Enabled value="1"/>


Specifies the port number of the web server running locally on the device (default= 8080). Port 80 is NOT supported on Android.

Possible Values:

  • Port of the web server


<Port value="8080"/>


Specifies the folder on the device in which the web application and its initial page are stored. By default, the initial page is ‘index.html’ unless another page is requested. Note: this parameter is case sensitive.

Possible Values:

  • Fully qualified path to folder containing web application


<WebFolder value="file:///path/to/WebFolder/"/>


Controls access to the local web server from an external device. Generally used only for debugging; could case serious security risks if enabled in production. It is highly recommended that this feature be disabled before deployment.

Possible Values:

  • 0 - Disabled
  • 1 - Enabled


<Public value="0"/>


Note: On Windows Mobile and Windows CE devices, full control is given to the developer over how their application handles function keys. Settings applied will persist until the device is warm-booted. Function key default behavior will vary from by device and operating system. On the Zebra MC75a, F3 and F4 represent the red and green phone keys. On many devices, the volume keys are also mapped as Function keys. Not all function keys will have default behavior.

Unblocking function keys may expose underlying operating system functions. On some devices, for example, red and green phone keys provide access to the start menu and programs.

The list below shows the behavior of the Enterprise Browser when Function Keys are pressed given the possible configuration settings:

    • All Function Keys can be captured by the Key Capture Module
    • Function Key will not have its default Operating system behavior
    • Function Keys with default OS behavior can not be captured by the Key Capture Module
    • Function Keys without default OS behavior can be captured by the Key Capture Module
    • Function Key will have its default Operating system behavior (if any)
    • All Function Keys can be captured by the Key Capture Module
    • Function Key will not have its default Operating system behavior
    • All Function Keys can not be captured by the Key Capture Module
    • Function Key will not have its default Operating system behavior (if any)


    <EnableFunctionKey_F1 value="1"/>


Applies to Android and WM/CE. Determines behavior of function keys on Android and Windows Mobile/CE devices. When enabled, device Function keys are capturable using the Key Capture API. When disabled, keys revert to the device’s default behavior. This setting is not specific to an application. When enabled, settings are applied globally to the device. Refer to the EnableFunctionKey_X tag and complete documentation for more information about the interaction between the FunctionKeysCapturable and EnableFunctionKey_X parameters.

Possible Values:

  • 0 - F keys not capturable
  • 1 - F keys capturable


<FunctionKeysCapturable value="1"/>


Applies to Android and WM/CE. This setting is used to specify which function keys (numbered F1 through F24) should be enabled in the Enterprise Browser app and override the system function key assignments (all function keys are assigned to the system by default). For each key to be enabled in EB, define a tag using EnableFunctionKey_X, replacing the ‘X’ with the key number being enabled. For example, to enable F1, your tag will include EnableFunctionKey_F1 as below. See the sample Config.xml in the user guide for correct branch placement. Requires a pre-load of the KeyCapture module.

On the Enterprise tablet, this tag can be used to enable the 'P' keys. For compatibility with other devices, the 'P' keys are referred to as 'F' keys in the config file. To enable P2 key on the Enterprise Tablet, the tag EnableFunctionKey_F2 should be set to 1. For WM/CE, this setting is not specific to the current application and will be applied globally on the device. This feature can only be reset by performing a device warm boot.

Note: On the Zebra MC40, F1 is mapped to the Volume Down button, F2 to the Volume UP button and F3 to the Search button.

Interaction between FunctionKeysCapturable and EnableFunctionKey_X is shown in the table below.

Possible Values:

  • 0 - Disabled
  • 1 - Enabled


<EnableFunctionKey_F1 value="1"/>


Applies to Android and WM/CE. Specifies which Application keys (numbered A1 through A16) should be enabled (all are disabled by default). For each key to be enabled, define a tag using EnableApplicationKey_X, replacing the ‘X’ with the key being enabled. For example, to enable key A5, your tag will include EnableApplicationKey_A5 as below. See the sample Config.xml file in user docs for correct branch placement. The "P" keys on Enterprise Tablet will be referred to as "F" keys in config file.


  • Requires a pre-load of the KeyCapture module; disabled by default.
  • Applies to Android and WM/CE devices.
  • Application-key mapping is device-specific; behavior may vary from one device to another.
  • This setting is not specific to an application. When enabled, settings are applied globally to the device.
  • On Zebra MC40, F1 is mapped to the Volume Down button, F2 to the Volume UP button and F3 to the Search button.
  • This feature can only be reset by performing a device warm boot.

Possible Values:

  • 0 - Disabled
  • 1 - Enabled


<EnableApplicationKey_A5 value="1"/>

Defines the amount of time (in milliseconds) the application should wait to establish communication with the relevant server (as opposed to waiting for a page to fully load) before displaying the ‘bad link’ message. If the destination is unreachable, the bad link message might be displayed before the timeout is reached. The navigation timeout will not be invoked when navigating to an application’s start page. The recommended best practice is to store the first page locally to avoid connectivity issues at startup. The app can then redirect to an online page if desired.

Possible Values:

  • Timeout in milliseconds (default value = 45000)


<NavTimeout value="30000"/>

Screen orientation


Controls automatic rotation of screen orientation between portrait and landscape modes. When disabled, the orientation of the display will not change when the device is rotated.

Possible Values:

  • 0 - Disabled
  • 1 - Enabled


<AutoRotate value="0"/>



Used to persist data when using Read/WriteUserSetting.

Possible Values:

  • Any valid user setting


<UserData value="1"/>



Sets the path to an existing directory for storage of web storage databases. Applies to Windows Mobile/CE using the Zebra Webkit only. Case sensitive.

Possible Values:

  • Fully qualified local path

Note: The file systems of some operating systems are case-sensitive. For cross-platform compatibility, letter case for URL, file and path references in the Config.xml file should be identical to those of the sources.


<WebStorageDBPath value="file:///path-to-web-storage"/>


Sets the maximum per-database quota for Web SQL databases. Applies only to Windows Mobile/CE using the Zebra Webkit.

Possible Values:

  • Size in bytes


<WebSQLDBQuota value="20000"/>


Path to an existing directory to store Web SQL databases. Applies only to Windows Mobile/CE using the Zebra Webkit. Case sensitive.

Possible Values:

  • Fully qualified local path

Note: The file systems of some operating systems are case-sensitive. For cross-platform compatibility, letter case for URL, file and path references in the Config.xml file should be identical to those of the sources.


<WebSQLDBPath value="file:///path-to-sql-db"/>



Application Cache data maximum quota per application. Applies only to Windows Mobile/CE using the Zebra Webkit.

Possible Values:

  • Size in bytes


<ApplicationCacheQuota value="20000"/>


Path to an existing directory to store Application Cache data. Applies only to Windows Mobile/CE using the Zebra Webkit.

Possible Values:

  • Fully qualified local path


<ApplicationCachePath value="file:///path-to-app-cache"/>



Not applicable to the Enterprise Tablet:

Path to an existing directory containing the NPAPI Plug-ins. Not applicable to the Enterprise Tablet. Case sensitive.

Possible Values:

  • Fully qualified local path

Note: The file systems of some operating systems are case-sensitive. For cross-platform compatibility, letter case for URL, file and path references in the Config.xml file should be identical to those of the sources.


<NPAPIDirectory value="file:///path-to-NPAPI-dir"/>



Defines plug-ins to be pre-loaded rather than loading as needed by a program function. Pre-loading prevents application lag when a program function is called for the first time. For example, when Barcode.enable is called by an app, a slight lag will be seen as the Barcode DLL loads into memory. Specify a Preload tag for each module to be loaded when Enterprise Browser starts up. While multiple modules may be defined in the same DLL, list all pre-loaded modules for maximum benefit. For memory-constrained devices, pre-load all required modules to prevent an out-of-memory condition during execution. Does not apply to the Enterprise Tablet; plug-ins are integral to Enterprise Browser on this platform.

Possible Values:

  • Module name


<Preload value="MyModule"/>


Applies to Windows Mobile/CE with the Zebra Webkit only. Determines whether to pre-load the ActiveX object in webkit. Use this for backward compatibility with code written in PocketBrowser that used the ActiveXObject.

Possible Values:

  • 0 - Do Not Preload
  • 1 - Preload


<PreloadLegacyActiveX value="1"/>


Applies to Windows Mobile/CE with the Zebra Webkit only. Determines whether to preload the NPAPI plugin to mimic the Generic ActiveX object in Webkit. On the Enterprise Tablet this plug-in is automatically loaded when the JSObjects plug-in is preloaded.

Possible Values:

  • 0 - Do Not Preload
  • 1 - Preload


<PreloadLegacyGeneric value="1"/>


Not applicable to the Enterprise Tablet. Determines whether to pre-load the NPAPI plug-in to mimic the ODAX ActiveX object in Webkit.

Possible Values:

  • 0 - Do Not Preload
  • 1 - Preload


<PreloadLegacyODAX value="1"/>


Not applicable to the Enterprise Tablet. Determines whether to pre-load the NPAPI plug-in to mimic the AirBeam ActiveX object in Webkit.

Possible Values:

  • 0 - Do Not Preload
  • 1 - Preload


<PreloadLegacyAirBeam value="1"/>


Determines whether to pre-load the NPAPI plug-in to mimic the APD ActiveX object in Webkit.

Possible Values:

  • 0 - Do Not Preload
  • 1 - Preload


<PreloadLegacyAPD value="1"/>


Determines whether to pre-load the NPAPI plug-in to provide native JavaScript objects for each of the modules. On the Enterprise Tablet, this plug-in will be included if the JSObjects plug-in is preloaded.

Possible Values:

  • 0 - Do Not Preload
  • 1 - Preload


<PreloadJSObjects value="1"/>



Not supported on Android or on Windows CE devices that use the IE rendering engine. Specifies the technique used to scroll the viewport. The FingerScroll setting permits scrolling around a page with finger swiping (may interfere with drawing on a Canvas element). Scrollbars will be presented when the page is too large to fit the viewport. A value of "None" will display no scrollbars and cause the page to be unresponsive to finger swipes.

Possible Values:

  • FingerScroll
  • Scrollbars
  • None


<ScrollTechnique value="FingerScroll"/>



WARNING: Free-form text fields (i.e. username and password) can accept alpha-numeric characters only. Entering non-text characters (< > \ / " ') in these fields will corrupt the Config.xml file.

Applies to Android and Windows Mobile/CE. Specifies the username to be provided automatically when Enterprise Browser is instructed to navigate to a page that requires basic or digest HTTP authentication. If this setting is absent, a login prompt will be displayed with a username of (“”). Enterprise Browser will permit multiple incorrect entries before presenting the 'HTTP 401 Unauthorized' page.

Possible Values:

  • Username string


<Username value="username"/>


WARNING: Free-form text fields (i.e. username and password) can accept alpha-numeric characters only. Entering non-text characters (< > \ / " ') in these fields will corrupt the Config.xml file.

Applies to Android and Windows Mobile/CE. Specifies the password to be provided automatically when Enterprise Browser is instructed to navigate to any page that requires basic or digest HTTP authentication. If this setting is absent, a login prompt will be displayed with a password of (“”). Enterprise Browser will permit multiple incorrect entries before presenting the 'HTTP 401 Unauthorized' page. When used with IE engine, will permit multiple incorrect entries.

Possible Values:

  • Password string (alpha-numeric characters only)


<Password value="password"/>


When enabled, prompts for a password when quitting an Enterprise Browser app. Password is stored using the ExitPasswordValue tag. Disabled by default.

Possible Values:

  • 0 - Disabled (default)
  • 1 - Enabled


<ExitPasswordEnabled value="0"/>


WARNING: Free-form text fields (i.e. username and password) can accept alpha-numeric characters only. Entering non-text characters (< > \ / " ') in these fields will corrupt the Config.xml file.

Contains the password for quitting Enterprise Browser when function is enabled using the ExitPasswordEnabled tag. Can be edited only when ExitPasswordEnabled tag is set to "1" and cannot be left empty.

Possible Values:

  • Password string (alpha-numeric characters only)


<ExitPasswordValue value="zebra123"/>


When enabled, places a settings button at the bottom right corner of all screens that routes to the settings page. NOTE: When the IE engine is used on a Windows CE device, this feature might cause screen distortion when scrolling.

Possible Values:

  • 0 - Disabled (default)
  • 1 - Enabled


<SettingsButtonEnabled value="1"/>


When enabled, prompts for a password before allowing access to the Settings page. Password is stored using the SettingsPagePassword tag. Default password = "admin" if none is entered.

Possible Values:

  • 0 - Disabled
  • 1 - Enabled


<SettingsPageProtectionEnabled value="0"/>


WARNING: Free-form text fields (i.e. username and password) can accept alpha-numeric characters only. Entering non-text characters (< > \ / " ') in these fields will corrupt the Config.xml file.

Contains the password for accessing the Settings page when password function is enabled using the SettingsPageProtectionEnabled tag. Can be edited only when SettingsPageProtectionEnabled tag is set to "1" and cannot be left empty. Default password = "admin" if password is enabled and no password is entered.

Possible Values:

  • string (password, empty by default)


<SettingsPagePassword value="zebra"/>



Applies to Windows Mobile/CE with Webkit only. Specifies the width (in pixels) of the textbox / text-area caret. Accepts values from 1-5. If unspecified, a default value of "1" will be entered.

Possible Values:

  • Integer values from 1-5 for caret width (in pixels)


<CaretWidth value="3"/>


Applies to Windows Mobile only. Controls whether ClearType is used.

Possible Values:

  • 0 - Disabled
  • 1 - Enabled


<ClearTypeEnabled value="0"/>


Automatically expands the application window to fit the screen. Apples to Windows Mobile with Internet Explorer rendering engine only.

Possible Values:

  • 0 - Disabled
  • 1 - Enabled


<FitToScreenEnabled value="0"/>


Applies to Android and WM/CE. Specifies the default font to use when rendering text in web pages. Should be a TrueType font present on the device. Default font for all Zebra Technologies WM/CE devices is preset to ‘Tahoma’ and on Android--including Enterprise Tablet--is 'Droid Sans Fallback.' The specified font must be stored in \Windows for WM/CE, and /system/fonts for Android, Enterprise Tablet. Note that Tahoma has no italic or oblique variants.

Possible Values:

  • Font name


<FontFamily value="Tahoma"/>


Specifies the location of TrueType fonts on the device. For Zebra Technologies WM/CE devices, the default font directory is \Windows. Does not apply to Enterprise Tablet.

Possible Values:

  • Relative directory containing the font files


<FontDirectory value="\\Windows"/>


Applies only to Windows Mobile with IE engine. Controls whether JavaScript is enabled on Windows Mobile devices. JavaScript is always enabled on Android and WM/CE with Zebra Webkit.

Possible Values:

  • 0 - Disabled
  • 1 - Enabled


<JavascriptEnabled value="0"/>


Applies only to WM/CE with Zebra Webkit. Controls whether text selection is enabled when dragging the stylus on the screen. When enabled, the scroll bar is recommended for scrolling the page. Should be set to '1' for access to Copy (Ctrl+C) and Paste (Ctrl+V) functions on Webkit for WM/CE.

Possible Values:

  • 0 - Disabled
  • 1 - Enabled


<TextSelectionEnabled value="0"/>


Applies to Windows Mobile and Windows CE only. Controls which fonts will be used. When set to ‘0’ (default) the FreeType library will be used as on apps built with RMS 2.x. When set to ‘1’ the native font engine on the device is used. A setting of ‘1’ overrides the ‘FontFamily’ setting. On localized devices from 4.1 and higher, the native font engine will be used by default. The FreeType library cannot render localized characters such as Asian and some accented European characters. The log file displays the font engine in use on launch. Some early BSPs of CE7 do not support the native font render. This config element is not currently available on the MC92, VC70 or WT41N0 devices.

Possible Values:

  • 0 - Use FontFamily Setting
  • 1 - Use FreeType font library


<UseNativeFonts value="1"/>

Soft Input Panel (SIP)


Applies to Android and Windows Mobile only. Controls window resizing when the soft input panel (SIP, or on-screen keyboard) is displayed. When enabled, the browser window will resize to accommodate the SIP, when displayed. If the SIP has been moved to the top half of the screen, the browser window will reduce in size from the top. Requires SIP module pre-load. Not compatible with Windows CE or the IE rendering engine. Not compatible with Finger Scrolling. The SIP always appears at the bottom of the screen.

Note: On Windows Mobile devices, screen rotation from portrait to landscape mode can sometimes cause the SIP to be hidden from view, and/or on Windows Mobile/CE to behave abnormally. To avoid this issue, Zebra recommends that the AutoRotate parameter for screen orientation be disabled.

Possible Values:

  • 0 - Disabled
  • 1 - Enabled


<ResizeOnSIP value="1"/>


Applies to Enterprise Browser 1.2 for Android only. Controls display of soft input panel (SIP, or on-screen keyboard). On EB 1.3 and higher for Android, use the SIP API. On Windows Mobile/CE, use the top and left position parameters of the SIP module to position it off the screen and make it inaccessible to the user.

Note: On devices running Windows CE 6, screen distortion might be displayed when scrolling while the SIP module is enabled.

Possible Values:

  • 0 - Disabled
  • 1 - Enabled


<EnableSIP value="1"/>



Applies to Android and Windows Mobile/CE. Controls whether the scanner can be used when battery charge level is low. Set to ‘0’ to disable scanning with low battery and ‘1’ to enable. Can be overridden by calling Barcode.enable.

Possible Values:

  • 0 - Disabled
  • 1 - Enabled


<LowBatteryScan value="0"/>



Controls whether scanner will be automatically disabled when navigating away from a page on which it was enabled. A setting of '0' will override this default behavior. Once enabled, the scanner will remain enabled in the foreground application until manually disabled. Applies to Android and WM/CE.

Possible Values:

  • 0 - The scanner will remain enabled during page navigation
  • 1 - The scanner will be disabled during page navigation


<DisableScannerDuringNavigation value="1"/>


Used to disable barcode scanning capabilities for a previous scanner API. Does not apply to the common Barcode API, and will not effect the behavior of barcode scanning in the License dialog. Supported on WM/CE with IE or Zebra Webkit. Note: The scanner will not be disabled if this parameter does not exist or does not contain a value.

Supported Platforms

  • Windows Mobile/CE (IE or Zebra Webkit installation)

Possible Values:

  • 0 - does not disable the scanner
  • 1 - disables the scanner (DefaultMetaTags, Meta Tags in HTML, JavaScript API, ActiveXObject)


<DisableScannerInApp value="1"/>



Controls the volume of the device beeper when a barcode is scanned. Not supported on Android platform.

Possible Values:

  • 0 – 5 (0 = off; 1 – 5 = lowest to loudest)


<DecodeVolume value="3"/>


Controls the frequency of the device beeper when a barcode is successfully decoded. Must be within the range of the beeper. Not supported on Android platform.

Possible Values:

  • 0 to 0xFFFF


<DecodeFrequency value="0xFFFF"/>


Controls the frequency of the device beeper sound when a scanned barcode is not successfully decoded. This value (in hex) must be a frequency within the range of the device beeper. Not applicable to the Enterprise Tablet.

Possible Values:

  • 0 to 0xFFFF


<InvalidDecodeFrequency value="0xFFFF"/>


Controls the duration (in milliseconds) of the device beeper sound when a barcode is scanned. Not supported on Android platform.

Possible Values:

  • number of milliseconds


<DecodeDuration value="500"/>


Specifies a .wav file to be played when a scanned barcode is successfully decoded. File must be resident on the device. Overrides all scanner beeper settings. Not applicable to the Enterprise Tablet. Case sensitive. Not supported on Android platform.

Possible Values:

  • Fully qualified path and file name


<ScanDecodeWav value="file://path-to-success-wav-file"/>


Specifies a .wav file to be played when a scanned barcode is not successfully decoded. File must be resident on the device. Overrides all scanner beeper settings. Not applicable to the Enterprise Tablet. Case sensitive.

Possible Values:

  • Fully qualified path and file name


<ScanInvalidWav value="file://path-to-fail-wav-file"/>


Specifies a .wav file to be played when the Imager captures an image. File must be resident on the device. Case sensitive.

Possible Values:

  • Fully qualified path and file name


<ImageCaptureWav value="file://path-to-capture-wav-file"/>



Specifies the refresh rate (in milliseconds) of the signal display. See the Signal API for more information.

Possible Values:

  • Refresh rate in milliseconds


<SignalRefresh value="1000"/>


Specifies the refresh rate (in milliseconds) of the battery display. See the Battery API for more information. Does not apply to the Enterprise Tablet. Note: Not supported on Android devices, which employ an asynchronous battery notification scheme that fires a batteryEvent only when the battery level changes, and is more power-efficient than polling.

Possible Values:

  • Refresh rate in milliseconds


<BatteryRefresh value="1000"/>


Controls whether the Hourglass icon will be displayed while navigating between pages (enabled by default).

Possible Values:

  • 0 - Disabled
  • 1 - Enabled


<HourglassEnabled value="1"/>


Controls the horizontal position of the Hourglass icon, which is displayed by default while navigating between pages. If not specified, the Hourglass will appear at the center of the screen.

Possible Values:

  • Horizontal position in pixels


<HourglassLeft value="100"/>


Controls the vertical position of the Hourglass icon, which is displayed by default while navigating between pages. If not specified, the Hourglass will appear at the center of the screen.

Possible Values:

  • Vertical position in pixels


<HourglassTop value="200"/>

DOM injection


Specifies the path of a device-resident file containing data for injected DOM elements. This feature permits the injection of one or more DOM elements (i.e. JavaScript, CSS or meta tags) into a running application without modifying the underlying application. Injected JavaScript can be local or server-based. For more information, please refer to the DOM Injection guide. Applies to Android and Windows Mobile/CE Webkit engines.

Possible Values:

  • fully qualified path and file name


<CustomDOMElements value="file://%INSTALLDIR%\rho\apps\app\mytags.txt"/>


Specifies the "badlink" URI file to be displayed when:

  1. An error occurs when attempting to navigate to a page (i.e. there's no network connection)
  2. A page times out (according to the timeout interval set in NavTimeout)
  3. The user presses the stop button.

The browser will automatically append the querystring value "badlink" containing the URL of the page that could not be reached, and 'stop=true' if the page was loaded because the user pressed the stop button. The page specified in the badlink setting should be a device-resident file using the file:// protocol so it’s accessible by the browser.

Known issues: If the device has no network connection, a navigation timeout message may be displayed on Windows Mobile devices using the IE engine. On CE5 and CE6, the IE engine will truncate the request variables when a navigation to badlink occurs and the reason for the failure may not be displayed.

Possible Values:

  • Fully qualified path and file name

Note: The file systems of some operating systems are case-sensitive. For cross-platform compatibility, letter case for URL, file and path references in the Config.xml file should be identical to those of the sources.


<BadLinkURI value="file://%INSTALLDIR%/badlink.html"/>


When enabled, SSL 3.0 is used. The Zebra Webkit is shipped with SSL3 disabled by default to protect against the POODLE attack vulnerability. Applies to WM/CE with Zebra Webkit only.

Possible Values:

  • 0 – Disabled
  • 1 – Enabled


<EnableSSL3 value="1"/>


Stores information about the device’s operating environment. Can be used to spoof the device to a web server, for example to view content designed for the desktop on the mobile screen. When visiting a web server, the WebKit browser can be used to report its User-Agent header as the value specified.

Use the following substitution variables: %p – Platform name (“Windows CE ” + version number) %w – WebKit version number %e – Zebra WebKit version number

In PocketBrowser 2.1 and higher, the default value was changed to work out of the box with a greater number of server configurations. Prior to PocketBrowser 2.1, the default user agent was “Mozilla/5.0, AppleWebKit (KHTML, i.e. Gecko), Motorola Webkit, Safari.” This attribute cannot be set to a custom value for apps using Internet Explorer as their rendering engine. If using IE, please leave this value as the default value. Android does not support a custom UserAgent.

Possible Values:

  • String


<UserAgent value="Mozilla/5.0 (%p) AppleWebKit/%w (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/%w"/>


Controls viewport meta tag processing (enabled by default).

Possible Values:

  • 0 - Disabled
  • 1 - Enabled


<ViewportEnabled value="1"/>


Sets the default viewport width for pages that do not have a viewport meta tag. If not specified, uses 1:1 scaling. Applies only to Windows Mobile/CE; this setting is not supported in Android.

Possible Values:

  • A number > 0 specifying the width scale


<ViewportWidth value="1"/>


Specifies the location of a device-resident file containing CA certificates in PEM format. Please refer to openSSL for more information. Applies only to Windows Mobile/CE.

Note: Enterprise Browser supports only a single PEM certificate file. If multiple certificates must be passed to the Webkit browser on WM/CE, the contents of multiple .pem certificates can be combined into a single file using a text editor. The combined file can then be specified in the CaFile parameter.

Possible Values:

  • file name


<CaFile value="cert-file-name"/>


Controls whether server certificates will be verified against the internal certificates. Enabled by default. Useful for debugging, a value of 0 (disabled) is equivalent to automatically clicking ‘OK’ on a web browser’s dialog when requesting approval for an untrusted certificate. It is strongly recommended that this feature be enabled for deployment.

Possible Values:

  • 0 - Disable Peer certificate verification
  • 1 - Enable Peer certificate verification


<VerifyPeerCertificate value="1"/>


Specifies the location of the database to hold persistent cookies, if desired. If the specified file does not exist, one will be created. Persistent cookies will be loaded from this file and saved back to it when Enterprise Browser exits. If the file is read-only, it will not be overwritten. If not specified, cookies will not persist. Case sensitive.

Possible Values:

  • Fully qualified local path

Note: The file systems of some operating systems are case-sensitive. For cross-platform compatibility, letter case for URL, file and path references in the Config.xml file should be identical to those of the sources.


<NetworkCookieDatabase value="file:///my-cookie-db"/>


The browser cache size, in whole MBs.

Possible Values:

  • Cache size in whole MBs


<Cache value="5"/>

Device keys


Specifies which control-key combinations (copy, paste, etc.) should be enabled. To enable a control-key combination, define a tag using EnableCtrlKey_X, replacing the ‘X’ with the key being enabled. For example, to enable copying with control-C, your tag will include EnableCtrlKey_C as below. See the sample Config.xml file in user guide for correct branch placement. All CTRL key combinations are disabled on Windows CE by default.

Possible Values:

  • 0 - Disabled
  • 1 - Enabled


<EnableCtrlKey_C value="1"/>

Default MetaTags


Permits a default meta tag to be specified so that a tag required by the application need not be present on every HTML page. Set a default tag by specifying the tag’s module, followed by the tilde character (~) and the properties of the module you wish to set, as specified in EMML 1.1. If the meta tag is present in both the configuration and a loaded page, the page will take priority. Only persistent tags can be set logically in the configuration. Tag persistence is covered in the ‘additional information’ section in the help file. Meta tag properties and their possible values are explained in the corresponding API.

Possible Values:

  • [Module]~[property to set]


<MetaTag value="QuitButton~visibility:visible;width:50;"/>



Controls HTML5 Geolocation. When enabled on a device that supports geolocation and is in range of a GPS network, the geolocation data is returned to the defined JavaScript callback. When disabled the defined JavaScript error callback is called, notifying the app that the permission to using geolocation is disabled.

Possible Values:

  • 0 - Disabled
  • 1 - Enabled


<GeolocationEnabled value="1"/>



Applies to Windows Mobile/CE only. Permits the selection of a rendering engine (IE or Webkit) when deploying a Webkit installation of Enterprise Browser to Windows CE6 or Windows Mobile 6.5 and above. If you are deploying an IE-only installation, Webkit will not be available as an option.

Possible Values:

  • IE - Use the IE engine
  • Webkit - Use the webkit engine (webkit installation only)


<EngineInUse value="IE"/>

Tab instance


Controls whether a new Tab will be created using the NativeTabbar.create API when physical memory percentage hits a specific threshold. For example, if set to 80, new tabs will stop being created when physical memory usage on the device reaches or exceeds 80 percent the total available. Once the defined limit is reached, the NativeTabbar.create API callback will contain tabEvent = onTabNewError.

Possible Values:

  • 0 - 100 (percent; 100 = unlimited)


<NewTabPhysicalMemLimit value="50"/>


Controls whether a new Tab will be created using the NativeTabbar.create API when a virtual memory usage percentage is hit. For example, if set to 80, new tabs will stop being created when the virtual memory usage reaches or exceeds 80 percent of the total available. Once the defined limit is reached, the NativeTabbar.create API callback will contain tabEvent = onTabNewError.

Possible Values:

  • 0 - 100 (percent; 100 = unlimited).


<NewTabVirtualMemLimit value="50"/>



Controls zoom-IN behavior for application text using function key(s) configured with the EnableFunctionKey_X parameter. This setting will not be applied if the parameter is missing, left blank or contains an invalid keycode. Note: The function keys used for Zoom-IN or Zoom-OUT operation will not be accessible via the current or previous Key Capture APIs. Other requirements are detailed in the Remarks section at the bottom of this guide. Applies to Android with stock webkit and WM/CE with IE or Zebra Webkit.

Possible Values:

  • Hexadecimal keycode for any function key (F1 to F24)


<ZoomInKey value="0x70"/>


Controls zoom-OUT behavior for application text using function key(s) configured with the EnableFunctionKey_X parameter. This setting will not be applied if the parameter is missing, left blank or contains an invalid keycode. Note: The function keys used for Zoom-IN or Zoom-OUT operation will not be accessible via the current or previous Key Capture APIs. Other requirements are detailed in the Remarks section at the bottom of this guide. Applies to Android with stock webkit and WM/CE with IE or Zebra Webkit.

Possible Values:

  • Hexadecimal keycode for any function key (F1 to F24)


<ZoomOutKey value="0x71"/>


Allows hardware keys of an Android device running Enterprise Browser 1.2 (or later) to mimic Windows Mobile keycodes when used with the KeyCapture API of PocketBrowser or RhoElements 2.x or 4.x. When enabled, the application will substitute normal Android keycodes with the Windows Mobile function keycode values for all keys. This can be useful for supporting both Android and Windows device platforms with a single codebase. If set to 0 or not present, the application will receive Android function keycode values. Applies to Android devices with PocketBrowser or RhoElements 2.x or 4.x KeyCapture API only.

Possible Values:

  • 0 - Disabled (default); Android keycodes are used for all function keys
  • 1 - Enabled; Windows Mobile keycodes are substituted for all Android function keys


<isWindowsKey value="1"/>

Shortcut Creation


Applicable only when using the Enterprise Browser Shortcut Creator utility; otherwise ignored. Controls automatic creation of app shortcuts on Android and Windows Mobile/CE target devices when Enterprise Browser is launched. When option 1 is selected, checks for and creates new shortcuts at every launch. Setting persists following EB uninstall/re-install. Setting is lost after cold reboot. Disabled by default. For more information, please refer to the Shortcut Creator guide.

Possible Values:

  • 0 - Shortcut creation disabled (default)
  • 1 - Shortcuts created at every launch
  • 2 - Shortcuts created on initial launch only


<ShortcutCreationEnabled value="1"/>


Controls whether HTTP connections will be maintained between requests. When enabled (default), maintains a connection between the web server and client. When disabled, connection is closed when the request is complete. Applies to Windows Mobile/CE with Webkit engine only.

Possible Values:

  • 0 - Disabled
  • 1 - Enabled (default)


<KeepAlive value="1"/>


Applies only to Android. Controls whether to 'use DataWedge (DW) for scanning' or to go through Enterprise Browser APIs. Additional settings adjustments might be required to use this tag. See the DataWedge Usage Guide for important details about DataWedge configuration and potential conflicts with Enterprise Browser.

Possible Values:

  • 0 - Enable scanning through Enterprise Browser APIs (default; DataWedge disabled)
  • 1 - Enable scanning through DataWedge (Enterprise Browser scanning disabled)


<useDWforScanning value="0"/>


Battery Polling on Enterprise Tablet

Due to its asynchronous battery notification, the Enterprise Tablet does not support BatteryRefresh. This has the effect of launching a bateryEvent only when the battery level changes. This functionality has been implemented in place of polling as a means of maximizing battery power.

Case Sensitivity

Note: The file systems of some operating systems are case-sensitive. For cross-platform compatibility, letter case for URL, file and path references in the Config.xml file should be identical to those of the sources.

DataWedge-Enterprise Browser Conflicts

Under certain conditions involving Enterprise Browser, scanning with the DataWedge application on Zebra Android devices is disabled. For complete details, see the DataWedge Usage Guide. This issue applies to Android only.

FunctionKeysCapturable-EnableFunctionKey Interaction

Applies to Windows Mobile/CE devices only.

On Windows Mobile/CE, full control is given to the developer over how the application handles function keys, but such settings persist only until the next warm boot. Also, the default behavior of function keys will vary from one device to another. On the MC75a, for example, the red and green phone keys also represent F3 and F4 keys, and on many devices the volume keys also can be mapped as function keys.

Not all function keys will revert to default operating system behavior, however, and unblocking certain function keys might expose the underlying operating system. For example, exposing the red and green phone keys on some devices will grant access to the WM/CE Start menu.

The table below shows the behavior of Enterprise Browser when function keys are pressed given certain configuration settings:

Function Keys Capturable = TRUE Function Keys Capturable = FALSE
Enable Function Key = TRUE
  • All Function Keys can be captured by the Key Capture Module
  • Function Key will not have its default Operating system behavior
  • Function Keys with default OS behavior can not be captured by the Key Capture Module
  • Function Keys without default OS behavior can be captured by the Key Capture Module
  • Function Key will have its default Operating system behavior (if any)
Enable Function Key = FALSE
  • All Function Keys can be captured by the Key Capture Module
  • Function Key will not have its default Operating system behavior
  • All Function Keys can not be captured by the Key Capture Module
  • Function Key will not have its default Operating system behavior (if any)

This table applies to Windows Mobile and Windows CE devices only.


The IntentReciever tag includes parameters to enable/disable the Intent function and to define the Action and Category of the Intent itself. The syntax for these parameters is as follows:

    <EnableReceiver value="1"/>
    <IntentAction   value="com.zebra.sample.action"/>
    <IntentCategory value="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER"/>

From the target side, here's what the relevant JavaScript code for sending an intent might look like:

    Intent intent = new Intent("com.zebra.sample.action");
    intent.putExtra("key", "intent");

Learn more about Intent at the Android Developer Forum.

Open and Print Key Commands

For apps that enable the Open (Ctrl+O) or Print (Ctrl+P) key combinations, such functions are inoperable on Windows CE7 devices.