About RFID SDK for iOS


iOS RFID SDK is an API that an iOS developer can use to develop applications that uses Motorola/Zebra Bluetooth RFID readers. API is capable of managing readers and receives RFID data. API is provided as an "XCFramework" and there is a Demo application that a developer can refer on how to use that XCFramework.

Supported Devices

  • RFD40
  • RFD90
  • RFD40 Premium Plus
  • RFD40 Premium
  • RFD8500 RFID Reader

Version History

Version 1.1.72 - 07/2024

  1. WLAN Support.
  2. General BUG fixes and stability

Version 1.1.68 - 11/2023

  1. General BUG fixes and stability
    • Note: With the combination of link profile M4 240K with invalid tari values there may be an abnormal behavior. Recommend to use the right combination.

Version 1.1.64 - 09/2023

  1. Pro-Clip support
  2. General BUG fixes and stability

Version 1.1.42 - 05/2023

  1. Support added in RFID SDK for iOS
    • Scan batch data support.
    • Dot code (barcode type) support.
    • U9 Chip supports Lock Unlock.
    • GS1 data parsing - SGTIN UI Support.
    • Add bit-length for pre-filter
  2. General BUG fixes and stability

Version 1.1.29 - 01/2023

  1. Support added in RFID SDK for iOS
    • PP+ battery support.
    • API for device factory reset
  2. Sample application enhancements
    • Keep soft buttons (Scan & Pull/Release trigger) as a static UI field in the barcode screen.
  3. General BUG fixes and stability

Version 1.1.24 - 08/2022

  1. Support added in RFID SDK for iOS
    • Scanner notification event for Key Remapping.
    • API for device reboot.
    • Device pull-trigger and release-trigger.
  2. Sample application enhancements
    • NFC based pairing with 123RFID Mobile for iOS.
    • Update for Key Remapping and device pull-trigger/release-trigger.
  3. Bug fixes
    • Report unique tags is not working.
    • Auto-reconnect with the reader after the sample application termination.

Version 1.1.19 - 04/2022

  1. Bug fix:
    • Unique tag reporting not working as expected.
    • Batch mode not working as expected
    • Multi Tag is not suspended when switching from Inventory screen to Multi Tag screen

Version 1.1.17 - 03/2022

  1. RFD40 (Standard, Premium, Premium+) support added (Bluetooth only)..

Version 1.1.8 - 08/2021

  1. Support added NXP brand ID check in tag report screen.
  2. Support added to fetch the link profile value with it index values.
  3. Support added in sample application to update “tari” and “pie” values.
  4. Sample application icon changed similar to RFID SDK Android.
  5. Bug fix: Selected profiles are not getting updated in user defined and reader defined profile settings.

Version 1.1.4 - 01/2021

  1. Support added for all the memory banks in MEMORYBANK_ALL.

Version 1.1.1 - 10/2020

  1. Added iOS 14 support.

Version 1.1.0 - 04/2020

  1. Bug fix: Unable to Read/Write tags when a Prefilter setting with INV_B and Singulation STATE B is already set in the Device.

Version 1.0.69 - 02/2018

  1. LOCK API - support added to do perma lock Monza\UCODE 6 tag using SRFID_MEMORYBANK_ALL.

Version 1.0.68 - 06/2017

  1. The Zebra SDK functionality related to connectivity and appearance/disappearance notifications behaves differently on iOS 11 compared to earlier versions of iOS, because of iOS 11 Bluetooth and EAAccessory events.
  2. "Restoring will not be supported" printouts displayed in the Xcode console due to unsupported 'willRestoreState' has been addressed.
  3. RFD8500 is not being discovered by the Zebra SDKs works properly with beta release version of IOS 11 because of the operating system was not maintaining the case sensitivity of the EA Protocol Name.
  4. Added support Xcode 9.