Interface IDcsSdkApiDelegate

  • public interface IDcsSdkApiDelegate
    Interface to be implemented by the app. It will act as a bridge between SDK and the app
    • Method Detail

      • dcssdkEventScannerAppeared

        void dcssdkEventScannerAppeared​(DCSScannerInfo availableScanner)
        "Device Arrival" notification informs about appearance of a particular available scanner.
        availableScanner - Object representing an appeared available scanner.
      • dcssdkEventScannerDisappeared

        void dcssdkEventScannerDisappeared​(int scannerID)
        "Device Disappeared" notification informs about disappearance of a particular available scanner.
        scannerID - Unique identifier of a disappeared available scanner assigned by SDK.
      • dcssdkEventCommunicationSessionEstablished

        void dcssdkEventCommunicationSessionEstablished​(DCSScannerInfo activeScanner)
        "Session Established" notification informs about appearance of a particular active scanner.
        activeScanner - Object representing an appeared active scanner.
      • dcssdkEventCommunicationSessionTerminated

        void dcssdkEventCommunicationSessionTerminated​(int scannerID)
        "Session Terminated" notification informs about disappearance of a particular active scanner
        scannerID - Unique identifier of a disappeared active scanner assigned by SDK.
      • dcssdkEventBarcode

        void dcssdkEventBarcode​(byte[] barcodeData,
                                int barcodeType,
                                int fromScannerID)
        "Barcode Event" notification informs about reception of a particular barcode of a particular type from a particular active scanner.
        barcodeData - Object representing ASCII data of scanned barcode.
        barcodeType - Barcode type of the scanned barcode. Values of bar code data types are available in Table 3-6 of the Motorola Scanner SDK For Windows Developer’s Guide (72E-149784-02).
        fromScannerID - Unique identifier of a particular active scanner assigned by SDK.
      • dcssdkEventImage

        void dcssdkEventImage​(byte[] imageData,
                              int fromScannerID)
        "Image Event" notification is triggered when an active imaging scanner captures images in image mode.
        imageData - Object representing raw data of the received image.
        fromScannerID - Unique identifier of a particular active scanner assigned by SDK.
      • dcssdkEventVideo

        void dcssdkEventVideo​(byte[] videoFrame,
                              int fromScannerID)
        "Video Event" notification is triggered when an active imaging scanner captures video in video mode
        videoFrame - Object representing raw data of the received video frame.
        fromScannerID - Unique identifier of a particular active scanner assigned by SDK.
      • dcssdkEventBinaryData

        void dcssdkEventBinaryData​(byte[] binaryData,
                                   int fromScannerID)
        "Binary Data Event" notification is triggered when an active imaging scanner captures Intelligent Document Capture(IDC) data in IDC Operating Mode.
        binaryData - Object representing raw data of the received Intelligent Document Capture(IDC) data.
        fromScannerID - Unique identifier of a particular active scanner assigned by SDK.
      • dcssdkEventFirmwareUpdate

        void dcssdkEventFirmwareUpdate​(FirmwareUpdateEvent firmwareUpdateEvent)
        "Firmware Update Event" notification informs about status in firmware update process
        firmwareUpdateEvent -
      • dcssdkEventAuxScannerAppeared

        void dcssdkEventAuxScannerAppeared​(DCSScannerInfo newTopology,
                                           DCSScannerInfo auxScanner)
        Notification to inform that new Aux scanner has been appeared
        newTopology - Device tree that change has occurred
        auxScanner - New Aux scanner