Class TagAccess.WriteSpecificFieldAccessParams

  • Enclosing class:

    public class TagAccess.WriteSpecificFieldAccessParams
    extends java.lang.Object
    Parameters for Write Specific Field like TagID, Kill Password or Access Password Access Operation.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      long getAccessPassword()
      Password to be used for the Access operation.
      java.lang.String getStringWriteData()
      Returns data to be written in string format.
      byte[] getWriteData()
      Pointer to a short array which contains the data to be written.
      int getWriteDataLength()
      Length of the array WriteData to be considered for write access operation.
      void setAccessPassword​(long accessPassword)
      Password to be used for the Access operation.
      void setWriteData​(byte[] writeData)  
      void setWriteData​(java.lang.String writeDataInStringFormat)
      Pointer to a string which contains the data to be written.
      void setWriteDataLength​(int writeDataLength)
      Length of the array WriteData to be considered for write access operation.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • WriteSpecificFieldAccessParams

        public WriteSpecificFieldAccessParams​(byte[] m_WriteData,
                                              int m_nWriteDataLength,
                                              long m_nAccessPassword)
      • WriteSpecificFieldAccessParams

        public WriteSpecificFieldAccessParams()
    • Method Detail

      • getWriteDataLength

        public int getWriteDataLength()
        Length of the array WriteData to be considered for write access operation.
      • setWriteDataLength

        public void setWriteDataLength​(int writeDataLength)
        Length of the array WriteData to be considered for write access operation.
      • getAccessPassword

        public long getAccessPassword()
        Password to be used for the Access operation.
      • setAccessPassword

        public void setAccessPassword​(long accessPassword)
        Password to be used for the Access operation.
      • getWriteData

        public byte[] getWriteData()
        Pointer to a short array which contains the data to be written. Write operation occurs only on word boundaries, hence it is required to input this field accordingly. For e.g The word 0x1122 will be short writeData[2] = {0x11, 0x22}
      • setWriteData

        public void setWriteData​(byte[] writeData)
      • setWriteData

        public void setWriteData​(java.lang.String writeDataInStringFormat)
        Pointer to a string which contains the data to be written. Write operation occurs only on word boundaries, hence it is required to input this field accordingly. For e.g The word 0x1122 will be short writeData[4] = {"1122"}
      • getStringWriteData

        public java.lang.String getStringWriteData()
        Returns data to be written in string format.