Class Events

  • public class Events
    extends java.lang.Object
    This class contains registration/de-registration of events on the reader. It processes different events and fires appropriate the event handlers
    • Method Detail

      • isBufferFullEventSet

        public boolean isBufferFullEventSet()
        Checks if Buffer Full Event is enabled or not
      • setBufferFullEvent

        public void setBufferFullEvent​(boolean notifyBufferFullEvent)
        To Enable Buffer full Event Notification.
        notifyBufferFullEvent - When the internal buffers are 100% full, BUFFER_FULL_EVENT will be notified every time a new tag report is received. The oldest TagData reports will be replaced by the newest in a circular FIFO manner.
      • isTagReadEventSet

        public boolean isTagReadEventSet()
        Checks Tag Read Event is enabled/disabled
      • setTagReadEvent

        public void setTagReadEvent​(boolean notifyTagReadEvent)
        Enables/Disables the Tag Read Notification If enabled, the eventReadNotify method of RfidEventsListener interface will be called to signal tag the notification. If setAttachTagDataWithReadEvent is set to true, the tag data will be reported in the RfidReadEvents else user needs to call Actions.getReadTags method for getting the bulk tags by providing number of tags to fetch.
      • isInfoEventSet

        public boolean isInfoEventSet()
        Checks if Info Event Notification is enabled/disabled.
      • setInfoEvent

        public void setInfoEvent​(boolean notifyInfoEvent)
        To enable/disable Info Event Notification.
      • isHandheldEventSet

        public boolean isHandheldEventSet()
        Checks Hand held Gun/Button event is enabled/disabled
      • setHandheldEvent

        public void setHandheldEvent​(boolean notifyHandheldEvent)
        To enable/disable A Hand held Gun/Button event - Pull/Release Notification
      • isReaderExceptionEventSet

        public boolean isReaderExceptionEventSet()
        Event notifying that an exception has occurred in the Reader.
        Checks the Reader Exception Event Set state
      • setReaderExceptionEvent

        public void setReaderExceptionEvent​(boolean notifyReaderExceptionEvent)
        Event notifying that an exception has occurred in the Reader. The Application can continue to use the connection if the reader renders is usable.
        notifyReaderExceptionEvent - To enable/disabled Reader Exception Event in the reader.
      • getRfidConnectionState

        public com.zebra.rfid.api3.RfidConnectionState getRfidConnectionState()
      • setRfidConnectionState

        public void setRfidConnectionState​(com.zebra.rfid.api3.RfidConnectionState rfidConnectionState)
        rfidConnectionState -
      • setRfidReConnectionStateEvents

        protected java.lang.Boolean setRfidReConnectionStateEvents()
        set events again on reader in case of reconnection
      • isAntennaEventSet

        public boolean isAntennaEventSet()
        Checks if Antenna Event Notification is enabled/disabled. This event is generated when the Reader detects that an antenna is connected or disconnected
      • setAntennaEvent

        public void setAntennaEvent​(boolean notifyAntennaEvent)
        To enable/disable Antenna Event Notification. This event is generated when the Reader detects that an antenna is connected or disconnected
      • isBufferFullWarningEventSet

        public boolean isBufferFullWarningEventSet()
        Checks if Buffer full warning Event Notification is enabled/disabled. When the internal buffers are 90% full, BUFFER_FULL_WARNING_EVENT will be notified. When the buffers are 100% full, no more Tags can be stored in Dll or in the Reader, and further tags are discarded.
      • setBufferFullWarningEvent

        public void setBufferFullWarningEvent​(boolean notifyBufferFullWarningEvent)
        To enable/disable Buffer full warning Event Notification. When the internal buffers are 90% full, BUFFER_FULL_WARNING_EVENT will be notified. When the buffers are 100% full, no more Tags can be stored in Dll or in the Reader, and further tags are discarded.
      • isGPIEventSet

        public boolean isGPIEventSet()
        Checks if GPI Event Notification is enabled/disabled. GPI_EVENT will be signaled every time an enabled GPI changes state.
      • setGPIEvent

        public void setGPIEvent​(boolean notifyGPIEvent)
        Not supported in Android RFID SDK To enable/disable GPI Event Notification. GPI_EVENT will be signaled every time an enabled GPI changes state.
      • isInventoryStartEventSet

        public boolean isInventoryStartEventSet()
        Checks if Inventory Start Event Notification is enabled/disabled.
      • setInventoryStartEvent

        public void setInventoryStartEvent​(boolean notifyInventoryStartEvent)
        To enable/disable Inventory Start Event Notification.
      • isInventoryStopEventSet

        public boolean isInventoryStopEventSet()
        Checks if Inventory Stop Event Notification is enabled/disabled.
      • setInventoryStopEvent

        public void setInventoryStopEvent​(boolean notifyInventoryStopEvent)
        To enable/disable Inventory Stop Event Notification.
      • isTemperatureAlarmEventSet

        public boolean isTemperatureAlarmEventSet()
        Checks if Temperature Event Notification is enabled/disabled. This event is generated when the Reader reaches Temperature Threshold
      • setTemperatureAlarmEvent

        public void setTemperatureAlarmEvent​(boolean notifyTemperatureAlarmEvent)
        To enable/disable Temperature Alarm Notification. This event is generated when the Reader reaches Temperature Threshold
      • isReaderDisconnectEventSet

        public boolean isReaderDisconnectEventSet()
        Checks if Reader Disconnection Event Notification is enabled/disabled. The Application can call Reconnect() to manually reconnect to the Reader Or opt for auto-reconnection. To cleanup and exit the application can call Disconnect().
      • setReaderDisconnectEvent

        public void setReaderDisconnectEvent​(boolean notifyReaderDisconnectEvent)
        To enable/disable Reader Disconnection Event Notification. The Application can call Reconnect() to manually reconnect to the Reader Or opt for auto-reconnection. To cleanup and exit the application can call Disconnect().
      • isAttachTagDataWithReadEventSet

        public boolean isAttachTagDataWithReadEventSet()
        Checks whether Attach Tag Data with Read Event is enabled/disabled
      • setAttachTagDataWithReadEvent

        public void setAttachTagDataWithReadEvent​(boolean attachTagDataWithReadEvent)
        Specified whether TagData should be reported along with the eventReadNotify method of RfidEventsListener interface. If the Tag population is less, the application can fetch the tags with the attachTagDataWithReadEvent set to true. But when there is a huge tag population or when the speed of processing tags is critical it is advisable to set attachTagDataWithReadEvent to false and fetch the tags using getReadTags() method from another thread (and not directly from the registered tag read handler)
      • isOperationEndSummaryEvenSet

        public boolean isOperationEndSummaryEvenSet()
        Checks if Operation End Summary Event Notification is enabled/disabled.
      • setOperationEndSummaryEvent

        public void setOperationEndSummaryEvent​(boolean notifyOperationEndSummary)
        To enable/disable Operation End Summary Event Notification.
      • isBatchModeEventSet

        public boolean isBatchModeEventSet()
        Supported only in RFD8500. Checks if Batch Mode Event Notification is enabled/disabled.
      • setBatchModeEvent

        public void setBatchModeEvent​(boolean notifyBatchMode)
        Supported only in RFD8500. To enable/disable Batch Mode Event Notification.
      • isPowerEventSet

        public boolean isPowerEventSet()
        Checks if Power Event Notification is enabled/disabled.
      • setPowerEvent

        public void setPowerEvent​(boolean notifyPowerEvent)
        To enable/disable Power Event Notification.
      • isBatterySet

        public boolean isBatterySet()
        Checks if Battery Event Notification is enabled/disabled.
      • setBatteryEvent

        public void setBatteryEvent​(boolean notifyBatteryEvent)
        To enable/disable Battery Event Notification.
      • isCradleEventset

        public boolean isCradleEventset()
        Checks if Cradle Event Notification is enabled/disabled.
      • setCradleEvent

        public void setCradleEvent​(boolean notifyCradleEvent)
        To enable/disable Battery Event Notification.
      • isWPAEventSet

        public boolean isWPAEventSet()
        Checks if WPA Event Notification is enabled/disabled.
      • setWPAEvent

        public void setWPAEvent​(boolean notifyWPAEvent)
        To enable/disable Power Event Notification.
      • isScanDataEventSet

        public boolean isScanDataEventSet()
        Checks if WPA Event Notification is enabled/disabled.
      • setScanDataEvent

        public void setScanDataEvent​(boolean notifyScanDataEvent)
        To enable/disable Power Event Notification.
      • setFirmwareUpdateEvent

        public void setFirmwareUpdateEvent​(boolean notifyScanDataEvent)
      • setHeartBeatEvent

        public void setHeartBeatEvent​(boolean notifyHeartbeatDataEvent)
      • getHostName

        public java.lang.String getHostName()
      • notifyReadEventSchedule

        protected void notifyReadEventSchedule()
      • notifyWifiScanEventSchedule

        protected void notifyWifiScanEventSchedule()