DataWedge APIs

DataWedge APIs operate primarily through Android intents--specific commands that can be used by other applications to control data capture without the need to directly access the DataWedge UI.

        Clone Profile - Create a copy of an existing DataWedge Profile including all settings.
        Create Profile - Create a new Profile without setting configurations.
        Delete Profile - Delete an existing Profile.
        Get Active Profile - Get the name of the Profile current in use by DataWedge.
        Get Ignore Disabled Profiles - Return the status of the "Ignore Disabled Profiles" parameter. If true, DataWedge cannot switch to any Profile that is not enabled.
        Get Profiles List - Return the list of DataWedge Profiles.
        Rename Profile - Rename an existing Profile.
        Reset Default Profile - Reset the default Profile to Profile0, the built-in profile used with unassociated apps.
        Set Default Profile - Set the specified Profile as the default Profile.
        Set Ignore Disabled Profiles - Prevent switching to a Profile that is disabled, including Profile0.
        Switch to Profile - Change the apps association to the specified Profile.

        Get Config - Gets the PARAM_LIST settings in the specified Profile, returned as a set of value pairs or a Plug-in config bundle.
        Get DataWedge Status - Return the DataWedge status, enabled or disabled.
        Get Disabled App List - Return a list of apps and activities that are blocked from using DataWedge.
        Get Version Info - Return the current version of DataWedge, SimulScan, and Scanner Framework/Decoder library installed on the device.
        Import Config - Import a Profile and/or Config file, which can contain multiple Profiles.
        Restore Config - Reset all user-configured settings and restore DataWedge to the factory-default settings.
        Set Config - Create, update or replace a Profile and its settings.
        Set Disabled App List - Add, remove or update an app/activity from the list which prevents the use of DataWedge.
        Set Reporting Options - Configure reporting options from importing databases and Profiles.

     Data Capture:
        Enable/Disable DataWedge - Enable/disable DataWedge on the device.
        Enable/Disable Scanner Input Plug-in - Enable/Disable the Scanner Input Plug-in in use by the current active Profile, which effectively disable scanning.
        Enumerate Scanners - Generate an index of scanners available on the device.
        Get Scanner Status - Return the status of the scanner currently selected as the default.
        Register/Unregister for Notification - Enable apps to register or unregister to receive notification of status changes related to configuration, scanner and profile switching.
        Soft Scan Trigger - Start, stop or toggle a software scanning trigger.
        Soft RFID Trigger - Start, stop or toggle a software RFID trigger.
        Switch Scanner - Switch to a specific scanner at runtime to enable an optimal scanning device for the app, requirement or situation.
        Switch Scanner Params - Temporarily update the settings of the active Profile during runtime by passing one or more barcode, scanner and/or reader parameters as intent extras.
        Switch Simulscan Params - Temporarily update the Simulscan settings in the active Profile at runtime.
