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FillType Enumeration

Specifies the full coverage print type for Overlay 'O' and Laminate 'L' ribbon panels.

Namespace:  Zebra.Sdk.Card.Enumerations
Assembly:  SdkApi_Card_Core (in SdkApi_Card_Core.dll) Version: 2.14.1989
public enum FillType
  Member nameValueDescription
None-1 Generates no fill.
Fill1 Generates rectangular fill.
FillMag2 Generates rectangular fill with non-printing block inserted in fill to prevent printing over the magnetic stripe.
FillSmartCard3 Generates rectangular fill with non-printing block inserted in fill to prevent printing over the smart card contacts.
FillRounded4 Generates rectangular fill with rounded corners.
FillRoundedMag5 Generates rectangular fill with rounded corners with non-printing block inserted in fill to prevent printing over the magnetic stripe.
FillRoundedSmartCard6 Generates rectangular fill with rounded corners with non-printing block inserted in fill to prevent printing over the smart card contacts.
See Also