Personal Dictionary Manager

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Input fields accept ENGLISH ONLY.

Queries from MX are not supported on Zebra devices running Android 11 or later. See alternative method.

StageNow - 5.13


The "Loadable" Personal Dictionary CSP (PersonalDictionary) is used to administer changes to the custom word repository used by Zebra's Enterprise Keyboard. This includes the addition and deletion of individual terms (which can be words or phrases), assignment of shortcuts to terms, bulk-loading of terms, and the export and/or erasure of all saved data.

The Personal Dictionary can be used with the auto-correction and spelling suggestion capabilities of Enterprise Keyboard to allow terms saved in the Personal Dictionary to appear as spelling corrections for terms being typed. Similarly, the Shortcut feature allows terms to be assigned a shortcut of one or more letters that can be automatically replaced with the corresponding term. For industries that use lengthy or complicated terminology, industry terms can be stored in advance to help improve the speed and accuracy of keyboard input. For example, if configuring a medical device, the phrase "gastroesophageal reflux disease" could be added to the dictionary and assigned the shortcut "gerd," which would be replaced with the longer term whenever "gerd" was entered.

See the Enterprise Keyboard User Guide for more information.

Main Functionality

  • Add a term (word or phrase)
  • Import terms from a file
  • Export all stored terms to a file
  • Delete a single term
  • Delete a list of terms as specified in a file
  • Allow/prevent duplicate terms
  • Assign a shortcut to a term
  • Delete all terms from the dictionary
  • Maintain separate dictionaries based on locale


Controls the addition and deletion of terms (words and/or phrases) into and out of the Personal Dictionary. Terms can be added or removed one at a time or in bulk from a text file stored on the device and specified using the AddWordsFromFile and DeleteWordsFromFile parameters.

Parm Name: Action

Option Name Description Note Status Requires
1 Add a word Adds the specified term to the dictionary.

MX: 6.0+

2 Delete a word Deletes the specified term from the dictionary.

MX: 6.0+

3 Delete all words Deletes all terms from the dictionary. WARNING- This action clears all saved data.

MX: 6.0+

4 Add words from a file Adds words to the dictionary from a file on the device.

MX: 6.3+

5 Delete words from a file Removes terms from the dictionary that match terms specified in a file on the device.

MX: 6.3+

6 Export words to a file Saves terms in the current dictionary to a file on the device.

MX: 6.3+

Add Word

Used to enter a word or phrase to be added to the Personal dictionary. Use this parm repeatedly to pre-populate a Personal Dictionary with a set of words and/or phrases.

Parm value input rules:

  • Accepts a string from 1-64 characters
  • Words/phrases are accepted one at a time

Shown if: Action is "Add word"

Parm Name: AddWord


  • MX: 6.0+

Delete Word

Used to remove a word or phrase from the Personal dictionary.

Parm value input rules:

  • A string from 1-64 characters

Shown if: Action is "Delete word"

Parm Name: DeleteWord


  • MX: 6.0+

Add Words From File

Used to enter the path and name of a file on the device containing words (or multi-word terms) to add to the Personal Dictionary. To avoid duplication of terms, see the "Duplicate" section below.

Parm value input rules:

  • Accepts a string from 1-64 characters
  • Must contain full path and file name (i.e. /storage/sdcard1/NewTerms.txt)
  • Must be a plain text file
  • Each word (or multi-word term) must be on a separate line

Shown if: Action is "Add words from file"

Parm Name: AddWordsFromFile


  • MX: 6.3+

Duplicate (checkbox)

Determines whether to allow duplicate terms to be appended to the Personal Dictionary when using the "Add words from a file" parameter. When this box is checked (value=1), all terms in the specified file are appended (added) to the Personal Dictionary without regard to duplication. When unchecked (value=0), duplicate terms that exist in the dictionary (with identical spelling and letter-case as those in the file) are replaced by those in the file.

Duplicate checking is case sensitive. This allows certain abbreviations to exist along with their common-language equivalents. For example, the abbreviation "AD" has multiple uses in the medical profession, while its lower-case equivalent "ad" is commonly used to refer to an advertisement. Both of these terms could exist in the dictionary along with "Ad" and "aD" variants. This attribute over time could result in a dictionary containing multiple duplicates of equivalent terms. For example, the terms "Crohn's disease" and "Crohn's Disease" (upper-case "D") have the same meaning but are treated as different by the duplication-checking function.

Note: Duplication checking lengthens import time.

Shown if: Action is "Add word from file"

Parm Name: duplicate

Option Name Description Note Status Requires
0 (unchecked) Terms are appended to the Personal Dictionary only if not already present with identical spelling and letter-case.

MX: 6.3+

1 (checked) All terms are appended to the Personal Dictionary without regard to duplication.

MX: 6.3+

Delete Words From File

Used to enter the full path and name of the file containing words or multi-word terms to delete from the Personal Dictionary.

Parm value input rules:

  • Accepts a string from 1-64 characters
  • Must contain full path and file name (i.e. /storage/sdcard1/DeleteTerms.txt)
  • Must be a plain text file
  • Each word (or multi-word term) must be on a separate line

Shown if: Action is "Delete words from file"

Parm Name: DeleteWordsFromFile


  • MX: 6.3+

Export Words to File

Used to enter the full path and name of the file to contain terms exported from the Personal Dictionary.

Parm value input rules:

  • Accepts a string from 1-64 characters
  • Must contain a valid path and the file name (i.e. /storage/sdcard1/ExportedTerms.txt)

Shown if: Action is "Export words to file"

Parm Name: ExportWordsToFile


  • MX: 6.3+


Used to add, change or delete the Shortcut for a term currently in or being added to the Personal Dictionary. When entered on the device keyboard, the shortcut is automatically replaced with the term to which it is linked. This can be useful for storing industry terms to help improve the speed and accuracy of keyboard input. For example, if configuring the dictionary for use in the medical profession, the phrase "gastroesophageal reflux disease" could be assigned "gerd" as a shortcut.

Parm value input rules:

  • Accepts a string from 1-64 characters

Shown if: Action is "Add word" or "Delete word"

Parm Name: Shortcut


  • MX: 6.0+

Use Current Locale (checkbox)

Used to determine the locale on which to perform an Action, such as adding or deleting a word or phrase from the Personal Dictionary. When checked (value=1), the currently selected locale is used. When unchecked (value=0), a locale can be selected.

Parm Name: UseCurrentLocale

Option Name Description Note Status Requires
0 (uncheked) Enables a locale to be selected on which to perform Actions.

MX: 6.0+

1 (checked) Actions are performed on the currently selected locale (default).

MX: 6.0+


Used to enter a specific locale on which to perform an Action, such as Add Word. A locale is the combination of a language and a region in which that language is spoken. Languages are identified by two lower-case letters; regions are identified by two upper-case letters. The locale joins the two letter-pairs with an underscore ("_") character. For example, "en_US" is the locale specification for "English spoken in the United States," and "fr_CA" is the locale specification for "French spoken in Canada."

For a list of supported locales, see the UI Manager.

Parm value input rules:

  • A string from 2-10 characters
  • Must correspond to a locale installed on the device

Shown if: Use Current Locale is "Unchecked" (value=0)

Parm Name: Locale


  • MX: 6.0+