Hosts Manager

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Input fields accept ENGLISH ONLY.

Queries from MX are not supported on Zebra devices running Android 11 or later. See alternative method.

StageNow - 5.13


The Hosts Manager (HostsMgr) allows a device to be assigned a Host Name by which it can be identified by admins, applications and other devices on local and DNS-enabled IP networks. The Host Name binds the device's friendly name (i.e. “MyDevice”) to its IP address so that its friendly name can be used interchangeably with its "unfriendly" IP address. A friendly name can be registered with a DNS Server (if one is present on a given network) when the device joins that network, thereby allowing other stations on the network to more easily identify other devices present on the network.

Main Functionality

  • Set and display a friendly Host Name
  • Set and display a friendly Device Name

Set Host Name

Used to assign a Host Name to a device, binding that name to the device IP address. The device can then be identified using its friendly name (i.e. “MyDevice”) by admins, applications and other devices on local and DNS-enabled IP networks. Once bound, the Host Name and IP address can be used interchangeably. A friendly name also can be registered with a DNS Server (if one is present on a given network) when the device joins that network, thereby allowing other stations on the network to more easily identify it and other devices present on the network.

Input value rules:

  • Accepts a string from 0 (no name assigned) to 255 alpha-numeric and/or special characters
  • Space and ampersand (&) characters are NOT supported

Status: In devices running Android 13 and later, this feature can be accessed through StageNow and compatible EMM systems, or using Android Device Policy Manager (DPM) APIs.

Parm Name: HostName


  • MX: 5.1+

Set Device Name

Used to enter a friendly Device Name for a device. This allows a device to be more easily identified by apps, device users, administrators, etc. by referencing a name more meaningful than a serial number or other identifier. Optionally, the assigned Device Name can be combined with the device serial number to provide a unique name for each device (see below).

Input value rules:

  • Accepts a string from 0 (no name assigned) to 255 alpha-numeric and/or special characters
  • Space and ampersand (&) characters are NOT supported
  • On devices with MX 11.6 or later: Occurrences of the string %serno% within the entered string are replaced with the device serial number and included as part of the assigned Device Name

Parm Name: DeviceName


  • MX: 11.5+


Set Host Name


    <characteristic type="HostsMgr">
        <parm name="HostName" value="MyDevice"/>


    <characteristic type="HostsMgr" version="5.1">
       <parm name="HostName" value="MyDevice"/>

Get Current Host Name (and CSP version)

Queries are not supported on Zebra devices running Android 11 or later.


    <characteristic type="HostsMgr">
        <parm-query name="Version"/>
        <parm-query name="HostName"/>


    <characteristic type="HostsMgr" version="5.1">
        <parm name="Version" value="5.1.1"/>
        <parm name="HostName" value="MyDevice"/>