GMS Manager

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StageNow - 5.13


GMS Manager (GmsMgr) controls which Google Mobile Services (GMS) apps are available on a Zebra device, giving device administrators improved control over data privacy and the flow of device information to third parties.

Main Functionality

  • Allow all GMS apps and services to run on the device
  • Enable a fixed, minimal set of GMS apps and services to run on the device
  • Enable only Google Chrome, Maps or the Firebase Cloud Messaging service to run on the device

GMS Restricted Mode

A device with the GmsProfile parameter set to "Restricted" is said to be in "GMS Restricted mode," which disables many primary GMS applications and services, including (but not limited to):

  • Chrome
  • Gmail
  • Google Play
  • Photos
  • YouTube

The Restricted setting also renders inoperable secondary applications and services that rely on those primary services, including:

  • Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM)
  • Google Maps
  • Location services
  • SafetyNet

Important Notes

  • GMS Manager alone CANNOT prevent device communication with Google-hosted servers.
    To prevent communication with Google servers, the following three (3) CSP parameter settings are required:
  • For GMS Restricted Mode to persist following an Enterprise Reset:
  • Learn more about GMS Restricted mode from Zebra engineering.
  • Based on GMS dependencies, apps and services other than those listed above also might fail when a device is in GMS Restricted mode.
  • Apps that use FCM to deliver notifications are unable to do so using this framework when running on a GMS-restricted device. Such apps might fail or behave unpredictably.
  • When location services are disabled, the device is set to “Device Only” location mode.
  • The ability to add or manage users on a device is prevented by GMS Restricted mode, and any existing Google accounts are disabled.
  • GMS Manager is supported only on SDM660-platform devices, which includes (but is not limited to):
    • ET51
    • ET56
    • L10
    • MC93
    • PS20
    • TC52
    • TC57
    • TC72
    • TC77
  • Attempts to use GMS Manager on an unsupported device returns "Not Supported" in the Result XML file.

Zebra recommends thoroughly testing devices before deployment.

GMS Feature Set

Controls the GMS applications and services allowed to run on the device.

IMPORTANT: If GMS apps were previously disabled using the "DisableGMSApps" App Manager Action, the apps must be re-enabled using the "EnableGMSApps" App Manager Action prior to upgrading the device for the purpose of enabling GMS Manager. Failure to do so can result in unpredictable behavior. NOTE: It is NOT possible to transition a device to a new OS and to implement GMS Restricted mode with a single XML profile.

Note: Supported only on SDM660-platform devices running Android 10 or later. Zebra recommends a device Restart following this action.

Parm Name: GMSFeatureSet

Option Name Description Note Status Requires
0 Do not change This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) causes no change to device settings; any previously selected setting is retained.

MX: 8.3+

Android API: 29+

1 All Enables all GMS features on the device.

MX: 8.3+

Android API: 29+

2 Restricted Enables a fixed, minimal set of GMS features on the device.

MX: 8.3+

Android API: 29+

3 GMSProfile Enables a specific GMS app to be enabled on the device.

MX: 8.3+

Android API: 29+

GMS Profile

Controls the subset of GMS applications and services allowed to run on the device.

IMPORTANT: If GMS apps were previously disabled using the "DisableGMSApps" App Manager Action, the apps must be re-enabled using the "EnableGMSApps" App Manager Action prior to upgrading the device for the purpose of enabling GMS Manager. Failure to do so can result in unpredictable behavior. NOTE: It is NOT possible to transition a device to a new OS and to implement GMS Restricted mode with a single XML profile.

Note: Supported on SDM660-platform devices only. Zebra recommends a device Restart following this action.

Shown if: GMS Feature Set is "GMS Profile"

Parm Name: GMSProfile

Option Name Description Note Status Requires
1 Chrome Enables the Google Chrome browser on the device.

MX: 9.0+

2 Maps Enables Google Maps on the device.

MX: 9.0+

3 FCM Enables the Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) service on the device.

MX: 9.0+

4 Chrome+Maps+FCM Enables Google Chrome, Google Maps and the Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) service on the device.

OSX: 9.4.36+

MX: 9.0+