Display Manager

To display only the features present on a particular device, select one or more filters from the SmartDocs bar below.

Input fields accept ENGLISH ONLY.

Queries from MX are not supported on Zebra devices running Android 11 or later. See alternative method.

StageNow - 5.13


The Display Manager (DisplayMgr) provides control of certain display-screen features on the device.

Main Functionality

  • Enable/disable:
    • Screen blanking
    • Secondary display (external monitor)
    • Display of on-screen Lock Override button
    • Resizable and moveable app windows
    • Resizable activity windows
    • Stay Awake mode
    • Screen shot usage
    • Adaptive brightness
    • Automatic screen rotation
  • Set the font size
  • Set the display size
  • Set the screen brightness level
  • Set the display screen timeout interval
  • Set the screen blanking:
    • Signal port
    • Signal polarity
    • Debounce delay
  • When auto-rotation is not used, lock orientation to:
    • Portrait (No rotation)
    • Landscape left (90 degrees)
    • Portrait inverted (180 degrees)
    • Landscape right (270 degrees)
  • When auto-rotation is used, allow orientations:
    • All (0, 90, 180, 270 degrees)
    • All except portrait inverted (180 degrees)
  • Select screen resolution on an external monitor when a device is connected to a workstation cradle

Auto-rotate On/Off

This is the On/Off switch for automatic screen rotation, which automatically rotates the display based on orientation of the device.

Note: On devices running Android 8.x (Oreo), disabling this feature using StageNow causes the device to switch to Landscape mode if Landscape was the selected orientation when Auto-rotate was enabled.

Status: On devices running Android 13 and later, this feature can be accessed through StageNow and compatible EMM systems, or using Android Device Policy Manager (DPM) APIs.

Parm Name: Autorotate

Option Name Description Note Status Requires
0 Do not change This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) causes no change to the current behavior; any previously selected setting is retained.

MX: 10.1+

Android API: 27+

1 Turn On Enables the screen to rotate automatically when device orientation changes.

MX: 10.1+

Android API: 27+

2 Turn Off Disables automatic screen rotation; the display remains in its current orientation regardless of device movement.

MX: 10.1+

Android API: 27+

Allowed Orientations

Used to select which screen orientation(s) to allow when auto-rotation is enabled on the device. Selecting "All except portrait inverted (180 degrees)" (option 2) prevents the screen from flipping when momentarily pointing the device downward, for example, to scan a barcode below waist level.

Note: Supported only on devices running Android 10 or later. Android 11 requires MX 11.3 or later.

Shown if: Auto Rotate is set to "Turn On"

Parm Name: AllowedOrientations

Option Name Description Note Status Requires
0 Do not change This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) causes no change to current device behavior; any previously selected setting is retained.

OSX: 10.11+

MX: 10.5+

Android API: 29+

1 All (0, 90, 180, 270 degrees) Allows any screen orientation to be used when auto-rotation is enabled.

OSX: 10.11+

MX: 10.5+

Android API: 29+

2 All except portrait inverted (180 degrees) Prevents the screen from using the "upside-down portrait" orientation.

OSX: 10.11+

MX: 10.5+

Android API: 29+

Primary Locked Orientation

Used to select the orientation the device should remain in when its screen orientation is locked (i.e. when auto-rotate is turned off).

Note: Supported only on devices running Android 10 or later. Android 11 requires MX 11.3 or later. Some apps that require a particular orientation (e.g. DataWedge, StageNow) override this setting. Opening an app with a default orientation of 'Portrait' causes all other apps to lose any orientation previously configured with this setting. Landscape is the default orientation on tablet devices, and the basis for other orientation references in this parameter.

Shown if: Auto Rotate is set to "Turn Off"

Parm Name: LockedOrientation

Option Name Description Note Status Requires
86 Do not change This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) causes no change to current device behavior; any previously selected setting is retained.

MX: 10.5+

Android API: 29+

0 Portrait (No rotation) Lock screen orientation in Portrait mode (Landscape on tablets).

MX: 10.5+

Android API: 29+

1 Landscape left (90 degrees) Lock screen orientation in Landscape mode (Portrait on tablets).

MX: 10.5+

Android API: 29+

2 Portrait inverted (180 degrees) Lock screen orientation in inverted-Portrait mode (inverted-Landscape on tablets).

MX: 10.5+

Android API: 29+

3 Landscape right (270 degrees) Lock screen orientation in inverted-Landscape mode (inverted-Portrait on tablets).

MX: 10.5+

Android API: 29+

Secondary Locked Orientation

Used to select the orientation to use when the external screen orientation is locked (i.e. when auto-rotate is not used). Applies only when the device is in Desktop Mode.

Note: This setting takes effect at the time a device is docked and in Desktop Mode.

Parm Name: SecondaryLockedOrientation

Option Name Description Note Status Requires
86 Do not change This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) causes no change to current external monitor behavior; any previously selected setting is retained.

MX: 13.5+

Android API: 34+

0 Portrait (No rotation) Lock screen orientation in Portrait mode (Landscape on tablets).

MX: 13.5+

Android API: 34+

1 Landscape left (90 degrees) Lock screen orientation in Landscape mode (Portrait on tablets).

MX: 13.5+

Android API: 34+

2 Portrait inverted (180 degrees) Lock screen orientation in inverted-Portrait mode (inverted-Landscape on tablets).

MX: 13.5+

Android API: 34+

3 Landscape right (270 degrees) Lock screen orientation in inverted-Landscape mode (inverted-Portrait on tablets).

MX: 13.5+

Android API: 34+

Lock Override Button Enable/Disable

Controls the on-screen Lock Override button, which (when enabled) allows the device user to override the screen orientation locked by the administrator or an app.

Use Case: When "AutoRotate" is turned off on the device, a "change orientation" button appears briefly whenever the device orientation is changed, allowing the device user to manually override any forced screen orientation. Setting this parameter to "Disable" (option 2) hides that button, removing the ability to override the admin-set screen orientation.

Note: The Lock Override preference on the device can be overridden by the 'full-screen' control found on most media/video players, including VLC and YouTube. Supported only on devices running Android 10 or later. Android 11 requires MX 11.3 or later.

Shown if: Auto Rotate is set to "Turn Off"

Parm Name: LockOverrideButton

Option Name Description Note Status Requires
0 Do not change This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) causes no change to current device behavior; any previously selected setting is retained.

OSX: 10.11+

MX: 10.5+

Android API: 29+

1 Enable Allows the Lock Override button to be shown on the device screen.

OSX: 10.11+

MX: 10.5+

Android API: 29+

2 Disable Prevents the Lock Override button from being shown on the device screen.

OSX: 10.11+

MX: 10.5+

Android API: 29+

Set Screen Timeout Interval

Used to set the length of time the device waits during periods of inactivity (without screen touches or key presses) before turning off the screen to conserve power. Ideally, this interval should represent a balance between battery preservation and user convenience.

Note: Android supports only the display-screen timeout settings shown in the table below. Entering a value between any two supported values changes the setting to the closest supported value. Entered values outside the minimum or maximum shown are ignored and trigger an error in the Result XML document.

Status: On devices running Android 13 and later, this feature can be accessed through StageNow and compatible EMM systems, or using Android Device Policy Manager (DPM) APIs.

Parm Name: TimeoutInterval

Option Name Description Note Status Requires
0 Do not change This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) causes no change to the current display screen timeout interval; any previously selected setting is retained.

MX: 4.3+

Android API: 1+

15 15 seconds after Display Timeout Causes the display screen to timeout after 15 seconds of device-user inaction.

MX: 4.3+

Android API: 1+

30 30 seconds after Display Timeout Causes the display screen to timeout after 30 seconds of device-user inaction.

MX: 4.3+

Android API: 1+

60 1 minute after Display Timeout Causes the display screen to timeout after one minute of device-user inaction.

MX: 4.3+

Android API: 1+

120 2 minutes after Display Timeout Causes the display screen to timeout after two minutes of device-user inaction.

MX: 4.3+

Android API: 1+

300 5 minutes after Display Timeout Causes the display screen to timeout after five minutes of device-user inaction.

MX: 4.3+

Android API: 1+

600 10 minutes after Display Timeout Causes the display screen to timeout after 10 minutes of device-user inaction.

MX: 4.3+

Android API: 1+

1800 30 minutes after Display Timeout Causes the display screen to timeout after 30 minutes of device-user inaction.

MX: 4.3+

Android API: 1+

65535 Never Keeps the display screen on at all times despite any period of device-user inaction.

MX: 9.2+

Stay Awake Enable/Disable

Controls whether a device enters suspend (sleep) mode based on its connection to an external power source. Device otherwise operates according to settings in the Developer Options section of the Android Settings panel. Note: This feature is enabled by default on Zebra VC80x vehicle computers.

Parm Name: StayAwake

Option Name Description Note Status Requires
0 Do Nothing This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) will cause no change to the current behavior; any previously selected setting will be retained.

MX: 7.2+

Android API: 17+

1 Enable Prevents the device from entering suspend (sleep) mode when it is connected to an external power source.

MX: 7.2+

Android API: 17+

2 Disable Allows the device to enter suspend (sleep) mode regardless of its connection to an external power source.

MX: 7.2+

Android API: 17+

Secondary Display Mode

Used to control whether content displayed on an external monitor, when connected, mirrors the device or is independent of the device.

Note: Changing this setting requires a restart on some devices.

Parm Name: SecondaryDisplayMode

Option Name Description Note Status Requires
0 Do not change This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) causes no change to the current behavior; any previously selected setting is retained.

MX: 10.5+

Android API: 29+

1 Present Independent Desktop Content presented on an external monitor is independent of content on device.

MX: 10.5+

Android API: 29+

2 Mirror Device Screen Content presented on an external monitor is the same as content on device.

MX: 10.5+

Android API: 29+

Default Display for Remote Control

Used to select which display to use for Media Projection and Key and Touch Injection operations when running an app to remotely control the device or perform similar activities.

Parm Name: DefaultDisplay

Option Name Description Note Status Requires
86 Do not change This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) causes no change to current device behavior; any previously selected setting is retained.

MX: 11.1+

Android API: 30+

0 Primary (Mobile) Display Uses the built-in device screen for Media Projection and Key and Touch Injection operations.

MX: 11.1+

Android API: 30+

1 Secondary (Desktop) Display Uses the external display for Media Projection and Key and Touch Injection operations. If this option is selected and the device is NOT docked and connected to an external monitor, Media Projection and KTI operations revert to the device screen.

MX: 11.1+

Android API: 30+

External Screen Resolution

Used to select screen resolution on the secondary (external) display when a device is connected to an external monitor through a Zebra Workstation Cradle.


  • This feature applies to devices in Mirror or Desktop Mode as configured in Secondary Display Mode parameter.
  • Changes to Desktop Mode resolution require MX 13.5 or later.
  • If a device is cradled without an external monitor connection, the setting is applied to the device. When removed from the cradle, device resolution returns to its previous setting.
  • For devices in COPE mode, setting applies to both work and personal profiles.
  • The default setting for external screen resolution is 1920 x 1200.
  • If applying this setting to a cradled device, monitor resolution changes occur next time the device is inserted into the cradle.
  • The Zebra Workstation Connect app is NOT required to use this feature.

Parm Name: ExternalScreenResolution

Option Name Description Note Status Requires
86 Do not change This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) causes no change to device settings; any previously selected setting is retained.

MX: 13.3+

Android API: 33+

0 800x600

MX: 13.3+

Android API: 33+

1 1024x600

MX: 13.3+

Android API: 33+

2 1024x768

MX: 13.3+

Android API: 33+

3 1280x720

MX: 13.3+

Android API: 33+

4 1280x800

MX: 13.3+

Android API: 33+

5 1280x1024

MX: 13.3+

Android API: 33+

6 1366x768

MX: 13.3+

Android API: 33+

7 1440x900

MX: 13.3+

Android API: 33+

8 1600x900

MX: 13.3+

Android API: 33+

9 1680x1050

MX: 13.3+

Android API: 33+

10 1920x1080

MX: 13.3+

Android API: 33+

11 1920x1200 This is the default "out-of-the-box" setting for an external monitor.

MX: 13.3+

Android API: 33+

12 2560x1440

MX: 13.3+

Android API: 33+

13 Auto Automatically selects the optimal resolution for the external monitor based on its native resolution.

MX: 13.5+

Android API: 34+

Resizable Windows On/Off

Used to control whether applications run in windows that can be resized and/or moved by the device user. When turned off (option 2), apps launch in windows of fixed size and position, regardless of settings in the app's manifest.

Shown if: Secondary Display Mode is "Mirror Device Screen"

Parm Name: ResizableWindows

Option Name Description Note Status Requires
0 Do not change This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) causes no change to the current behavior; any previously selected setting is retained.

MX: 10.5+

Android API: 29+

1 Turn On Runs apps in windows that can be resized and/or moved.

MX: 10.5+

Android API: 29+

2 Turn Off Runs apps in windows that cannot be resized or moved, regardless of settings in the app's manifest.

MX: 10.5+

Android API: 29+

Activity Resizability

Used to control whether app activities are forced to run in windows that can be resized and/or moved by the device user or should follow the app manifest.

Parm Name: ActivityResizability

Option Name Description Note Status Requires
0 Do not change This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) causes no change to the current behavior; any previously selected setting is retained.

MX: 10.5+

Android API: 29+

1 All activities resizable Allows all app activities to run in windows that can be resized and/or moved.

MX: 10.5+

Android API: 29+

2 Follow app manifest Allows all app activities to run in resizable or fixed windows as prescribed in the app's manifest.

MX: 10.5+

Android API: 29+

Adaptive Brightness On/Off

This is the On/Off switch for Adaptive Brightness on the device, which automatically adjusts screen brightness based on input from the ambient light sensor.

Status: On devices running Android 13 and later, this feature can be accessed through StageNow and compatible EMM systems, or using Android Device Policy Manager (DPM) APIs.

Parm Name: Adaptivebrightness

Option Name Description Note Status Requires
0 Do not change This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) causes no change to the current behavior; any previously selected setting is retained.

MX: 10.2+

Android API: 27+

1 Turn On Enables the device to automatically adapt screen brightness based on ambient light.

MX: 10.2+

Android API: 27+

2 Turn Off Prevents the device from automatically adapting screen brightness.

MX: 10.2+

Android API: 27+

Brightness Level

Used to enter the screen backlight brightness level (from 0-100) as a percentage of the maximum. Enter -1 to leave current device setting unchanged. On devices running Android 9.x Pie and later, which support setting brightness while Adaptive Brightness is On, input from the ambient light sensor causes this setting to change. To prevent automatic changes, set Adaptive Brightness to Off.

Parm value input rules:

  • Accepts an integer from -1–100
  • If no value is entered, default value of -1 is used

Status: On devices running Android 13 and later, this feature can be accessed through StageNow and compatible EMM systems, or using Android Device Policy Manager (DPM) APIs.

Parm Name: Brightnesslevel


  • MX: 10.2+
  • Android API: 27+

Font Size

Used to select the size of alpha-numeric characters appearing in UI elements displayed on the device screen.

Status: On devices running Android 13 and later, this feature can be accessed through StageNow and compatible EMM systems, or using Android Device Policy Manager (DPM) APIs.

Parm Name: FontSize

Option Name Description Note Status Requires
0 Do Nothing This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) causes no change to the current behavior; any previously selected setting is retained.

MX: 9.2+

0.85 Small Sets the font to one size smaller than the Android default size.

MX: 9.2+

1 Default Sets the font to the Android default size.

MX: 9.2+

1.15 Large Sets the font to one size larger than the Android default size.

MX: 9.2+

1.3 Largest Sets the font to two sizes larger than the Android default size.

MX: 9.2+

Display Size

Used to select the size of UI elements displayed on the device. On devices running Android 13 (or later) with MX 13.5 (or later), this setting also applies to a secondary display connected through a Zebra Workstation Cradle. External monitors are subject to the behaviors listed below.

Devices with Android 13+ and MX 13.5+

  • Settings configured using this parameter are applied immediately on the device. If that device is subsequently placed in a cradle connected to an external monotor, the settings are extended to the monitor.
  • When such a device is removed from the cradle, the monitor's Display Size reverts to the previously configured setting.
  • If a configuration is applied when a device is in a cradle and connected to an external monitor, the Display Size is changed immediately on the device and the monitor.
  • Changes to Display Size through the Android Settings panel temporarily override device and monitor settings previously applied with this parameter; admin-configured settings are restored when the device is removed from the cradle.
  • If a configured Display Size is not supported for the resolution setting of the external monitor, the "LARGEST" Display Size is used, but the configured value is retained internally and considered a custom value.

"Larger" and "Largest" settings are intended for kiosks, tablets and vehicle computers only.

Note: A staging success/failure message sometimes fails to appear on the device when staging increases the display size.

Parm Name: DisplaySize

Option Name Description Note Status Requires
0 Do Nothing This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) causes no change to the current behavior; any previously selected setting is retained.

MX: 9.2+

Android API: 27+

SMALL Small Sets the size of UI elements at one step smaller than Android default size.

MX: 9.2+

Android API: 27+

DEFAULT Default Sets the Android default size for UI elements.

MX: 9.2+

Android API: 27+

LARGE Large Sets the size of UI elements at one step larger than Android default size.

MX: 9.2+

Android API: 27+

LARGER Larger Sets the size of UI elements at two steps larger than Android default size (large screens only).

MX: 9.2+

Android API: 27+

LARGEST Largest Sets the size of UI elements at three steps larger than Android default size (large screens only).

MX: 9.2+

Android API: 27+

Screen Shot Enable/Disable

Controls whether a device can use Android's built-in screen capture capability, which captures the contents of the screen and saves it to a file on the device.

Note: The method of capturing the screen generally involves a combination of simultaneous key presses that varies from one device to another.

Parm Name: ScreenShotUsage

Option Name Description Note Status Requires
0 Do Nothing This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) causes no change to the current behavior; any previously selected setting is retained.

OSX: 3.6,4.5 ONLY

NOT IN OSX 4.0 - 4.4

MX: 5.0+

1 Enable Enables the ability to use the Android screen capture feature.

OSX: 3.6,4.5 ONLY

NOT IN OSX 4.0 - 4.4

MX: 5.0+

2 Disable Disables the ability to use the Android screen capture feature.

OSX: 3.6,4.5 ONLY

NOT IN OSX 4.0 - 4.4

MX: 5.0+

Screen Blanking Enable/Disable

Controls whether a device display can be made blank when triggered by the signal set in the Screen Blanking Signal parameter. Blanking the screen blocks all user interaction with the device and its apps.

This feature was developed for safety reasons and is intended for use with vehicle-mount computers while the vehicle is in motion. It can be activated, for example, by an electrical signal wired to the vehicle accelerator. For more information about connecting a Zebra device to vehicle wiring, please refer to the Integrator Guide that accommpanied the unit.

Parm Name: ScreenBlanking

Option Name Description Note Status Requires
0 Do Nothing This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) will cause no change to the current behavior; any previously selected setting will be retained.

MX: 7.1+

1 Never blanked Prevents blanking of the screen.

MX: 7.1+

2 When Triggered by Signal Enables the screen to be blanked when triggered by a signal external to the device.

MX: 7.1+

Set Blanking Debounce Delay

Used to enter a delay (in ms) after a signal change is detected before blanking or unblanking the screen. Default value is 1000 ms (one second).

Parm value input rules:

  • Accepts an integer from 250-32767
  • If no value is entered, default value of 1000 is used

Shown if: Screen Blanking is set to "When Triggered by Signal"

Parm Name: ScreenBlankingDebounceDelay


  • MX: 7.1+

Set Screen Blanking Signal

Used to enter which external signal will control Screen Blanking, if enabled. Inputs 1 and 2 correspond to serial ports 1 and 2 on the Zebra VC80x vehicle-mounted computer. Other devices might differ. The serial port can be used to determine whether the vehicle’s accelerator pedal is pressed. For more information about connecting a Zebra device to vehicle wiring, please refer to the Integrator Guide that accommpanied the unit.

Shown if: Screen Blanking is set to "When Triggered by Signal"

Parm Name: ScreenBlankingSignal

Option Name Description Note Status Requires
1 Input 1 Sets the screen blanking signal to Input 1 (VC80x serial port 1).

MX: 7.1+

2 Input 2 Sets the screen blanking signal to Input 2 (VC80x serial port 2).

MX: 7.1+

Set Blanking Signal Polarity

Controls whether to blank the screen when the signal designated in the Screen Blank Signal parameter is present or absent.

Shown if: Screen Blanking is set to "When Triggered by Signal"

Parm Name: ScreenBlankingSignalPolarity

Option Name Description Note Status Requires
1 Blank screen when vehicle goes active (ON) Sets the screen to go blank when a signal is present.

MX: 7.1+

2 Blank screen when vehicle goes inactive (OFF) Sets the screen to go blank when a signal is absent.

MX: 7.1+

Screen Saver Scheduler

Used to select whether to enable screen saver scheduling and to manage previously scheduled settings.

Parm Name: ScreenSaverScheduler

Option Name Description Note Status Requires
0 Do not change This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) causes no change to device settings; any previously selected setting is retained.

MX: 13.5+

Android API: 33+

1 Always on Activates the screen saver according to the Android "Screen timeout" setting on the device.

MX: 13.5+

Android API: 33+

2 Always off Deactivates the screen saver, ignoring schedule and idle-device settings.

MX: 13.5+

Android API: 33+

3 Manage schedule Allows for selection of day(s) and times to activate the screen saver. Any selection also activates the schedule.

MX: 13.5+

Android API: 33+

4 Clear schedule Deactivates the screen saver and removes all previously configured screen-saver scheduling.

MX: 13.5+

Android API: 33+

Screen Saver on Monday (checkbox)

Used to select whether to display the scheduled screen saver on Mondays.

Shown if: Screen Saver Scheduler is "Manage schedule"

Parm Name: ScheduleScreenSaverMon

Option Name Description Note Status Requires
0 (unchecked) Deactivates the scheduled screen saver on Mondays.

MX: 13.5+

Android API: 33+

1 (checked) Activates the scheduled screen saver on Mondays.

MX: 13.5+

Android API: 33+

Screen Saver on Tuesday (checkbox)

Used to select whether to display the scheduled screen saver on Tuesdays.

Shown if: Screen Saver Scheduler is "Manage schedule"

Parm Name: ScheduleScreenSaverTue

Option Name Description Note Status Requires
0 (unchecked) Deactivates the scheduled screen saver on Tuesdays.

MX: 13.5+

Android API: 33+

1 (checked) Activates the scheduled screen saver on Tuesdays.

MX: 13.5+

Android API: 33+

Screen Saver on Wednesday (checkbox)

Used to select whether to display the scheduled screen saver on Wednesdays.

Shown if: Screen Saver Scheduler is "Manage schedule"

Parm Name: ScheduleScreenSaverWed

Option Name Description Note Status Requires
0 (unchecked) Deactivates the scheduled screen saver on Wednesdays.

MX: 13.5+

Android API: 33+

1 (checked) Activates the scheduled screen saver on Wednesdays.

MX: 13.5+

Android API: 33+

Screen Saver on Thursday (checkbox)

Used to select whether to display the scheduled screen saver on Thursdays.

Shown if: Screen Saver Scheduler is "Manage schedule"

Parm Name: ScheduleScreenSaverThu

Option Name Description Note Status Requires
0 (unchecked) Deactivates the scheduled screen saver on Thursdays.

MX: 13.5+

Android API: 33+

1 (checked) Activates the scheduled screen saver on Thursdays.

MX: 13.5+

Android API: 33+

Screen Saver on Friday (checkbox)

Used to select whether to display the scheduled screen saver on Fridays.

Shown if: Screen Saver Scheduler is "Manage schedule"

Parm Name: ScheduleScreenSaverFri

Option Name Description Note Status Requires
0 (unchecked) Deactivates the scheduled screen saver on Fridays.

MX: 13.5+

Android API: 33+

1 (checked) Activates the scheduled screen saver on Fridays.

MX: 13.5+

Android API: 33+

Screen Saver on Saturday (checkbox)

Used to select whether to display the scheduled screen saver on Saturdays.

Shown if: Screen Saver Scheduler is "Manage schedule"

Parm Name: ScheduleScreenSaverSat

Option Name Description Note Status Requires
0 (unchecked) Deactivates the scheduled screen saver on Saturdays.

MX: 13.5+

Android API: 33+

1 (checked) Activates the scheduled screen saver on Saturdays.

MX: 13.5+

Android API: 33+

Screen Saver on Sunday (checkbox)

Used to select whether to display the scheduled screen saver on Sundays.

Shown if: Screen Saver Scheduler is "Manage schedule"

Parm Name: ScheduleScreenSaverSun

Option Name Description Note Status Requires
0 (unchecked) Deactivates the scheduled screen saver on Sundays.

MX: 13.5+

Android API: 33+

1 (checked) Activates the scheduled screen saver on Sundays.

MX: 13.5+

Android API: 33+

Screen Saver Start Time

Used to enter the time of day for the screen saver to begin. All times are local.

Parm value input rules:

  • Accepts a string of five (5) characters representing the local time (HH:MM) in 24-hour format

Shown if: Screen Saver Scheduler is "Manage schedule"

Parm Name: ScreenSaverStartTime


  • MX: 13.5+
  • Android API: 33+

Screen Saver End Time

Used to enter the time of day for the screen saver to stop. All times are local.

Parm value input rules:

  • Accepts a string of five (5) characters representing the local time (HH:MM) in 24-hour format

Shown if: Screen Saver Scheduler is "Manage schedule"

Parm Name: ScreenSaverEndTime


  • MX: 13.5+
  • Android API: 33+

Screen Saver Path

Used to enter the path and file name of an image file (.jpg or .png) on the device to display on the screen while the device is in screen saver mode.

Parm value input rules:

  • Accepts a string of characters corresponding to a valid on-device path and file name
  • Supports .jpg and .png file formats only

Parm Name: ScreenSaverPath


  • MX: 13.5+
  • Android API: 33+


Turn On Screen Blanking

The sample below turns on the screen-blanking feature, selects serial port 1 on the Zebra VC80x vehicle-mounted computer as the signal port with standard-polarity wiring, and sets a two second (2000 ms) delay.

    <characteristic type="DisplayMgr">
        <parm name="ScreenBlanking" value="2" />
        <characteristic type="screen-blanking-details">
            <parm name="ScreenBlankingSignal" value="1" />
            <parm name="ScreenBlankingPolarity" value="1" />
            <parm name="ScreenBlankingDebounceDelay" value="2000" />

Turn Off Screen Blanking

    <characteristic type="DisplayMgr">
        <parm name="ScreenBlanking" value="1" />

Turn off the stay-awake feature

    ​<characteristic type="DisplayMgr">
        ​​<parm name="StayAwake" value="2" />

Setting font size to large (1.15)

    <characteristic type=”DisplayMgr”>
        <parm name=”FontSize” value=”1.15” />

Setting display size to large

    <characteristic type=”DisplayMgr”>
        <parm name=”DisplaySize” value=”LARGE” />

Turn on Auto Rotate Feature

    <characteristic type=”DisplayMgr”>
        <parm name=”Autorotate” value=”1” />

Turn on adaptive brightness

    <characteristic type=”DisplayMgr”>
        <parm name=” Adaptivebrightness” value=”1” />

Setting screen brightness level to 80 percent

    <characteristic type=”DisplayMgr”>
        <parm name=” Brightnesslevel” value=”80” />