
The Device Central Manager (DeviceCentralMgr) allows configuration of settings on the device for Zebra Device Central, an enterprise tool for viewing connection state, battery status, firmware version and other device conditions from a central console.

Main Functionality

  • Show/hide firmware update button
  • Show/hide Bluetooth On/Off button
  • Restrict Bluetooth pairing to a single device per device class

Firmware Update Button Show/Hide

Controls whether the "Firmware Update" button is shown in the Device Central app on the device. Pressing this button initiates the firmware update process on the device.

Parm Name: FwUpdateButton

Option Name Description Note Requires
0 Do not change This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) causes no change to device settings; any previously selected setting is retained.

MX: 8.1+

1 Enable Shows the 'Firmware Update' button in the Device Central app on the device, allowing the device user to initiate a firmware update, if desired.

MX: 8.1+

2 Disable Hides the 'Firmware Update' button in the Device Central app on the device, preventing the device user from initiating a firmware update.

MX: 8.1+

Bluetooth Control Show/Hide

Controls whether the Bluetooth On/Off button is shown in the Device Central app on the device, which allows the device user to change the state (active/inactive) of the Bluetooth radio through the app. This parameter does NOT change the state of the Bluetooth radio nor prevent the device user from changing the state through the Android Settings panel.

Parm Name: BluetoothOnOffControl

Option Name Description Note Requires
0 Do not change This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) causes no change to device settings; any previously selected setting is retained.

MX: 8.1+

1 Enable Shows the Bluetooth On/Off button in the Device Central app on the device, which allows the device user to change the Bluetooth state (active/inactive) through the app.

MX: 8.1+

2 Disable Hides the Bluetooth On/Off button in the Device Central app on the device, preventing the device user from changing the Bluetooth state (active/inactive) through the app.

MX: 8.1+

Bluetooth Pairing Control

Controls whether the device is permitted to pair with more than one Bluetooth device per device class (i.e. one headset and one printer). This parameter does not effect existing device pairings.

More information:

Parm Name: BluetoothPairingControl

Option Name Description Note Requires
0 Do not change This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) causes no change to device settings; any previously selected setting is retained.

MX: 8.1+

1 Single Pairing Per Device Class Limits the device to a single Bluetooth pairing for each device class.

MX: 8.1+

2 Multiple Pairings Per Device Class Allows the device to pair with more than one device in a Bluetooth device class.

MX: 8.1+


Show "Firmware update" and "Bluetooth on/off" buttons in DeviceCentral app, allow pairing of multiple Bluetooth devices per class.

  <characteristic version="8.1" type="DeviceCentralMgr">
    <parm name="FwUpdateButton" value="1" />
    <parm name="BluetoothOnOffControl" value="1" />
    <parm name="BluetoothPairingControl" value="2" />

Hide "Firmware update" and "Bluetooth on/off" buttons in DeviceCentral app, allow pairing of one Bluetooth device per class.

  <characteristic version="8.1" type="DeviceCentralMgr">
    <parm name="FwUpdateButton" value="2" />
    <parm name="BluetoothOnOffControl" value="2" />
    <parm name="BluetoothPairingControl" value="1" />