About OEMConfig

OEMConfig 13.3

What's new in OEMConfig 13.3


Zebra OEMConfig is an administrative tool for configuring Zebra Android devices using Android Managed Configurations. To configure a feature for which no Android Enterprise API is available, the use of Managed Configurations is the only available method based on publicly available specifications developed by Google and the Android community. OEMConfig interfaces with Zebra's Mobility Extensions Management System (known simply as MX), an XML-based communication framework for managing the capabilities and behaviors of Zebra Android devices.

Over time, many of the capabilities once available only through proprietary mechanisms such as MX have been added by the Android development community. Starting as "Android for Work," these capabilities are now available as "Android Enterprise" APIs or Android Managed Configurations, both of which are based on publicly available specifications. Zebra is adopting both as part of the natural evolution of its device management system.

Using OEMConfig

OEMConfig provides a single interface for managing Zebra Android devices regardless of the underlying APIs required to get the job done. OEMConfig works through Android Enterprise APIs when possible, and through Managed Configurations when no Android Enterprise API is available.

OEMConfig and the Zebra schema are available from the Google Play Store and must be used together to configure Zebra Android devices. The Schema defines the functions available for configuration and provides the data necessary to present the corresponding data-driven UI for configuring those functions. This mechanism allows Zebra to make a new Schema available as soon as new features are available for use.

What's New in v13.3

Applies to OEMCOnfig

Supports MX 13.3, adding the following major features and enhancements:

Version History

Added in v13.2

Applies to OEMCOnfig

XML pass-through now supports encrypted values. See XML pass-through docs.
The process for Reversing a Setting is now documented.
Supports MX 13.2, adding the following major features and enhancements:

  • Audio Manager adds the ability to:
    • Control whether to show/hide vibration icon on the Status Bar, which indicates whether the device vibrates when Notifications are received.
  • Audio Volume UI manager adds the ability to:
  • UI Manager adds the ability to:
    • Control usage of the Large-screen Taskbar, which displays recent and pinned apps, plus a link to the app library.
    • Control usage of the Active App List UI in the Notification panel on the device, potentially allowing the user to terminate apps running on the device.
    • Identify external keyboard names using wildcard characters.
    • Control an Airplane Mode Timer and set a length of time (in minutes) after which Airplane Mode will be automatically turned off on the device.
  • USB Manager adds the ability to:
  • Cellular Manager adds the ability to:
  • Wi-Fi adds the ability to:

Added in v13.1

Supports MX 13.1, adding the following major features and enhancements:

NOTE: Some features implemented with OEMConfig 13.1 were introduced with MX 11.9.

Added in v11.9

"Zebra OEMConfig Powered by MX" (May 2023)


"Zebra OEMConfig Powered by MX" is OEMConfig 11.9, a new version for Zebra devices running Android 11 and LATER. This app delivers numerous enhancements built by Zebra, and includes an all-new schema designed according to changes mandated by Google. The new version is NOT compatible with Android 10 or older Android versions.

"Legacy Zebra OEMConfig"


"Legacy Zebra OEMConfig" is the original version of Zebra OEMConfig, and is NOT compatible with devices running Android 13 or later. It was marked with "Legacy" to indicate its replacement by Zebra OEMConfig (see below).

Usage Recommendations

  • Use Zebra OEMConfig Powered by MX (com.zebra.oemconfig.release) on Android 11 and NEWER.
  • Use Legacy Zebra OEMConfig (com.zebra.oemconfig.common) Android 11 and OLDER.
  • If OEMConfig is being used with a mixed population of Android versions:
    • Devices running A10 and earlier MUST use “Legacy Zebra OEMConfig” (com.zebra.oemconfig.common)
    • Devices running A11 and later MUST use “OEMConfig Powered by MX” (com.zebra.oemconfig.release)

Also new in v11.9

  • Now includes an ALL-NEW schema
  • Fully supports the Google iFrame specification
  • Adds support for MX features from 11.6 through 11.9 (features listed below)
  • OEMConfig Managed Configurations have been simplified and restructured
  • New OEMConfig application icon

Supports MX 11.9, adding the following major features and enhancements:

  • Access Manager adds the ability to:
  • Cellular Manager adds the ability to:
    • Control whether the administrator has access to configuration of call blocking features, which can be used to prevent the device from receiving incoming calls and its user making outgoing, non-emergency calls. Emergency calls are always allowed regardless of this setting. Managed configurations relating to this feature:
    • Select whether to allow or block incoming calls.
    • Select whether to allow or block outgoing non-emergency calls. Emergency calls are always allowed.
    • Enter the length of time (in minutes) to allow incoming calls after an emergency call is made from the device, overriding call blocking. This parameter is intended to allow the user to receive calls back from law enforcement authorities, emergency services or other parties contacted during an emergency.
  • Wi-Fi adds the ability to:
    • Allow an administrator to select the FTM Location Update Mode, a preference for the frequency of updates to the Fine Timing Measurement Location on a device.

Supports MX 11.8, adding the following major features and enhancements:

  • Clock adds the ability to:
    • Allow an administrator to set a drift interval (known in MX as a "sync threshold"), specifying the maximum difference between the time on the device clock and that of its selected NTP server.
  • Touch Manager adds the ability to:

Supports MX 11.7, adding the following major features and enhancements:

Supports MX 11.6, adding the following major features and enhancements:

  • Audio UI Volume Manager adds the ability to:
  • Battery Manager adds the ability to:
  • UI Manager adds the ability to:
  • USB Manager adds the ability to:
    • Configure USB Host Mode with rules for connecting peripherals without prompting the device user, for granting apps permission to access peripherals and for auto-launching apps on connection.
  • Wi-Fi adds the ability to:
    • Control whether to mandate a server certificate and whether the device user is permitted to bypass validation when configuring a network in the Android Settings panel.
    • Select the certificate Action to use system certs or user-installed certs.

Added in v11.5

"Legacy Zebra OEMConfig"

"Legacy Zebra OEMConfig" is the original version of Zebra OEMConfig (com.zebra.oemconfig.common) and is NOT compatible with devices running Android 13 or later. It was marked with "Legacy" to indicate its replacement by Zebra OEMConfig (see below).

"Zebra OEMConfig Powered by MX" (May 2023)

"Zebra OEMConfig Powered by MX" is a new version of Zebra OEMConfig (com.zebra.oemconfig.release) for Zebra devices running Android 11 and LATER. Coming in May 2023, this system delivers numerous enhancements built by Zebra, and includes an all-new schema designed according to changes mandated by Google. The new version is NOT compatible with Android 10 or older Android versions.

About The Apps

  • Both versions target Zebra devices running Android 11.
  • The Legacy version is for Android 11 and OLDER.
  • The NEW version is for Android 11 and NEWER.
  • The Legacy version can be used indefinitely on devices with Android 11 or OLDER.
  • The NEW version MUST be used to target devices with Android 13 or newer.
  • The NEW version is NOT compatible with devices PRIOR to Android 11.
  • Companies targeting a mix of devices with Android versions older AND newer than Android 11 MUST USE BOTH versions.

More of What's New

• Support added for Google iFrame framework
• Choice-type Managed Configurations add "Do Not Change" as the first choice
• String-type Managed Configurations add a default value of " " (empty string)
Supports MX 11.5, adding the following major features and enhancements:

Added in v11.4

OEMConfig now supports the following major features and enhancements:

Added in v11.3

OEMConfig 11.3 now supports MX 11.3, adding the following major features and enhancements:

  • Access Manager adds ability to:
    • Restrict user access to the Android Settings panel
      See Settings UI Configuration > Settings Panel Access (Full/Partial/None) options
  • Audio Manager adds ability to:
    • Control user access to vibrate settings
      See Audio Configuration > Allow Device User Control Vibrate on Call
    • Select vibration options for incoming calls to the device
      See Audio Configuration > Control Vibrate on Call options
    • Manage a list of devices excluded from consideration as best path for media output
      See Audio Configuration > Best Path Exclude Action
  • DHCP Option Manager removes ability to:
    • Set DHCP Options 28 and 43
  • KeyMapping Manager adds:
  • License Manager adds ability to:
    • Persist all licenses on the device following an Enterprise Reset
      See License Configuration > Zebra License Persistence
  • UI Manager adds ability to:

Added in v11.2

OEMConfig 11.2 now supports MX 11.2, adding the following major features and enhancements:

  • VolumeUI Configuration adds the ability to:
    • Assign preset volume levels for streaming music to HDMI output
      (Volume UI Configuration > Add Profile Streams > Modes > Type > Hdmi)

Added in v11.1

OEMConfig 11.1 supports MX 11.1, which adds the following major features and enhancements:

  • Bluetooth configuration now supports the following device-beacon configuration parameters:
    • bleChannelAction
    • bleChannelRule
    • bleBLEChannelBlocking
    • bleRFBlocking
  • Display Configuration now supports the following parameter:
    • secondaryDisplayRemoteControl
  • Firmware Over the Air Configuration now supports the following parameters:
    • OsAutoUpdate
    • LifeGuardOTAOptions
    • Mode Manual Action: Cancel (cancels any ongoing OS Upgrade/Downgrade, if possible)
  • Wireless WAN Configuration now supports the following parameters:
    • ESimMemoryResetSlotId
    • ESimMemoryResetTypeAction

Added in v10.5

IMPORTANT: Due to changes in the Google managed configuration specification, the Zebra OEMConfig schema for version 10.0 (and later) includes default values ONLY for hidden restriction types; the Zebra schema no longer includes default values for non-hidden restriction types.

Device Support

Supports all Zebra devices running Android 7.x Nougat, Android 8.x Oreo and Android 10.1 (and later).

New Features

Supports some MX 10.5 features and enhancements, including the following:

  • Bluetooth configuration now supports paired-device actions and the following device-beacon configuration parameters:
    • bluetoothPairedDeviceAction
    • btBeaconState
    • btBeaconAirplaneModeState
    • btBeaconingOnBatteryReinsert
    • btBeaconType
    • btExplicitBeaconUUID
    • btAltBeaconUUID
    • btAltBeaconID1
    • btAltBeaconID2
    • btAltBeaconMfgByte
    • btAltBeaconRefRSSI
    • btCustomBeaconData
    • btCustomBeaconXmitPower
    • btBeaconXmitPower
    • btCustomBeaconXmitInterval
    • btBeaconXmitInterval
  • Device Administration now supports lock-screen customization and free-fall detection for the alert-button through these parameters:
    • daLockScreenWallpaper
    • daCustomLockWallpaper
    • daSilentAppInstall
    • daNotificationsOnLockScreen
    • alertButtonModeSensorIdentifier
    • alertButtonModeSensorParameter
  • Display configuration now supports device orientation and override features, as well as controls for the Zebra Workstation Connect solution through these parameters:
    • displayForceActivitiesResizable
    • displayResizableWindows
    • secondaryDisplayMode
    • displayAllowedOrientations
    • displayLockedOrientation
    • displayLockOverrideButton
  • General UI configuration now controls off-device sharing, assistant app settings, Home-screen wallpaper and external keyboard configuration through these parameters:
    • uiUseOfClipboardSharing
    • uiExternalKeyboardConfig
    • uiAssistantApp
    • uiCustomAssistantApp
    • uiHomeScreenWallpaper
    • uiCustomHomeWallpaper
  • Settings UI configuration adds the settingsUsbClientModeDefault parameter, which controls the default client mode for USB connections.
  • Wireless configuration now controls the state of location services, and Bluetooth and Wi-Fi scanning through these parameters:
    • wirelessGpsBluetoothScanning
    • wirelessGpsWifiScanning
    • wirelessLocationState

For a detailed list of configuration parameters, see the Managed Configurations section.

IMPORTANT: The MX features listed above are supported ONLY on devices with MX 10.5 or later.
Which version is installed?

Added in v10.3

IMPORTANT: Due to changes in the Google managed configuration specification, the Zebra OEMConfig schema for version 10.0 includes default values ONLY for hidden restriction types; the Zebra schema no longer includes default values for non-hidden restriction types.

Device Support

Supports all Zebra devices running Android 7.x Nougat, Android 8.x Oreo and Android 10.1.

New Features

The Managed Configurations guide now displays breadcrumbs in each MC Group to help simplify navigation within the group.

Supports some MX 10.3 features and enhancements, including the following:

  • Configure Clock Settings under ClockStep:
    • clockManualDateUTC
    • clockManualTimeUTC
  • Configure App Settings under AppStep:
    • devadminActionAllowUpdatePackageName
    • devadminActionDisallowUpdatePackageName
  • Configure Device Central Settings under DeviceCentralStep:
    • deviceCentralSmartLeash
    • SmartLeashAudioFeedbackRepeatCount
    • SmartLeashAudioFeedbackSound
    • SmartLeashAudioFeedbackState
    • SmartLeashAudioFeedbackVolume
    • SmartLeashHapticFeedbackState
    • SmartLeashHapticFeedbackDuration
    • SmartLeashSettingsUI
    • SmartLeashState
  • Configure under NfcStep:
    • nfcLogging
  • Configure under PowerKeyStep:
    • uiShowTouchModeInPwrKeyMenu
  • Configure under USBStep:
    • settingsUserControlOfDeviceStorageFromPC

For a detailed list of configuration parameters, see the Managed Configurations section.

IMPORTANT: The MX features listed above are supported ONLY on devices with MX 10.3 or later.
Which version is installed?

Added in v10.2

Device Support

  • Supports all Zebra devices running Android 7.x Nougat, Android 8.x Oreo and Android 10.1.

New Features

Supports MX 10.2, adding the following features and enhancements:

  • New Access Manager features:
    • Enter the Token received from a caller
  • New Bluetooth Manager features:
    • Configure single pairing of accessories
    • Define trusted devices
    • Enhancements to silent pairing rules
  • New Clock features:
    • Enter date and time in local or Universal Coordinate format
  • New Display Manager features:
    • Control automatic screen rotation
    • Enable/disable adaptive brightness
    • Set device brightness level
  • New KeyMapping Manager features:
    • Support for additional key codes
  • New License Manager features:
    • Supports URI-based license sources
  • New PowerKey Manager features:
    • Set touch mode options
  • New Power Manager features:
    • Enable/disable/configure battery saver options
  • New Touch Manager features:
    • Support and control latest Zebra devices
  • New UI Manager features:
    • Show/hide percentage of battery charge on screen
  • New Wi-fi features:
    • Configure Fine Timing Measurement
    • Control encryption options

IMPORTANT: The MX features listed above are supported ONLY on devices with MX 10.2 or later. Which version is installed?

For a detailed list of configuration parameters, see the Managed Configurations section.

Added in v10.1

Device Support

  • Supports all Zebra devices running Android 7.x Nougat, Android 8.x Oreo and Android 10.1.

New Features

Supports MX 10.1, adding the following features and enhancements:

  • Control device screen orientation:
    • Auto-rotation (on/off)
  • Control battery settings:
    • State of battery saver mode (on/off)
    • Set battery percentage to automatically turn on Battery Saver Mode
  • Control Zebra RxLogger debugging tool:
    • Start, stop and configure RxLogger
    • Capture snapshot of data collected by RxLogger, store in a predefined location
    • Redirect RxLogger debug logs to server
    • Specify FTP/FTPs server URI to upload captured RxLogger snapshot
  • Audit Logging:
    • Enable secure logging via EMM or Device Policy Controller “TestDPC​” app
    • Configure OEMConfig blackList or serviceAction managed configuration​
    • Perform secure logging for blackList or serviceAction managed configurations​
    • Use EMM/TestDPC to retrieve security logs​
  • Supports SimulScan in DataWedgeStep configuration
  • Support for multiple languages in EKB Step configuration

Added in v10.0

IMPORTANT: Due to changes in the Google managed configuration specification, the Zebra OEMConfig schema for version 10.0 includes default values ONLY for hidden restriction types; the Zebra schema no longer includes default values for non-hidden restriction types.

Device Support

  • Supports all Zebra devices running Android 7.x Nougat, Android 8.x Oreo and Android 10.0.

New Features

  • Supports MX 10.0, adding the following features and enhancements:
    • Enable/Disable “YES” button available for selection by a device user on the "Secure Start-up" dialog box after changing the device lock-screen password, PIN or swipe pattern in devadminStep configuration. If "YES" is pressed, the same password, PIN or pattern that protects access to the Android Launcher app also would be applied to protect the device start-up process, preventing the device from booting if restarted.
    • Support for A/B streaming of OsUpdate Actions in fotaStep configuration.
    • Support for Permission Access Configuration for an application in permissionAccessStep configuration.
    • Support for CSP Function Group Action in serviceAccessStep configuration. A Function Group is a set of functions that an administrator can designate as "sensitive" and worthy of protection from unauthorized use by apps.
    • Support for Dual-SIM Dual Standby feature in wwanStep configuration, which automatically selects which SIM card to use for cellular service based on preferences set in the Call, Data, Message and SIM subscription parameters.
  • Now displays SUCCESS/FAILURE results of Managed Configuration Actions.
  • Logging information sent to Google feedback channel is also now stored in logcat for off-line access.

IMPORTANT: The MX features listed above are supported ONLY on devices with MX 10.0 or later. Which version is installed?

For a detailed list of configuration parameters, see the Managed Configurations section.

Added in v9.3

Due to changes in the Google managed configuration specification, the schema for OEMConfig 9.3 (and higher) includes default values ONLY for hidden restriction types; the Zebra schema no longer includes default values for non-hidden restriction types.

Device Support

  • Supports all Zebra running Android 7.x Nougat, Android 8.x Oreo.
  • Supports devices available as of Dec. 31, 2019 running Android 9.x Pie.

New Features

  • Supports MX 9.3, adding the following features and enhancements:
    • Applications can now be configured to handle background data on a per-app basis
    • Bluetooth now allows rules to be enforced based on Bluetooth MAC address
    • GMS Configurations can now activate limited set of GMS apps
    • GPRS Configurations now support APN protocol roaming
    • Power Configurations can now control individual device wake-up sources such as buttons or keyCodes
    • Audio Configurations now allow selection of whether the device plays a sound when a battery charger is connected

IMPORTANT: Features listed above are supported ONLY on devices with MX 9.3 and higher. Which version is installed?

For a detailed list of configuration parameters, see the Managed Configurations section.

Added in v9.2.2.3

For Enrollment Configuration, now supports configurable items defined in a plug-in CSP.

Now supports MX 9.2, which adds the following features:

  • Device Administration Configuration: Reserve and Unreserve UI
  • Display Configuration: Control display size and font size
  • Wireless WAN Configuration: Supports WWAN advanced features
  • Wakeup Configuration: Control wake-up source method
  • Service Access Configuration: Control access by apps to specific CSPs
  • Worry Free WiFi Configuration: Supports Worry Free Wi-Fi password features
  • DataWedge Configuration: Supports restrictions
  • File Manager Configuration: Supports use of the hyphen (-) character in file names.

IMPORTANT: Features listed above are supported ONLY on devices with MX 9.2 and higher. Which version is installed?

See Also