The AddPackage Method of the AirBEAMSmart ActiveX Object instructs the AirBEAM Smart client to add the named package to the package list (as many as four can be added).
AddPackage (Method of the AirBEAMSmart ActiveX Object) Syntax var bRetVal = object.AddPackage([strPackageName]);
Items listed in this section indicate parameters, or attributes which can be set.
Name Possible Values Description
Default Value strPackageName String The name of the AirBEAM Package to add. N/A
Return Values
Name Description Success Returns true if the package was successfully added or false if it was not
The following javascript is example code of how to set the AddPackage method:
<script> var ab = new ActiveXObject("PocketBrowser.AirBEAMSmart"); function doSync() { if(ab.AddPackage("myPackage")) { setTimeout('ab.Run();', 100); } else { alert('Add Package Failed. You can only have a maximum of 4 packages'); } } </script>
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Additional Information
Supported Platforms Windows CE, Windows Mobile Persistence Persists in the AirBEAMSmart Object. Min. Requirements AirBEAM Client.