SAP ITSmobile for Windows Mobile/CE

Enterprise Browser 3.4


This guide provides instructions for modifying an EB app for Windows Mobile/CE to work with ITSmobile, the SAP middleware system built around its Internet Transaction Server (ITS). ITSmobile provides browser-based access to SAP's ERP, SRM and other enterprise apps made with the company's proprietary dynpro language. Enterprise Browser apps can be built or adapted to work with ITSmobile, and hence to access SAP back-end enterprise apps. Doing so requires familiarity with editing the Config.xml and HTML file(s) of EB apps.

The UserAgent section of this guide also includes troubleshooting issues that sometimes arise when migrating ITSmobile apps from one device or platform to another.

Related Guides:

Basic Steps

The basic steps for accessing ITSmobile from an Enterprise Browser app are shown below with descriptions of (or links to) the detailed procedures for each.

1. Set Start Page

Enterprise Browser must be set to start with the SAP ITSmobile application. Specify the URL of the SAP ITSmobile application in the StartPage parameter of the EB app's Config.xml file.

2. Enable APIs

If the app uses Enterprise Browser APIs, the API modules must be present on the device and referenced from every HTML page that calls them. If the HTML is not available or cannot be edited, access the API(s) through meta tags, which does not require changes to the HTML files. See "Invoke API through DefaultMetaTags," below.

3. Handle KeyEvents

Enterprise Browser can handle events triggered by keypresses, either by using the KeyCapture common API or the onkeyup / onkeydown / onkeypress JavaScript APIs. Zebra generally recommends the KeyCapture method, particularly on devices running Windows Mobile with the IE rendering engine because of several known limitations in the JavaScript APIs. For situations in which JavaScript is the only choice, consider switching to the Zebra Webkit engine, if possible.

KeyCapture API functionality varies based on the device, its operating system and the rendering engine in use. The following table can help identify available functionality.

SCENARIO Windows Mobile, Zebra Webkit Windows Mobile, IE engine Windows CE, Zebra Webkit Windows CE, IE engine Android, stock webkit
EB KeyCapture API (EB namespace) YES NO YES NO YES
JavaScript Object, backward compatibility API YES NO YES NO YES
ActiveX Object, backward compatibility API YES YES YES YES YES
HTML onkeyup/onkeydown Events YES NO YES YES YES

4. Capture Keys

The KeyCapture API can be invoked directly from one of the app's HTML pages or through a meta tag, which us useful if the HTML is not available or cannot be edited. Both methods are shown below.

Invoke API directly

Most JavaScript-based key handling for SAP ITSmobile applications is handled by the mobile.js file, which is hard to extract and modify from an SAP server and is subject to limitations and JavaScript issues of the IE rendering engine referenced above. To overcome those issues, try the following technique:

  1. Configure KeyCapture functionality in the config.xml file as below:

        <MetaTag VALUE="KeyCapture~KeyValue:All;Dispatch:True;KeyEvent:url('javascript:fireKeyEvent(%json);');" /> 
  2. Add the following JavaScript method as described in the DOM Injection guide. The same fireKeyEvent method has been configured in the Config.xml under the DefaultMetaTags attribute.

      //Add the fireKeyEvent in the HTML page for handling in WM device with IE Engine
      function fireKeyEvent(event)
        var getData = processKeyEvent(event);

KeyEvents also can be handled using any of the methods below:

  • To capture keys via JavaScript Object using backward compatibility API:

      keyCapture.keyValue = 'All'; //Here keyCapture is 2.2 KeyCapture JavaScript Object.
  • To capture keys via Meta Tags using backward compatibility API:

      <META HTTP-Equiv="KeyCapture" Content="KeyValue:All; Dispatch:True; KeyEvent:url('javascript:MyCallBack(%json);')">
  • To capture keys via ActiveX Object using backward compatibility API:

      var mygeneric = new ActiveXObject("PocketBrowser.Generic");
      var temp = "KeyValue:All;Dispatch:True;KeyEvent:url('javascript:MyCallBack('%s');')";
      mygeneric.InvokeMETAFunction("KeyCapture", temp);
  • To capture keys via Enterprise Browser KeyCapture API:

      EB.KeyCapture.captureKey(true,"ALL", MyCallBack);
  • To capture keys via JavaScript onkeydown event attribute:

      function jsKeyEvent(event)
      <body onkeydown="jsKeyEvent(event);"></body>

Invoke API through DefaultMetaTags

Invoking an API using DefaultMetaTags adds functionality without modifying the original HTML. The disadvantage is scalability; any functionality added by meta tags is available only on device(s) that contain the tags.

To apply DefaultMetaTags:

          <MetaTag VALUE="KeyCapture~KeyValue:All;Dispatch:True;KeyEvent:url('javascript:fireKeyEvent(%json);');" />

It's important to note that the functionality added by meta tags is available to all of the app's HTML pages. This is unlike direct API access, which requires a reference to the API from every HTML page that calls any of the API's functions.

What's more, a series of meta tags can be included once to interact with an API from anywhere in the HTML. For example, the following code in an app's Config.xml file would use the Signal API to display the network signal icon in the app. This way it will be available in all HTML pages but can be controlled from one location (the Config.xml file):

        <MetaTag value="Signal~left:10;top:200;color:#663300;"/>

5. Set Function Keys

Function Keys can be configured to perform custom tasks on the device, and are captured in the same way as other keys. However, Function Keys are sometimes predefined by the operating system to perform certain default behaviors. For example, the F6 and F7 keys on some Zebra devices are reserved for controlling speaker volume. In such cases, Enterprise Browser cannot reassign those keys. For Windows Mobile/CE, also see important interaction notes.

Windows keys on Android

On devices equipped with a hardware keyboard, Android apps created with Enterprise 1.2 or later might benefit by using the <isWindowKey> tag in the Config.xml file. This tag makes Android F1-F12 behave like those of a Windows Mobile device (returning the same key codes). This enables an app to support Android and Windows devices using a single instance of the application code. This feature is available only on Enterprise Browser 1.2 and higher, and supports PocketBrowser 2.x/3.x and RhoElements 2.x KeyCapture APIs.

Microsoft proprietary keycode values

The function keys of certain Zebra devices running Windows Mobile, including the WorkAbout Pro 4 and Omnii XT15 (with Windows Embedded Handheld 6.5), return a proprietary set of Unicode values via Windows character messages rather than the expected values.

For help handling these situations, please see the Enterprise Browser Function Key Mapping Guide.

UI Rendering

UI rendering varies depending on the rendering engine present in the device. Rendering also can be effected by web page layout and design, font selection and other factors. Many of the styles available today are not supported by the default IE rendering engine, and pages rendered on WM/CE devices using the IE engine will render differently than devices with the Zebra Webkit engine. When designing web pages for Enterprise Browser, Zebra recommends adhering to Responsive Web Design practices whenever possible.

To simply the usage of applications running on Enterprise Browser, users can now configure hardware function keys to perform ZoomIn and ZoomOut operations without having to make changes to the application.

Note: The function keys used for ZoomIn and/or ZoomOut operations are not accessible via any Key Capture API.


Using Webkit engine

Zebra recommends configuring SAP credentials through the <Authentication> parameter in the app's Config.xml file, which supports digest and basic authentication techniques. The syntax is shown below:


        <Username VALUE="userName"/>
        <Password VALUE="passWord"/>

Note for Windows Mobile with Webkit engine: If a credential is entered incorrectly using the Authentication parameter, some devices will not present another opportunity to log in, showing only the "Login Failed" page until the device is restarted.

Using IE engine

To avoid a perpetual "login failure" message, disable the license confirmation screen in the app's Config.xml file by placing a "0" in the <ShowLicenseConfirmation> tag, as below:


      <ShowLicenseConfirmation value="0"/> 

To avoid rebooting the device after every failed log-in attempt, Zebra recommends adding Quit, Back and Reload buttons to login pages.

Optimizing Performance

If an app is performing poorly, the following techniques might help improve it.

  • If the scanner is required by multiple pages of an SAP app, Zebra recommends keeping the scanner enabled when navigating from one page to another (it's disabled during navigation by default). The scanner should be disabled only when quitting the app or when reaching a page after which it will no longer be used.

  • Avoid pre-loading unwanted capabilities that are not required in SAP environment. Some common pre-loads are listed below. If they're not needed by the app, enter a "0" in their tag in the Config.xml (shown below) to disable them:

      <PreloadLegacyODAX value="0"/>
      <PreloadLegacyNoSIP value="0"/>
      <PreloadLegacyAirBeam value="0"/>
      <PreloadLegacyAPD value="0"/>

  • Zebra recommends disabling the Hourglass "page loading" icon (shown below) to improve performance during page navigation:

      <HourglassEnabled value="0"/>

  • Zebra recommends disabling screen orientation (shown below) to avoid issues while scanning:

      <ScreenOrientation value="0"/>

  • Zebra recommends loading only the API modules required by the app, and adopting as many additional Optimization techniques as possible.

Handling Service Interruptions

As with any app that relies on the internet, ITSmobile apps should be designed to gracefully handle occasional service interruptions and navigation failures. Enterprise Browser is designed to automatically display a bad link page if the user encounters a link that no longer exists or if navigation is taking too long.

One technique that page designers might consider is to add "Quit," "Back" and "Reload" buttons to pages so users never feel stuck. For ITSmobile apps, Zebra recommends that the Reload button direct the app back to the SAP authentication page.


For cases in which a page loads properly on one device and not on another, UserAgent values might be the cause, particularly when migrating an app from WM/CE to Android or vice versa. To check for this issue, follow the steps below.

1. Browser and Platform

Identify the browser and platform being used by the properly loading page from these possible combinations:

  • Windows Mobile/CE
    • with Enterprise Browser
    • with Internet Explorer
  • Android
    • with Enterprise Browser
    • with stock Android browser
    • with Google Chrome browser
  • Mac OSX or Windows with desktop browser (IE/Chrome/Mozilla/Opera/Safari)

2. UserAgent Values

Using the working browser, enter the URL below to display the UserAgent values currently in use on the device.
If no connection is available, skip to Step 2a.

2a. Alternatively, add one of the JavaScript snippets below to the HTML on the working device. The UserAgent values will be displayed when the modified page is reloaded. Copy those values and go to Step 3.

JavaScript Alert Display

Extracts and displays the UserAgent value as a JavaScript Alert (not recommended for production use):

<title>UserAgent Sample Page</title>
  <script type="text/javascript">  
        function getUserAgentValue(){
                var userAgentValue = navigator.userAgent.toString();
                alert(userAgentValue); //Note: JavaScript Alerts are not recommended for use in EB production apps.
<body onload="getUserAgentValue();"></body>

On-page Display

Extracts and displays the UserAgent value inside the HTML page:

<title>UserAgent Sample Page</title>
  <script type="text/javascript">  
        function getUserAgentValue(){
                var outputDiv = document.getElementById("myUserAgentValue");
                outputDiv.innerHTML = "<b>UserAgent Value:</b><br/>" + userAgentValue;
<body onload="getUserAgentValue();">
<h1>UserAgent Sample Page</h1>
<div id="myUserAgentValue"><b>UserAgent Value:</b></div>

3. Edit Config.xml File

Use the Config Editor utility to extract the Config.xml from the non-working device in preparation for editing its UserAgent tag.

As an alternative to Config Editor, copy the Config.xml from to non-working device to the local development host, open the file in a text editor and locate the UserAgent tag.

Location of Config.xml file:

  • On Android: /Android/data/com.zebra.mdna.enterprisebrowser
  • On Windows Mobile/CE: \Program Files\EnterpriseBrowser\Config

4. Transfer UserAgent Values

Transfer the UserAgent values of the working device to the non-working device using one of the procedures below.

Procedure 1

Try this first. Below is an example of UserAgent data from a working device:

"Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.4.3; TC700H Build/01-23257-K-15-04-00-MV) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36"

Copy all data within the quotes and paste it into the UserAgent tag of the Config.xml file from the non-working device. Be sure to paste the data inside the quotes and replace everything that was there before.

When finished, the UserAgent tag should look similar to the example below:

<UserAgent value="Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.4.3; TC700H Build/01-23257-K-15-04-00-MV) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36"/>

Proceed to Step 5.

Procedure 2

Try this only if Procedure 1 has failed. For the most effective troubleshooting, it's best to identify the issue and append the UserAgent data accordingly. If possible, enable debugging on the device (which on Android devices requires setting the DebugModeEnable tag) and use Chrome Inspector or a similar tool to identify problematic page elements.

Possible UserAgent/migration issues:

  • Locally stored pages not present
  • Error loading pages from cache
  • Unsupported browser
  • Unsupported rendering engine
  • Page logic coupled with one or more UserAgent values
  • A combination of these factors

If the UserAgent data from the working device appears as below...

"Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; Windows Phone"

...and the UserAgent data from the non-working device appears as below...

"Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.4.3; TC700H Build/01-23257-K-15-04-00-MV) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36".

...insert portions of the working UserAgent data into the non-working data until the issue is resolved. For example, inserting the value MSIE 6.0 from the working UserAgent data (top) into the non-working data as below could resolve some rendering issues.


Note: This procedure is not specific to Android or Windows Mobile/CE devices.

5. Push and Relaunch

Following each change to the UserAgent data, push the edited Config.xml file to the non-working device, launch Enterprise Browser and test the troublesome page(s).

Repeat Procedure 2 until the page loads correctly.

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