The Intent API provides an inter-application broadcast message-passing framework.
Enabling the API
There are two methods of enabling the Intent API:
- Include all 'ebapi' modules
- Include only the required API modules
Both methods are explained below.
Either way, the included files will be found in:
/Enterprise Browser/JavaScript Files/Enterprise Browser
a directory on the computer that contains the Enterprise Browser installation.
Include all JS API modules
To include all JavaScript APIs, copy the ebapi-modules.js
file to a location accessible by your app's files and include the JavaScript modules file in your app. For instance, to include the modules file in your index.html
, copy the file to the same directory as your index.html and add the following line to the HEAD section of your index.html file:
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="ebapi-modules.js"></script>
This will define the EB class within the page. Note that the path for this file is relative to the current page (index.html). Any page on which the modules are required will need to have the required .js file(s) included in this fashion.
Include only the required modules
To include individual APIs, you must first include the ebapi.js
in your HTML, and then the additional required API file(s). For instance, to use the Intent API, add the following code to the HTML file(s). Again, this assumes that relevant API files have been copied to the same directory as the HTML.
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="ebapi.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="eb.intent.js"></script>
In the code lines above, notice that
is included first, followed byeb.intent.js
, which is the Intent API for Enterprise Browser. This coding is required on each HTML page whenever an individual API will be called from that page.
send(HASH params)
Sends an intent. The receiver of the intent can be another application that is listening for this Intent characteristic or, on Android, the receiver can be a native Android application set up with an Intent-Filter that will trigger based on the parameters of this method.
Android Note: On Android, the callback should be used only when the intentType is set to START_ACTIVITY. The only valid way for an Android app to pass a private file from a package directly to another application is to set the 'uri' parameter with content URI.
- params : HASH
A hash-map with intent parameters.
- intentType : STRING
Type of Intent to send.
Possible Values :
- Constant: Intent.BROADCAST
String:broadcast - Use the intent as broadcast intent.
- Constant: Intent.START_ACTIVITY
String:startActivity - Use the intent to start a UI activity. Platforms: Android
- Constant: Intent.START_SERVICE
String:startService - Use the intent to start a background service. Platforms: Android
- Constant: Intent.BROADCAST
- permission : STRING
Permission used to send a broadcast intent. Platforms: Android
- action : STRING
Intent action. See Android docs for possible values. Use the Constant Value instead of the actual Constant Name. For example, for the Constant ACTION_PICK use 'android.intent.action.PICK' instead. Platforms: Android
- categories : ARRAY
List of intent categories. See Android docs for possible values. Use the Constant Value instead of the actual Constant Name. For example, for the Constant CATEGORY_HOME use 'android.intent.category.HOME' instead. Platforms: Android
- Object : STRING
- appName : STRING
Explicit name of the application to run on the device. The platform will determine the value to use. On Android, use the application package name. On Windows use the application/executable name. For shared runtime applications, the application name is taken from the 'Name' attribute in the Config.xml file.
- targetClass : STRING
Explicit name of the class in the application that will receive the intent. Must be specified if and only if 'appName' is defined. Platforms: Android
- uri : STRING
Open the application associated with the URI. Behavior may be different on different platforms and on software installed. For example, open URL with 'http://' prefix usually executes the Web Browser installed on system and opens the URL in that browser. On Android, this is similar to Intent.setData(). For example, if sending a Map Intent, you might set this value to something like 'geo:47.6,-122.3.'
- mimeType : STRING
MIME type of data defined in the intent. For example, for Plain Text one would use 'text/plain.' On Android, this is similar to Intent.setType.
- data : HASH
Data to be sent within the intent. On Android, this is similar to Intent.putExtra, and 'data' should contain a HASH of Extra-String/Value pairs. The 'Value' type of the 'Extra' can be a String, Integer, Boolean, Double, Nested Bundle, Bundle Array, or Parcelable Array List. Other object types are not supported at this time. For sample code, please refer to examples section below. Use the full constant string 'android.intent.extra.TEXT' in place of Intent.EXTRA_TEXT.
- callback : CallBackHandler
Async Callback Returning Parameters: HASH
- responseCode : INTEGER
Response code passed to Android Activity.setResult() method. RESULT_OK = -1. Check Android Docs for more information. Other attributes, such as 'uri' may be returned depending on the Intent that was triggered. Possible parameters include the same params that are used in this 'send(params)' method. Platforms: Android
Synchronous Return:
- Void
- Android
- Windows Mobile
Method Access:
- Class Method: This method can only be accessed via the API class object.
EB.Intent.send(HASH params)
Start listening for custom intents.
- callback : CallBackHandler
Async Callback Returning Parameters: HASH
Synchronous Return:
- Void
- Android
- Windows Mobile
Method Access:
- Class Method: This method can only be accessed via the API class object.
Stop listening for custom intents.
- callback : CallBackHandler
Synchronous Return:
- Void
- Android
- Windows Mobile
Method Access:
- Class Method: This method can only be accessed via the API class object.
Used to enable or disable the Enterprise Keyboard.
Parameter values:
- TRUE: EKB enabled and shown whenever device user taps on an input field.
- FALSE: EKB disabled and DOES NOT show even after using SHOW API or tapping on an input area.
Enable EKB:
var bool = new Boolean(true);
var data= {'ENABLE' : bool};
var params = new parameters(EB.Intent.BROADCAST, "", "com.symbol.ekb.api.ACTION_UPDATE", "", "", "", "", "", data);
EB.Intent.send(params, intentReceived);
Disable EKB:
bool = new Boolean(false);
var data= {'ENABLE' : bool};
var params = new parameters(EB.Intent.BROADCAST, "", "com.symbol.ekb.api.ACTION_UPDATE", "", "", "", "", "", data);
EB.Intent.send(params, intentReceived);
GET (available layouts)
Returns a list of custom key layouts currently available in the device.
Get available key layouts:
var propertiesToRetrieve = ["AVAILABLE_LAYOUTS"];
var data= {'PROPERTIES_TO_GET' : propertiesToRetrieve};
var params = new parameters(EB.Intent.BROADCAST, "", "com.symbol.ekb.api.ACTION_GET", "", "", "", "", "", data);
document.getElementById('availablelayouts').style.visibility = 'visible';
EB.Intent.send(params, availablelayouts);
GET (current layout)
Returns the current key layout group and the current key layout name. If Enterprise Keyboard is the current keyboard, returns the currently selected EKB layout.
Get current key layout group and layout name:
var propertiesToRetrieve = ["CURRENT_LAYOUT_GROUP","CURRENT_LAYOUT_NAME"];
var data= {'PROPERTIES_TO_GET' : propertiesToRetrieve};
var params = new parameters(EB.Intent.BROADCAST, "", "com.symbol.ekb.api.ACTION_GET", "", "", "", "", "", data);
EB.Intent.send(params, currentlayout);
SET (key layout)
Sets the custom layout in Enterprise Keyboard. While sending the intent to set the key layout, developer must add CURRENT_LAYOUT_GROUP
parameters as extras. Once key layout is set in Enterprise Keyboard, requested application receives a response intent containing RESULT_CODE
Set a custom layout for use by the app:
var layoutGroupName = document.getElementById('selectlayoutgroup').value;
var layout = document.getElementById('selectlayoutname').value ;
var bool = new Boolean(false);
var data= {'CURRENT_LAYOUT_GROUP' : layoutGroupName, 'CURRENT_LAYOUT_NAME': layout};
var params = new parameters(EB.Intent.BROADCAST, "", "com.symbol.ekb.api.ACTION_UPDATE", "", "", "", "", "", data);
EB.Intent.send(params, intentReceived);
Used to show or hide the specified key layout.
An app CANNOT hide the keyboard using the SHOW API if the app contains logic to show the keyboard automatically when an activity comes to the foreground
Parameter values:
- TRUE: Keyboard is shown when activity is launched, even if the activity does not require input.
- FALSE: Keyboard is not shown when activity is launched; shown only when the device user taps on an input field.
Show the specified key layout:
var bool = new Boolean(true);
var data= {'SHOW' : bool};
var params = new parameters(EB.Intent.BROADCAST, "", "com.symbol.ekb.api.ACTION_UPDATE", "", "", "", "", "", data);
EB.Intent.send(params, intentReceived);
Hide the specified key layout:
var bool = new Boolean(false);
var data= {'SHOW' : bool};
var params = new parameters(EB.Intent.BROADCAST, "", "com.symbol.ekb.api.ACTION_UPDATE", "", "", "", "", "", data);
EB.Intent.send(params, intentReceived);
Resets and enables the specified Enterprise Keyboard fixed or custom layout based on current key layout selection.
Parameter values:
- TRUE: Keyboard is reset
- FALSE: Keyboard is not reset
- If a custom layout is selected as the default, the custom layout is reset and displayed when an input field gains focus.
- If a custom key layout is NOT selected as the default, the Enterprise Keyboard fixed layout is reset and enabled (if previously disabled). EKB is displayed when an input field gains focus.
Reset and enable a custom key layout:
var bool = new Boolean(true);
var data= {'RESET_LAYOUT' : bool};
var params = new parameters(EB.Intent.BROADCAST, "", "com.symbol.ekb.api.ACTION_DO", "", "", "", "", "", data);
EB.Intent.send(params, intentReceived);
Registering Intent Receiver
For an Android app to receive intent data, the Intent receiver must be registered in the app's Config.xml
file. Please refer to the Intent section of the EB Config Reference for more information.
Sending Data Within an Intent
On Android, sending data within an intent is similar to Intent.putExtra. Data should contain a HASH of Extra-String/Value pairs. The 'Value' type of the 'Extra' can be a String, Integer, Boolean or Double. Notice the use of the full constant string android.intent.extra.TEXT
in place of Intent.EXTRA_TEXT.
Android (Java)
intent.putExtra("intent.extra.string", 'Here is the text I am passing to the Intent');
intent.putExtra("intent.extra.integer", 12);
intent.putExtra("intent.extra.boolean", true);
intent.putExtra("intent.extra.double", 14.28);
var data: { 'intent.extra.string' : "Here is the text I am passing to the Intent" ,
'intent.extra.integer' : 12 ,
'intent.extra.boolean' : true ,
'intent.extra.double' : parseFloat("10.55")}
Passing Extras as Nested Bundles
In some scenarios it might be preferable to pass intent extras as nested bundles or parcelable array objects or lists. Enterprise Browser supports nested bundles as a value type, and they can be created using Java or JavaScript. Examples of all are below.
Learn more about the Android parcelable class.
Nested bundle with Java:
Bundle intentConfig = new Bundle();
intentConfig.putString("PLUGIN_NAME", "INTENT");
intentConfig.putString("RESET_CONFIG", "true");
Bundle intentProps = new Bundle();
intentProps.putString("intent_output_enabled", "true");
intentProps.putString("intent_action", "com.zebra.datacapture1.ACTION");
intentProps.putString("intent_delivery", "2");
intentConfig.putBundle("PARAM_LIST", intentProps);
Nested bundle with JavaScript:
Java Script code:-
{"intent_output_enabled" : "true","RESET_CONFIG": "true" , "PARAM_LIST":{"intent_output_enabled": "true","intent_action": "com.zebra.datacapture1.ACTION", "intent_delivery": "2" }
Parcelable array object with Java:
Bundle profileConfig = new Bundle();
profileConfig.putString("PROFILE_NAME", EXTRA_PROFILENAME);
profileConfig.putString("PROFILE_ENABLED", "true");
profileConfig.putString("CONFIG_MODE", "CREATE_IF_NOT_EXIST");
Bundle appConfig = new Bundle();
appConfig.putString("PACKAGE_NAME", getPackageName());
appConfig.putStringArray("ACTIVITY_LIST", new String[]{"*"});
profileConfig.putParcelableArray("APP_LIST", new Bundle[]{appConfig});
Parcelable array object with JavaScript:
{"PROFILE_NAME": "Zebra Showcase", "PROFILE_ENABLED": "true", "CONFIG_MODE": "OVERWRITE", "APP_LIST": [{ "PACKAGE_NAME": "com.zebra.mdna.enterprisebrowser", "ACTIVITY_LIST": ["com.rhomobile.rhodes.RhodesActivity"] }
Parcelable array list with Java:
Bundle bMain = new Bundle();
ArrayList bundlePluginConfig = new ArrayList<>();
Bundle bConfigWorkflow = new Bundle();
bConfigWorkflow.putString("PLUGIN_NAME", "WORKFLOW");
bConfigWorkflow.putString("RESET_CONFIG", "true");
Bundle bConfigIntent = new Bundle();
bConfigIntent.putString("PLUGIN_NAME", "INTENT");
bConfigIntent.putString("RESET_CONFIG", "true"); //Reset existing configurations of intent output plugin
bParamsIntent.putString("intent_output_enabled", "true");
bMain.putParcelableArrayList("PLUGIN_CONFIG", bundlePluginConfig);
Parcelable array list with JavaScript:
],[{"PLUGIN_NAME": "INTENT", "RESET_CONFIG": "true", "intent_output_enabled" : "true"}]]}