elow is a EB application which has a startpage configured as nativetabbar.html. On EB launch, this start page creates three tabs where tab0 should be configured as the page used for tab creation (in this case nativetabbar.html). Once tab is created one can switch between tabs using EB.NativeTabbar.switchTab(nTabIndex). It means each tab page should have a link/button to switch between tabs.

Thee sample app below, called nativetabbar.html, creates three tabs: "tab0" is the current view (the startpage itself), and tab1 and tab2 are the real tabs shown to user. The app creates the three tabs on launch, and immediately sets is view to mytab2.html.

        <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="ebapi-modules.js">     
        <script type="text/javascript"> 

    function create_tabbar() {
                    {'label':'MainPage', 'action':'', 'useCurrentViewForTab':true},
                        label: "abc",
                        reload: false,

                        label: "abcd",
                        reload: false,
                        action: ""


                    {createOnInit: "true"} ,tabbar_callback   

            function tabbar_callback(params) 

            var alreadyloaded = false;
            function loadEvent(){
                if(alreadyloaded == false)
                    alreadyloaded = true;
                                       EB.NativeTabbar.switchTab(1);    //this will give a feel to user that his start page is tab1 page contents.(mytab2.html in this case)                
             function removetabbar()

            window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', loadEvent);

    <body onload="Javascript:loadEvent()" onunload="removetabbar()">    
    <button onclick="EB.Application.quit()">Quit</button>



<script type="text/javascript">

    function tabbarSwitch( nTab ) {
        EB.NativeTabbar.switchTab(nTab); //switch to any other tab

    function goHome( ) {
        EB.NativeTabbar.switchTab(0); //switch to default view if u want to quit the app



Text box to check "reload":
Switch to Home Page 0
Switch to MyTab3

It has been found that some users doesn't want to modify their existing application for switching from one tab to another. One can use dominjection technique for the same. Below is an example how one can use dominjection along with keycapture module for switching tabs. In this example our start page creates 3 tabs where tab0 is the page used for creating the tabs and tab1 and tab2 are the pages that users doesn't want to modify. In this example tab1 is google and tab2 is yahoo. Below is the start page nativetabbar.html one should configure in config.xml