Run Method

PocketBrowser 3.x API

The Run Method of the AirBEAMSmart ActiveX Object instructs the AirBEAM Smart client to run the client and perform the current configuration. Note: the client is run as the foreground application.

Run (Method of the AirBEAMSmart ActiveX Object) Syntax
var bRetVal = object.Run( );

axReturns Toggle Return Values

Name Description
Success Returns the exit code of the AirBeam Smart client.

Examples Toggle Examples

The following javascript demonstrates the Run method:

var ab = new ActiveXObject("PocketBrowser.AirBEAMSmart");

function doSync()

setTimeout('ab.Run()', 100);

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Remarks Toggle Remarks

Access to Operating System
In order to use the AirBeam application in Windows Mobile the user may require use of the task bar, something disabled by default in PocketBrowser. It is recommended to use Minimize and Restore (part of the application meta tag) to enable and disable use of the task bar whilst the user is interacting with the AirBeam client.

Info Toggle Additional Information

Supported Platforms Windows CE, Windows Mobile
Persistence Persists in the AirBEAMSmart Object.
Min. Requirements AirBEAM Client.