To display only the features present on a particular device, select one or more filters from the SmartDocs bar below.
Input fields accept ENGLISH ONLY.
Queries from MX are not supported on Zebra devices running Android 11 or later. See alternative method.
EMDK For Xamarin - 7.0
The "SmartDocs" bar can customize this page to show only the features present on a particular Zebra device.
OSX, MX and Android version information for a device can be found in the Android Settings panel or by querying the device through ADB, EMDK or the MX CSP. More info.
The Key Mapping Manager (KeyMappingMgr) allows an app to modify the behavior of one or more physical (or capacitive) Keys when such Keys are pressed (or touched). It does so by remapping the keycode value delivered by the Key to one that performs the desired behavior.
For TC55 key-mapping options, see the Scan Mode Manager (not supported by EMDK). For key-mapping options on other Zebra Android devices listed above, please see the Enterprise Keyboard User Guide.
Remapping the Power key is NOT supported on any device.
Only programmatic queries are supported on devices running Android 11 and later. MX-based query functions were discontinued in Zebra devices with Android 11 and later.
The broadcast receiver code varies depending on the LifeGuard update installed on the device for programmatic access to the active key modifier list.
To retrieve the active key modifier list programmatically:
1. Add the following permission to the app's AndroidManifest.xml
<uses-permission android:name="zebra.permission.KEY_EVENT_SERVICE"/>
2. Create a broadcast receiver in the app:
(minimum LG required for this feature):
IntentFilter intentFilter = new IntentFilter();
private BroadcastReceiver receiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
if(intent.getAction() == "com.zebra.intent.action.ACTIVE_MODIFIER_LIST"){
List<String> list= intent.getStringArrayListExtra("activeModifiersList");
Log.d("Active modifier list"," List "+list);
or later:
IntentFilter intentFilter = new IntentFilter();
private BroadcastReceiver receiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
if(intent.getAction() == "com.zebra.intent.action.ACTIVE_MODIFIER_LIST") {
Map<String,String> list= (Map<String, String>) intent.getSerializableExtra("activeModifiersList");
Log.d("Active modifier list"," List "+list);
3. Query Zebra's KeyEventService to get the active key modifier list:
Intent intent = new Intent();
To get the modifiers with key state:
1. Add the following permission to the app's AndroidManifest.xml
<uses-permission android:name="zebra.permission.KEY_EVENT_SERVICE"/>
2. Create a broadcast receiver in the app:
IntentFilter intentFilter = new IntentFilter();
private BroadcastReceiver receiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
if(intent.getAction() ==
Map<String,String> map= (Map<String, String>)
Log.d("Active modifier list"," Map "+map);
3. Request KeyEventService to get the modifiers with Key state list:
Intent intent = new Intent();
D/Active modifier list: List {orange=0, alt=0, diamond=1, ctrl=0, shift=2}com.zebra.testbroadcast
D/Active modifier list: List {orange=0, alt=0, diamond=2, ctrl=0, shift=2}com.zebra.testbroadcast
D/Active modifier list: List {orange=0, alt=0, diamond=0, ctrl=0, shift=2}This feature requires Android 11 and LifeGuard Update
(or later).
Zebra devices offer the ability to designate a key as a "panic button" that when long-pressed executes an intent to perform a customized task such as dialing an emergency phone number, summoning medical equipment or launching any custom app.
The Alert Button uses the following services:
See the StageNow Staging Profiles Guide for complete details.
Key Mapping is a capability offered on particular Zebra Android devices only. It allows keypress behavior to be defined for specific Key(s) or when a Key is in a given Key State. The Current Key State for a Key at any given time is determined by one or more Key State Modifiers that may have been applied as the result of presses of Modifier Keys. For example, a device with a Blue Key might set or clear the Blue-Key State Modifier in the Current Key State each time the Blue Key is pressed. Some Zebra devices support multiple Key State Modifiers to set the Current Key State; others do not.
The Key Behavior desired for a particular keypress in a particular Key State is defined by a Key Mapping in the Key Mapping Table. There are Key Mapping Tables associated with specific Key State Modifiers that can be set within the Current Key State. A Key Mapping for a Key that is defined in a given Key Mapping Table will be used only when the Key is pressed while the Key Modifier associated with that Key Mapping Table is set in the Current Key State. For example, when a Key is pressed while the Blue Key State Modifier is set in the Current Key State, the Blue Key Mapping Table would be searched to find a Key Mapping for that keypress.
Every device has a series of Default Key Mappings that are preinstalled in the Key Mapping Tables supported by that device. These Default Key Mappings define the default Key Behaviors for that device. To change the Default Key Behaviors for a device, new Key Mappings--called Override Key Mappings--can be added to one or more Key Mapping Tables. When a Mapping Table contains a Default Key Mapping and an Override Key Mapping for the same Key, the Override Key Mapping will be used. To revert to Default Key Behaviors, the Override Key Mappings can be removed, thereby restoring use of the Default Key Mappings. Default Key Mappings cannot be modified or removed, only overridden.
Key processing begins by checking the Current Key State at the time the Key was pressed. If multiple Key State Modifiers are set in the Current Key State, the Key Mapping Tables associated with those Key State Modifiers are searched in a fixed priority order based on their associated Key State Modifiers. If a Key Mapping for the pressed Key is found at any time during a search, searching stops and the found Key Mapping will be used to determine the Key Behavior to be performed for the pressed Key.
If all Key Mapping Tables associated with Key State Modifiers are searched without finding a Key Mapping for the pressed Key, the Base Key State Key Mapping Table is searched. If no Key Mapping for the pressed Key can be found, the default Android Key Behavior will be performed for the pressed Key. This will seldom be the case since most devices will have Default Key Mappings for all Keys defined in the Base Key State Mapping Table.
Not all devices support all Key State Modifiers, and hence not all devices will support all Key Mapping Tables. Some devices support multiple Key State Modifiers, and each device will support the Key Mapping Tables associated with all the Key State Modifiers that it supports. All devices support at least the Base Key State Key Mapping Table, even if they support no other Key Mapping Tables. The following Key State Modifiers and associated Key Mapping Tables may be supported by various devices. These Key Mapping Tables will be searched (when supported on a given device) in the order listed below, based on the Key State Modifiers that are set in the Current Key State.
On Android, modifier keys are referred to as Meta keys.
Blue-Key State Modifier and Blue-Key Mapping Table
This Key Mapping Table is searched when the Blue Key State Modifier is set in the Current Key State at the time a Key is pressed. If a Key Mapping for the pressed Key is found, then that Key Mapping is used to determine the Key Behavior to be performed for the pressed Key. If no Key Mapping for the pressed Key is found, then searching continues with another Key Mapping Table.
Orange-Key State Modifier and Orange-Key Mapping Table
This Key Mapping Table is searched when the Orange Key State Modifier is set in the Current Key State at the time a Key is pressed. If a Key Mapping for the pressed Key is found, then that Key Mapping is used to determine the Key Behavior to be performed for the pressed Key. If no Key Mapping for the pressed Key is found, then searching continues with another Key Mapping Table.
Grey-Key State Modifier and Grey-Key Mapping Table
This Key Mapping Table is searched when the Grey Key State Modifier is set in the Current Key State at the time a Key is pressed. If a Key Mapping for the pressed Key is found, then that Key Mapping is used to determine the Key Behavior to be performed for the pressed Key. If no Key Mapping for the pressed Key is found, then searching continues with another Key Mapping Table.
Control-Key State Modifier and Control-Key Mapping Table
This Key Mapping Table is searched when the Control Key State Modifier is set in the Current Key State at the time a Key is pressed. If a Key Mapping for the pressed Key is found, then that Key Mapping is used to determine the Key Behavior to be performed for the pressed Key. If no Key Mapping for the pressed Key is found, then searching continues with another Key Mapping Table.
Shift-Key State Modifier and Shift-Key Mapping Table
This Key Mapping Table is searched when the Shift Key State Modifier is set in the Current Key State at the time a Key is pressed. If a Key Mapping for the pressed Key is found, then that Key Mapping is used to determine the Key Behavior to be performed for the pressed Key. If no Key Mapping for the pressed Key is found, then searching continues with another Key Mapping Table.
Base-Key State Key Mapping Table
The Base Key State Key Mapping Table is searched if no Key State Modifiers are set in the Current Key State (i.e. default Key State) at the time a Key is pressed. This Key Mapping is also searched if all Key Mapping Tables were searched based on the Key State Modifiers that were set in the Current Key State and no Key Mapping for the pressed Key was found (i.e. fall through). If the Base Key State Key Mapping Table is searched and no Key Mapping for the pressed Key is found, then the standard Android Key Action for the pressed Key will be performed.
Each Key Mapping in each Key Mapping Table defines a specific Key Behavior to be performed for a pressed Key when that Key Mapping Table is determined to be the most applicable one for that Key press. Every Key Mapping requires a specific Key to be identified. A Key is identified in Key Mapping Using a Key Identifier. Key Identifiers are constructed generally according to the rules below.
Text-Labeled Keys
For a Key that is physically labeled with text, that label is used to identify the Key. For example, a Key that is physically labeled with the letter "A" would be identified as the "A" Key. In some cases, a Key might be physically labeled with an abbreviated text legend. For example, a Key that is physically labeled "BKSP" would be identified as "BACKSPACE" by the text description.
Graphically Labeled Keys
For a Key that is physically labeled with a picture or icon or other graphical legend, a textual description of that graphical legend is used to identify the Key. For example, a Key with an icon of a house would be identified as "HOME" by the text description.
Color-Labeled Keys
For a Key that is physically labeled with a color, a textual description of that color is used to identify the Key. For example, a Key that is colored blue would be identified as "BLUE" by the text description.
Unlabeled Keys
For a Key that is not physically labeled in a unique manner, a textual description is used to identify the Key. This is usually based on its physical location on the device when held in its normal orientation (Landscape for tablets; Portrait for most other devices). When more than one such Key exists, they're numbered from top to bottom. For example, the top-most of two Keys used as triggers located on the left side of the device would be identified as "LEFT_TRIGGER_1" by the text description.
NOTE: The number and style of physical Keys varies greatly from one device to another, as do the key-press combinations that make the Keys work. The Key identification rules above do not apply to all devices, and in some rare cases are the opposite of those described.
Keys that are not labeled are identified by their physical location on the device when held in its normal orientation (Landscape for tablets; Portrait for most other devices). When more than one Key is present on the left side of a device, for example, the Keys can usually be identified in numerical order from top to bottom as illustrated below:
Naming conventions for unlabeled buttons and Keys occasionally deviate due to engineering limitations, production restrictions or other factors. This can cause confusion as to which Key is which, and increases the guesswork required for Keymapping. The most common deviations are shown below (in red lettering). Use the Key Identifiers shown for each unlabeled button when remapping on these devices:
Each Key Mapping specifies a single Key Behavior that should be performed for a single Key identified by a specified Key Identifier. The Key Behaviors that can be defined are listed below.
Send Key code
This Key Behavior indicates that the Key pressed should produce a standard Android Key Action, but not necessarily the standard Android Key Action for the Key that was pressed. Any desired Key Code can be assigned to any Key, and the standard Android Key Action for that Key Code will be performed. It's also possible to enter the Key State in which standard Android Key Action for the Key Code will be performed.
Zebra provides unlimited flexibility to assign literally any desired standard Android Key Action to any Key when pressed in any Key State. For example, the "A" Key can be assigned to perform like the "Shift" Key State and produce the standard Android Key Action normally performed by the "2" Key when pressed in the "Unshifted" Key State.
Send trigger
This Key Behavior indicates that the Key pressed should produce the effect of a physical trigger switch. Most devices have one or more "Trigger" Keys for which this is the Default Key Behavior. Such Keys are most often used to initiate Barcode Scanning, but can be used for anything if the right configuration is applied.
A fixed set of eight (8) Triggers is supported, and are designated as Trigger 1 through Trigger 8. Triggers are most commonly used to provide a low-latency notification so that high priority events can be initiated. Some System applications on a device may register to be notified when various Triggers are sent. For example, the Scanning Subsystem on most devices uses Trigger 1 to initiate Barcode Scanning.
Normal (non-System) applications cannot perform registration for Triggers, and therefore cannot use the "Send trigger" Key Behavior to invoke their application functionality. Such applications should use the "Launch application or "Send Intent" Key Behaviors instead. However, the KeyMappingMgr can be used by a non-System application to determine which Key(s) pressed in which Key State(s) will produce Triggers for which System applications have been registered.
Launch application
This Key Behavior indicates that the Key pressed should launch an application of a specific name as if that application was launched by a device user using its main launcher icon. The same result could be achieved using the "Send Intent" Key Behavior, provided the right information about the Intent required to launch the application is known in advance. The "Launch application" Key Behavior makes launching an application much easier, but only to launch its main activity. If the need is to launch some other app activity or pass custom data to the application to tell it what to do, the "Send Intent" Key Behavior should be used instead.
Send Intent
This Key Behavior indicates that the Key pressed should send an Intent, which can be sent to an application using startActivity or sendBroadcast. Supporting both types of Intents provides the flexibility to launch a variety of applications. In addition, various parameters can be configured for constructing the Intent to match it to the needs of an application. This includes attachment of an extra data value to communicate information about a desired action the application should perform.
Since Intents are extremely flexible, an existing application might require an Intent that cannot be described with the relatively simplistic capabilities of the KeyMappingMgr. While it may be possible to meet the needs of some existing applications, the "Send Intent" Key Behavior is really designed to send Intents that are specifically designed and added to applications for this purpose.
Suppress key
This Key Behavior indicates that the key-press should be completely ignored and produce no result.
Reset to default
This Key Behavior indicates that the Default Key Mapping (if any) for a Key in a specified Key Mapping Table should be restored. This is done by removing any Override Key Mapping for the Key from the specified Key Mapping Table. If there is no Override Key Mapping for the Key in the specified Key Mapping Table, no change will be made.
On Android, modifier keys are referred to as Meta keys.
Controls whether a Key Mapping will be added/modified for an individual key or all Key Mappings will be returned their default state for the device.
NOTE: To configure a device with a prior state that is not known, it is sometimes advisable to begin by returning Key Mapping to the default state. In that way, subsequently added Override Key Mappings will be starting from a known state and are therefore more likely to achieve a desired result. However, if the intention is to define a set of Key Mappings that are required by a specific application, it might be preferable to start from the current state (whatever that state might be) and alter it by adding or modifying selected Override Key Mappings without otherwise altering the state of Key Mapping for the device.
Parm Name: Action
Option | Name | Description | Note | Status | Requires |
0 | Do not change | This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) causes no change to device settings; any previous setting is retained. |
MX: 11.4+ |
1 | Remap a key | Adds or modifies Override Key Mappings for a single Key for one or more Key Mapping Tables. Each Override Key Mapping added or modified alters the Behavior of exactly one Key in one or more of its Key States. |
MX: 4.4+ |
2 | Default all key mappings | Causes all Override Key Mappings to be removed from all Key Mapping Tables and sets all Key Mappings to their default values for the device. |
MX: 4.4+ |
Used to identify the device Key or button for which an Override-Key Mapping will be added or modified. To add or modify an Override Mapping for a Key, enter the Option (Key Identifier) listed in the table below that matches the friendly Name and Description of the Key to be mapped.
Not all devices have Keys for every Key Identifier in the table. Attempts to add an Override Mapping for a Key that is not present on a device will produce an error in the Result XML. For a list of supported Keys on a specific device, query* the KeyMappingMgr for Key Identifiers (see Queries, below) or refer to the device documentation. For known deviations from these standards, see the Standards and Deviations section of the Overview at the top of this page.
*Query functions have been discontinued in Zebra devices running Android 11 and later.
Shown if: The Action value is "Remap a key"
Parm Name: KeyIdentifier
Option | Name | Description | Note | Status | Requires |
(null) | None | A null value (or the absence this parm from the XML) will result in no Key Mapping action; any previously selected setting is retained. |
MX: 4.4+ |
0-9 | Number Keys | Enter a number to select the corresponding numerical key. For example, enter the number "2" to select the "2" key. |
MX: 4.4+ |
A-Z | Alpha Keys | Enter a letter of the alphabet to select the corresponding key. For example, enter the letter "A" to select the "A" key. |
MX: 4.4+ |
DOT | Period | The period or "dot" key |
MX: 4.4+ |
COMMA | Comma | The comma key |
MX: 8.3+ |
STAR | Star | The "Star" key (this is not the "asterisk" key) |
MX: 4.4+ |
POUND | Pound | The Pound ("#") or number-sign key |
MX: 4.4+ |
F1-F12 | Function Keys | Use "F" plus the number of the desired function key. For example, enter "F10" to select the "F10" key. |
MX: 4.4+ |
ENTER | Enter | The "Enter" key on the device (might be different than the "Return" key) |
MX: 4.4+ |
UP | Up | The Up-arrow key |
MX: 4.4+ |
DOWN | Down | The Down-arrow key |
MX: 4.4+ |
LEFT | Left | The Left-arrow key |
MX: 4.4+ |
RIGHT | Right | The Right-arrow key |
MX: 4.4+ |
NAV_OK | NAV_OK | Button in center of four-way navigational arrow keys on some devices |
MX: 10.4+ |
ESC | Escape | The Escape or "ESC" key |
MX: 4.4+ |
BACKSPACE | Backspace | The Backspace or "BKSP" key |
MX: 4.4+ |
DELETE | Delete | The Delete or "DEL" key |
MX: 11.3+ |
INSERT | Insert | The Insert or "INS" key |
MX: 11.3+ |
SPACE | Space | The Space key or spacebar |
MX: 4.4+ |
RETURN | Return | The "Return" key (might be different than the "Enter" key) |
MX: 4.4+ |
CLR | Clear | The "Clear" key |
MX: 4.4+ |
FIELD_EXIT | Field Exit | The "Field Exit" key |
MX: 4.4+ |
ALT | Alt | The "Alt" modifier/meta key |
MX: 4.4+ |
CTRL | Control | The Control or "CTRL" modifier/meta key |
MX: 4.4+ |
SHIFT | Shift | The "SHIFT" modifier/meta key |
MX: 4.4+ |
FUNC | Func | The "Function" modifier/meta key |
MX: 9.2+ |
ALPHA | Alpha | The "Alpha" modifier/meta key |
MX: 9.2+ |
CL | CL | The key marked with "CL" on some devices |
MX: 10.4+ |
FN | FN | The key marked with "FN" on some devices |
MX: 10.4+ |
BLUE | Blue | The key that is colored completely blue (sometimes known as the "Function" key) |
MX: 4.4+ |
ORANGE | Orange | The key that is colored completely orange (sometimes known as the "Alpha" key) |
MX: 4.4+ |
DIAMOND | Diamond | The key marked with a "diamond" symbol |
MX: 8.3+ |
GREEN | Green Dot | The key with a green dot on it |
MX: 4.4+ |
RED | Red Dot | The key with a red dot on it |
MX: 4.4+ |
VOLUMEUP | Volume Up | The key that increases the audio volume on the device |
MX: 4.4+ |
VOLUMEDOWN | Volume Down | The key that decreases the audio volume on the device |
MX: 4.4+ |
SCAN | Scan | The key or button that invokes the device scanner |
MX: 4.4+ |
GRIP_TRIGGER | Grip Trigger | Usually the upper-most button on the hand grip |
MX: 4.4+ |
GRIP_TRIGGER_2 | Grip Trigger 2 | The lower button on the hand grip when two grip buttons are present on the device |
MX: 6.1+ |
LEFT_TRIGGER_1 | Button L1 | Usually the upper-most button on the left side of the device |
MX: 4.4+ |
LEFT_TRIGGER_2 | Button L2 | The lower button on the left side of the device when two buttons are present on the left side |
MX: 4.4+ |
RIGHT_TRIGGER_1 | Button R1 | Usually the upper-most button on the right side of the device |
MX: 4.4+ |
RIGHT_TRIGGER_2 | Button R2 | The lower button on the right side of the device when two buttons are present on the right side |
MX: 4.4+ |
LEFT_TRIGGER | Left Trigger | The button on the left side of a Zebra MC33 device (if so equipped) |
MX: 7.2+ |
RIGHT_TRIGGER | Right Trigger | The button on the right side of a Zebra MC33 device (if so equipped) |
MX: 7.2+ |
CENTER_TRIGGER | Center Trigger | The button at the top of the keypad on a Zebra MC33 device (if so equipped) |
MX: 7.2+ |
GUN_TRIGGER | Gun Trigger | The button on the front of the handle of a Zebra MC33 device (if so equipped) |
MX: 7.2+ |
HEADSET_HOOK | Headset Button | The button that picks up/hangs up the headset |
MX: 4.4+ |
BACK | Back | The "BACK" key, button or capacitive button on the device |
MX: 4.4+ |
HOME | Home | The "HOME" key, button or capacitive button on the device |
MX: 4.4+ |
MENU | Menu | The "MENU" key, button or capacitive button on the device |
MX: 4.4+ |
RECENT | Recent | The "Recent Apps" key, button or capacitive button on the device |
MX: 4.4+ |
SEARCH | Search | The "Search" key, button or capacitive button on the device |
MX: 4.4+ |
KEYLIGHT | Keyboard Backlight | The keyboard backlight key or button on the device |
MX: 4.4+ |
LAMP | Display Backlight | The display-screen backlight key or button on the device |
MX: 4.4+ |
POWER | Power | The "Power" (on/off) key or button on the device |
MX: 4.4+ |
P1 | P1 Button | The button marked "P1" |
MX: 5.2+ |
P2 | P2 Button | The button marked "P2" |
MX: 5.2+ |
P3 | P3 Button | The button marked "P3" |
MX: 5.2+ |
P4 | P4 Button | The button marked "P4" |
MX: 7.2+ |
P5 | P5 Button | The button marked "P5" |
MX: 8.3+ |
P6 | P6 Button | The button marked "P6" |
MX: 8.3+ |
REAR_BUTTON | Rear Button | The button on the rear of the device |
MX: 6.1+ |
LEFT_EXTERNAL_TRIGGER | Left External Trigger | The trigger button on the left side of an external triggering device |
MX: 5.2+ |
RIGHT_EXTERNAL_TRIGGER | Right External Trigger | The trigger button on the right side of an external triggering device |
MX: 5.2+ |
BLUETOOTH_REMOTE_TRIGGER_1 | Bluetooth Remote Trigger 1 | The primary trigger button on a Bluetooth-connected barcode scanner |
MX: 9.2+ |
BLUETOOTH_REMOTE_TRIGGER_2 | Bluetooth Remote Trigger 2 | The secondary trigger button (if equipped) on a Bluetooth-connected barcode scanner |
MX: 9.2+ |
NAV_PAD | Touch NAV_PAD | The touch-sensitive navigation pad on a device |
MX: 6.2+ |
M1 | Macro 1 | The Zebra VC80x M1 key |
MX: 7.1+ |
M2 | Macro 2 | The Zebra VC80x M2 key |
MX: 7.1+ |
M3 | Macro 3 | The Zebra VC80x M3 key |
MX: 7.1+ |
M4 | Macro 4 | The Zebra VC80x M4 key |
MX: 7.1+ |
M5 | Macro 5 | The Zebra VC80x M5 key |
MX: 7.1+ |
M6 | Macro 6 | The Zebra VC80x M6 key |
MX: 7.1+ |
BRIGHTNESSUP | Brightness Up | Key on the Zebra VC80x that increases screen brightness |
MX: 7.1+ |
BRIGHTNESSDOWN | Brightness Down | Key on the Zebra VC80x that reduces screen brightness |
MX: 7.1+ |
KEYLIGHTUP | Keyboard Backlight Brightness Up | The key that increases keyboard backlight brightness |
MX: 8.3+ |
KEYLIGHTDOWN | Keyboard Backlight Brightness Down | The key that reduces keyboard backlight brightness |
MX: 8.3+ |
ROTATE | Rotate | The key that causes the screen to change orientation |
MX: 9.2+ |
PLUS | Plus | The key that inputs a plus (+) sign |
MX: 9.2+ |
MINUS | Minus | The key that inputs a minus (-) sign or hyphen |
MX: 9.2+ |
PAUSE | Pause | The key that inputs a pause/break command |
MX: 9.2+ |
END | End | The key that moves the cursor to the end of the current page |
MX: 9.2+ |
PAGEUP | Page Up | The key that moves the cursor up one page |
MX: 9.2+ |
PAGEDOWN | Page Down | The key that moves the cursor down one page |
MX: 9.2+ |
TAB | Tab | The key that inputs a tab character |
MX: 10.2+ |
DO_NOT_DISTURB | CLIP-MOUNT_BUTTON | Button on top of the clip mount accessory for the Zebra WS50 |
MX: 13.3+ |
TOP_BUTTON | Top Button | Recessed button on top of the Zebra EM45 for use as an "emergency" call button |
MX: 13.5+ |
RIGHT_BUTTON | Right Button | Button on the right side of the Zebra EM45 |
MX: 13.5+ |
CHANNEL_SWITCH | Channel Switch | Upper button on the left side of Zebra FR55 devices for switching push-to-talk communication channels |
MX: 14.2+ |
ALERT_BUTTON | Alert Button | Red button on top of the Zebra FR55 devices for use as an "emergency" call button |
MX: 14.2+ |
Used to enter a Key Code to be sent as the Key Behavior for the specified Key in any Key State Mapping Table. All parameters use the same values shown in the Base Key State Mapping Table.
NOTE: All parameters shown here allow control of the Key State(s) under which the Key Code is sent. Parameters for controlling those settings are covered in the Advanced Sections. Attempts to enter a Key Behavior for a Key Mapping Table that is not supported on a given device returns an error in the Result XML. For the Key Mapping Tables supported on a specific device, query* the KeyMappingMgr (see Queries, below) or refer to the device documentation.
*Query functions have been discontinued in Zebra devices running Android 11 and later.
Parm names:
Shown if: The Action value is "Remap a key" and Choose a key to modify is not "None" and the Key Behavior is "Send key-code"
Parm Name: BaseKeyCode,BlueKeyCode,OrangeKeyCode,GreyKeyCode,ShiftKeyCode,ControlKeyCode
Option | Name | Description | Note | Status | Requires |
7 | 0 |
MX: 4.4+ |
8 | 1 |
MX: 4.4+ |
9 | 2 |
MX: 4.4+ |
10 | 3 |
MX: 4.4+ |
11 | 4 |
MX: 4.4+ |
12 | 5 |
MX: 4.4+ |
13 | 6 |
MX: 4.4+ |
14 | 7 |
MX: 4.4+ |
15 | 8 |
MX: 4.4+ |
16 | 9 |
MX: 4.4+ |
81 | Plus |
MX: 4.4+ |
69 | Minus |
MX: 4.4+ |
70 | Equals |
MX: 4.4+ |
71 | Left "Open" Square Bracket |
MX: 9.2+ |
72 | Right "Close" Square Bracket |
MX: 9.2+ |
68 | Grave |
MX: 4.4+ |
76 | Slash |
MX: 4.4+ |
73 | Backslash |
MX: 4.4+ |
74 | Semicolon |
MX: 4.4+ |
75 | Apostrophe |
MX: 4.4+ |
55 | Comma |
MX: 4.4+ |
56 | Period |
MX: 4.4+ |
17 | Star |
MX: 4.4+ |
18 | Pound |
MX: 4.4+ |
77 | At |
MX: 4.4+ |
29 | A |
MX: 4.4+ |
30 | B |
MX: 4.4+ |
31 | C |
MX: 4.4+ |
32 | D |
MX: 4.4+ |
33 | E |
MX: 4.4+ |
34 | F |
MX: 4.4+ |
35 | G |
MX: 4.4+ |
36 | H |
MX: 4.4+ |
37 | I |
MX: 4.4+ |
38 | J |
MX: 4.4+ |
39 | K |
MX: 4.4+ |
40 | L |
MX: 4.4+ |
41 | M |
MX: 4.4+ |
42 | N |
MX: 4.4+ |
43 | O |
MX: 4.4+ |
44 | P |
MX: 4.4+ |
45 | Q |
MX: 4.4+ |
46 | R |
MX: 4.4+ |
47 | S |
MX: 4.4+ |
48 | T |
MX: 4.4+ |
49 | U |
MX: 4.4+ |
50 | V |
MX: 4.4+ |
51 | W |
MX: 4.4+ |
52 | X |
MX: 4.4+ |
53 | Y |
MX: 4.4+ |
54 | Z |
MX: 4.4+ |
66 | Enter |
MX: 4.4+ |
61 | Tab |
MX: 4.4+ |
62 | Space |
MX: 4.4+ |
111 | Escape |
MX: 4.4+ |
67 | Delete |
MX: 4.4+ |
131 | F1 |
MX: 4.4+ |
132 | F2 |
MX: 4.4+ |
133 | F3 |
MX: 4.4+ |
134 | F4 |
MX: 4.4+ |
135 | F5 |
MX: 4.4+ |
136 | F6 |
MX: 4.4+ |
137 | F7 |
MX: 4.4+ |
138 | F8 |
MX: 4.4+ |
139 | F9 |
MX: 4.4+ |
140 | F10 |
MX: 4.4+ |
141 | F11 |
MX: 4.4+ |
142 | F12 |
MX: 4.4+ |
144 | NUMPAD 0 |
MX: 4.4+ |
145 | NUMPAD 1 |
MX: 4.4+ |
146 | NUMPAD 2 |
MX: 4.4+ |
147 | NUMPAD 3 |
MX: 4.4+ |
148 | NUMPAD 4 |
MX: 4.4+ |
149 | NUMPAD 5 |
MX: 4.4+ |
150 | NUMPAD 6 |
MX: 4.4+ |
151 | NUMPAD 7 |
MX: 4.4+ |
152 | NUMPAD 8 |
MX: 4.4+ |
153 | NUMPAD 9 |
MX: 4.4+ |
154 | NUMPAD Divide |
MX: 4.4+ |
155 | NUMPAD Multiply |
MX: 4.4+ |
156 | NUMPAD Subtract |
MX: 4.4+ |
157 | NUMPAD Add |
MX: 4.4+ |
158 | NUMPAD Period |
MX: 4.4+ |
159 | NUMPAD Comma |
MX: 4.4+ |
160 | NUMPAD Enter |
MX: 4.4+ |
161 | NUMPAD Equals |
MX: 4.4+ |
162 | NUMPAD Left Parenthesis |
MX: 4.4+ |
163 | NUMPAD Right Parenthesis |
MX: 4.4+ |
19 | DPAD Up |
MX: 4.4+ |
20 | DPAD Down |
MX: 4.4+ |
21 | DPAD Left |
MX: 4.4+ |
22 | DPAD Right |
MX: 4.4+ |
23 | DPAD Center |
MX: 4.4+ |
122 | Move Home |
MX: 4.4+ |
123 | Move End |
MX: 4.4+ |
92 | Page Up |
MX: 4.4+ |
93 | Page Down |
MX: 4.4+ |
124 | Insert |
MX: 4.4+ |
112 | Forward Delete |
MX: 4.4+ |
28 | Clear |
MX: 4.4+ |
10024 | Lamp |
MX: 8.3+ |
10026 | Do nothing |
MX: 8.3+ |
10027 | Blue |
MX: 4.4+ |
10028 | Orange |
MX: 4.4+ |
10029 | Grey |
MX: 4.4+ |
10039 | Diamond |
MX: 8.3+ |
10030 | Alt |
MX: 4.4+ |
10031 | Control |
MX: 4.4+ |
10032 | Shift |
MX: 4.4+ |
10034 | Keyboard |
MX: 7.1+ |
10035 | Touch Calibrate |
MX: 8.3+ |
10036 | Scan |
MX: 8.3+ |
10037 | Search Key |
MX: 8.3+ |
10038 | None |
MX: 8.3+ |
10025 | KeyLight |
MX: 8.3+ |
10040 | Keylight Up |
MX: 8.3+ |
10041 | Keylight Down |
MX: 8.3+ |
59 | Left Shift |
MX: 4.4+ |
60 | Right Shift |
MX: 4.4+ |
57 | Left Alt |
MX: 4.4+ |
58 | Right Alt |
MX: 4.4+ |
113 | Left Control |
MX: 4.4+ |
114 | Right Control |
MX: 4.4+ |
117 | Meta Left |
MX: 4.4+ |
118 | Meta Right |
MX: 4.4+ |
115 | Caps Lock |
MX: 4.4+ |
143 | Num Lock |
MX: 4.4+ |
116 | Scroll Lock |
MX: 4.4+ |
120 | SysRq |
MX: 4.4+ |
121 | Break |
MX: 4.4+ |
119 | Function |
MX: 4.4+ |
4 | Back |
MX: 4.4+ |
125 | Forward |
MX: 4.4+ |
3 | Home |
MX: 4.4+ |
82 | Menu |
MX: 4.4+ |
176 | Settings |
MX: 4.4+ |
187 | Application Switch |
MX: 4.4+ |
210 | Calculator |
MX: 4.4+ |
64 | Explorer |
MX: 4.4+ |
65 | Envelope |
MX: 4.4+ |
174 | Bookmark |
MX: 4.4+ |
209 | Music |
MX: 4.4+ |
5 | Call |
MX: 4.4+ |
6 | End Call |
MX: 4.4+ |
91 | Microphone Mute |
MX: 4.4+ |
27 | Camera |
MX: 4.4+ |
84 | Search |
MX: 4.4+ |
207 | Contacts |
MX: 4.4+ |
208 | Calendar |
MX: 4.4+ |
10042 | Photos |
MX: 4.4+ |
24 | Volume Up |
MX: 4.4+ |
25 | Volume Down |
MX: 4.4+ |
164 | Volume Mute |
MX: 4.4+ |
221 | Brightness Up |
MX: 4.4+ |
220 | Brightness Down |
MX: 4.4+ |
26 | Power |
MX: 4.4+ |
223 | Sleep |
MX: 4.4+ |
224 | Wakeup |
MX: 4.4+ |
79 | Headset |
MX: 4.4+ |
228 | Push-to-talk |
MX: 4.4+ |
80 | Camera Focus |
MX: 4.4+ |
85 | Media Play/Pause |
MX: 4.4+ |
86 | Media Stop |
MX: 4.4+ |
87 | Media Next |
MX: 4.4+ |
88 | Media Previous |
MX: 4.4+ |
89 | Media Rewind |
MX: 4.4+ |
90 | Media Fast-Forward |
MX: 4.4+ |
126 | Media Play |
MX: 4.4+ |
127 | Media Pause |
MX: 4.4+ |
128 | Media Close |
MX: 4.4+ |
129 | Media Eject |
MX: 4.4+ |
130 | Media Record |
MX: 4.4+ |
102 | Button L1 |
MX: 4.4+ |
103 | Button R1 |
MX: 4.4+ |
104 | Button L2 |
MX: 4.4+ |
105 | Button R2 |
MX: 4.4+ |
96 | Button A |
MX: 4.4+ |
97 | Button B |
MX: 4.4+ |
98 | Button C |
MX: 4.4+ |
99 | Button X |
MX: 4.4+ |
100 | Button Y |
MX: 4.4+ |
101 | Button Z |
MX: 4.4+ |
106 | Left Thumb Button |
MX: 4.4+ |
107 | Right Thumb Button |
MX: 4.4+ |
108 | Start Button |
MX: 4.4+ |
109 | Select Button |
MX: 4.4+ |
110 | Mode Button |
MX: 4.4+ |
188 | Gamepad Button 1 |
MX: 4.4+ |
189 | Gamepad Button 2 |
MX: 4.4+ |
190 | Gamepad Button 3 |
MX: 4.4+ |
191 | Gamepad Button 4 |
MX: 4.4+ |
192 | Gamepad Button 5 |
MX: 4.4+ |
193 | Gamepad Button 6 |
MX: 4.4+ |
194 | Gamepad Button 7 |
MX: 4.4+ |
195 | Gamepad Button 8 |
MX: 4.4+ |
196 | Gamepad Button 9 |
MX: 4.4+ |
197 | Gamepad Button 10 |
MX: 4.4+ |
198 | Gamepad Button 11 |
MX: 4.4+ |
199 | Gamepad Button 12 |
MX: 4.4+ |
200 | Gamepad Button 13 |
MX: 4.4+ |
201 | Gamepad Button 14 |
MX: 4.4+ |
202 | Gamepad Button 15 |
MX: 4.4+ |
203 | Gamepad Button 16 |
MX: 4.4+ |
211 | Zenkaku/Hankaku |
MX: 4.4+ |
212 | Eisu |
MX: 4.4+ |
213 | Muhenkan |
MX: 4.4+ |
214 | Henkan |
MX: 4.4+ |
215 | Katakana/Hiragana |
MX: 4.4+ |
217 | Ro |
MX: 4.4+ |
216 | Yen |
MX: 4.4+ |
10043 | DO NOT DISTURB |
MX: 13.3+ |
10044 | Channel Switch |
MX: 14.2+ |
Used to select the Key Behavior defined in the Base Key State Mapping Table for the Key Mapping of a specified Key.
Shown if: The Action value is "Remap a key" and Choose a key to modify is not "None"
Parm Name: BaseBehavior
Option | Name | Description | Note | Status | Requires |
0 | No change | This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) will make no change to the Key Behavior of the specified Key in the Base Key State Mapping Table; any previously selected setting will be retained. |
MX: 4.4+ |
1 | Send trigger | Causes the Key Behavior for the specified Key in the Base Key State Mapping Table to act as one of the pre-defined Triggers, notifying whichever applications are registered for the selected Trigger. |
MX: 4.4+ |
2 | Send key-code | Causes the Key Behavior for the specified Key in the Base Key State Mapping Table to act like a different specified Key. |
MX: 4.4+ |
3 | Send Intent | Causes the Key Behavior for the Key in the Base Key State Mapping Table to send an Intent with specified attributes. |
MX: 4.4+ |
4 | Launch application | Causes the Key Behavior for the Key in the Base Key State Mapping Table to launch a specified application. |
MX: 4.4+ |
5 | Suppress key | Causes the Key Behavior for the Key in the Base Key State Mapping Table to be ignored and to act as if the Key was never pressed. |
MX: 4.4+ |
7 | Reset to default | Causes the Key Behavior for the Key in the Base Key State Mapping Table to revert to the Default Key Behavior. |
MX: 4.4+ |
This parameter is the same as "Base Behavior" except that instead of defining the Key Behavior for the Base Key State Mapping Table, it defines the Key Behavior for the Blue, Orange, Grey, Diamond, Shift and Control Key State Mapping Tables.
Shown if: The Action value is "Remap a key" and Choose a key to modify is not "None"
Parm Name: BlueBehavior,OrangeBehavior,GreyBehavior,DiamondBehavior,ShiftBehavior,ControlBehavior
Option | Name | Description | Note | Status | Requires |
0 | No change | This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) makes no change to the key behavior; any previously selected setting is retained. |
MX: 4.4+ |
1 | Send trigger | Causes the Key Behavior for the specified Key in the Blue, Orange, Grey, Diamond, Shift and Control Key State Mapping Tables to be changed such that the Key will act as a one of the predefined Triggers and hence will cause whatever applications are registered for the selected Trigger to be notified. |
MX: 4.4+ |
2 | Send key-code | Causes the Key Behavior for the specified Key in the Blue, Orange, Grey, Diamond, Shift and Control Key State Mapping Tables to be changed such that the Key acts like a different specified Key. |
MX: 4.4+ |
3 | Send Intent | Causes the Key Behavior for the Key in the Base Key State Mapping Table to be changed such that the Key will send an Intent with specified attributes. |
MX: 4.4+ |
4 | Launch application | Causes the Key Behavior for the Key in the Blue, Orange, Grey, Diamond, Shift and Control Key State Mapping Tables to be changed such that the Key will launch a specified application. |
MX: 4.4+ |
5 | Suppress key | Causes the Key Behavior for the Key in the Blue, Orange, Grey, Diamond, Shift and Control Key State Mapping Tables to be changed such that the Key will be ignored and act as if the Key was never pressed. |
MX: 4.4+ |
7 | Reset to default | Causes the Key Behavior for the Key in the Blue, Orange, Grey, Diamond, Shift and Control Key State Mapping Tables to be changed such that the Default Key Behavior is restored. |
MX: 4.4+ |
Controls whether to use the Advanced section for a Key Mapping Table. All Advanced parms use the values shown in the table below.
Each Key State Mapping Table has its own Advanced Section that can be used to enter Key State Modifiers set into the Current Key State when a Key Code is sent as the Key Behavior for the specified Key in that Key State Mapping Table.
Note: This feature is NOT supported on Zebra TC75x devices.
Shown if: The Action value is "Remap a key" and Choose a key to modify is not "None" and the Key Behavior for the Mapping Table is "Send key-code"
Parm Name: BaseKeyCodeAdvanced,BlueKeyCodeAdvanced,OrangeKeyCodeAdvanced,GreyKeyCodeAdvanced,ShiftKeyCodeAdvanced,ControlKeyCodeAdvanced,DiamondKeyCodeAdvanced
Option | Name | Description | Note | Status | Requires |
1 | true | Specifies use of the Advanced section. |
MX: 4.4+ |
2 | false | This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) indicates no use of the Advanced section. |
MX: 4.4+ |
Control the ALT Key State Modifier when the Key Code is sent as the Key Behavior for the specified Key in the corresponding Key State Mapping Table.
NOTE: If an attempt is made to set a Key State Modifier that is not supported on a given device, no error will be returned in the Result XML because the action has no noticeable effect. When the Key Code is sent, the specified Key State Modifier will be sent to the Current Key State but it makes no change to the Key Mapping Table.
Parm names:
Shown if: The Action value is "Remap a key" and Choose a key to modify is not "None" and the Key Behavior is "Send key-code" and Advanced is "True"
Parm Name: BaseKeyCodeAltState,BlueKeyCodeAltState,OrangeKeyCodeAltState,GreyKeyCodeAltState,ShiftKeyCodeAltState,ControlKeyCodeAltState
Option | Name | Description | Note | Status | Requires |
0 | Use existing state | This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) will cause the ALT Key State Modifier to be left unchanged, thus making it the same as when the Key was pressed. |
MX: 4.4+ |
1 | Force On | This value will set the ALT Key State Modifier, thus forcing the Key Code sent to be interpreted as ALT. |
MX: 4.4+ |
2 | Force Off | This value will clear the Shift Key State Modifier, thus forcing the Key Code sent to be interpreted as non-ALT. |
MX: 4.4+ |
Controls the Control (CTRL) Key State Modifier when the Key Code is sent as the Key Behavior for the specified Key in the specified Key State Mapping Table.
NOTE: If an attempt is made to set a Key State Modifier that is not supported on a given device, no error will be returned in the Result XML because the action has no noticeable effect. When the Key Code is sent, the specified Key State Modifier will be sent to the Current Key State but it makes no change to the Key Mapping Table.
Parm names:
Shown if: The Action value is "Remap a key" and Choose a key to modify is not "None" and the Key Behavior is "Send key-code" and Advanced is "True"
Parm Name: BaseKeyCodeCtrlState,BlueKeyCodeCtrlState,OrangeKeyCodeCtrlState,GreyKeyCodeCtrlState,ShiftKeyCodeCtrlState,ControlKeyCodeCtrlState
Option | Name | Description | Note | Status | Requires |
0 | Use existing state | This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) will cause the Control Key State Modifier to be left unchanged, thus making it the same as when the Key was pressed. |
MX: 4.4+ |
1 | Force On | This value will set the Control Key State Modifier, thus forcing the Key Code sent to be interpreted as Control. |
MX: 4.4+ |
2 | Force Off | This value will clear the Control Key State Modifier, thus forcing the Key Code sent to be interpreted as non-Control. |
MX: 4.4+ |
Used to control the Function Key State Modifier when the Key Code is sent as the Key Behavior for the specified Key in the specified Key State Mapping Table.
NOTE: If an attempt is made to set a Key State Modifier that is not supported on a given device, no error is returned in the Result XML because the action has no noticeable effect. When the Key Code is sent, the specified Key State Modifier will be sent to the Current Key State but it makes no change to the Key Mapping Table.
Parm names:
Shown if: The Action value is "Remap a key" and Choose a key to modify is not "None" and the Key Behavior is "Send key-code" and Advanced is "True"
Parm Name: BaseKeyCodeFnState,BlueKeyCodeFnState,OrangeKeyCodeFnState,GreyKeyCodeFnState,ShiftKeyCodeFnState,ControlKeyCodeFnState
Option | Name | Description | Note | Status | Requires |
0 | Use existing state | This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) causes the Function Key State Modifier to be left unchanged, thus making it the same as when the Key was pressed. |
MX: 4.4+ |
1 | Force On | Sets the Control Key State Modifier, forcing the Key Code sent to be interpreted as Function. |
MX: 4.4+ |
2 | Force Off | Clears the Shift Key State Modifier, forcing the Key Code sent to be interpreted as non-Function. |
MX: 4.4+ |
Used to control the Shift Key State Modifier when the Key Code is sent as the Key Behavior for the specified Key in the specified Key State Mapping Table.
NOTE: If an attempt is made to set a Key State Modifier that is not supported on a given device, no error will be returned in the Result XML because the action has no noticeable effect. When the Key Code is sent, the specified Key State Modifier will be sent to the Current Key State but it makes no change to the Key Mapping Table.
Parm names:
Shown if: The Action value is "Remap a key" and Choose a key to modify is not "None" and the Key Behavior is "Send key-code" and Advanced is "True"
Parm Name: BaseKeyCodeShiftState,BlueKeyCodeShiftState,OrangeKeyCodeShiftState,GreyKeyCodeShiftState,ShiftKeyCodeShiftState,ControlKeyCodeShiftState
Option | Name | Description | Note | Status | Requires |
0 | Use existing state | This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) will cause the Shift Key State Modifier to be left unchanged, thus making it the same as when the Key was pressed. |
MX: 4.4+ |
1 | Force On | This value will set the Shift Key State Modifier, thus forcing the Key Code sent to be interpreted as Shifted. |
MX: 4.4+ |
2 | Force Off | This value will clear the Shift Key State Modifier, thus forcing the Key Code sent to be interpreted as non-Shifted. |
MX: 4.4+ |
Used to enter attributes of an Intent to send as the Key Behavior for the specified Key in various Key State Mapping Tables.
IMPORTANT: When mapping a key to launch an app using intents, some apps require inclusion of more intent parameters than others. This depends on information contained in the app's AndroidManifest.xml file. If an app fails to launch using "Action" and "Package" parameters alone, try adding its "Category" and "Class" parameters.
For further details, see Android intent documentation.
Parm names:
These parms are used to enter the conditions under which an Intent will be sent as the Key Behavior for the specified Key in the specified Key State Mapping Table.
Option | Value | Description |
On key down | "1" | Sends the specified Intent when the Key transitions from unpressed to pressed. |
On key up | "2" | Sends the specified Intent when the Key transitions from pressed to unpressed. |
On both key down and up | "3" | Sends the specified Intent both when the Key transitions from unpressed to pressed and from pressed to unpressed. |
Used to enter how the Intent should be sent as the Key Behavior for the specified Key in the specified Key State Mapping Table.
Settable if: The Action value is "Remap a key" and Choose a key to modify is not "None" and the Key Behavior is "Send intent"
Pivotal parm? Yes
Option | Value | Description |
Start activity | "1" | Sends the Intent using Start Activity. This should be used when launching an Activity within an application (for example to present a UI). |
Broadcast | "2" | Sends the Intent using Send Broadcast. This should be used when notifying one or more applications that register a suitable Broadcast Receiver, and that may invoke an Activity (for example to present a UI) or a Service (for example to perform a background process). |
Used to enter the Action Name attribute for the Intent that will be sent as the Key Behavior for the specified Key in the specified Key State Mapping Table. The Action Name attribute of an Intent generally tells the receiver of the Intent what to do. Entering an empty (length of zero) value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) will cause no value for this attribute to be set in the Intent. The requirement of a value for this attribute for a given Intent depends on the Intent being sent and the requirements of the application(s) to which the Intent may be sent.
Settable if: The Action value is "Remap a key" and Choose a key to modify is not "None" and the Key Behavior is "Send intent"
Pivotal parm? No
Parm names:
Parm value input rules:
Used to enter the Category attribute for the Intent that will be sent as the Key Behavior for the specified Key in the specified Key State Mapping Table. The Category attribute of an Intent generally tells the system what types of receivers to send the Intent to. Entering an empty (length of zero) value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) will cause no value for this attribute to be set in the Intent. The requirement of a value for this attribute for a given Intent depends on the Intent being sent and the requirements of the application(s) to which the Intent may be sent.
Settable if: The Action value is "Remap a key" and Choose a key to modify is not "None" and the Key Behavior is "Send intent"
Pivotal parm? No
Parm names:
Parm value input rules:
Used to enter the Package Name attribute for the Intent that will be sent as the Key Behavior for the specified Key in the specified Key State Mapping Table. The Package Name attribute of an Intent generally tells the system exactly which application to send the Intent to. Entering an empty (length of zero) value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) will cause no value for this attribute to be set in the Intent. The requirement of a value for this attribute for a given Intent depends on the Intent being sent and the requirements of the application(s) to which the Intent may be sent.
Settable if: The Action value is "Remap a key" and Choose a key to modify is not "None" and the Key Behavior is "Send intent" and the Intent Type is "Start activity"
Pivotal parm? No
Parm names:
Parm value input rules:
Used to enter the Class Name attribute for the Intent that will be sent as the Key Behavior for the specified Key in the specified Key State Mapping Table. The Class Name attribute of an Intent generally tells the system exactly which class within an application to send the Intent to. Entering an empty (length of zero) value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) will cause no value for this attribute to be set in the Intent. The requirement of a value for this attribute for a given Intent depends on the Intent being sent and the requirements of the application(s) to which the Intent may be sent.
Settable if: The Action value is "Remap a key" and Choose a key to modify is not "None" and the Key Behavior is "Send intent" and the Intent Type is "Start activity"
Pivotal parm? No
Parm names:
Parm value input rules:
Used to enter the Data URI attribute for the Intent that will be sent as the Key Behavior for the specified Key in the specified Key State Mapping Table. The Data URI attribute of an Intent generally provides a reference to the data (if any) that should be processed by the application to which the Intent is sent. Entering an empty (length of zero) value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) will cause no value for this attribute to be set in the Intent. The requirement of a value for this attribute for a given Intent depends on the Intent being sent and the requirements of the application(s) to which the Intent may be sent.
Settable if: The Action value is "Remap a key" and Choose a key to modify is not "None" and the Key Behavior is "Send intent"
Pivotal parm? No
Parm names:
Parm value input rules:
Used to enter the MIME Type attribute for the Intent that will be sent as the Key Behavior for the specified Key in the specified Key State Mapping Table. The MIME Type attribute of an Intent generally provides information about the type of data referenced by the Data URI attribute (if any) that helps qualify the action that should be taken by the application to which the Intent is sent. Entering an empty (length of zero) value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) will cause no value for this attribute to be set in the Intent. The requirement for a value for this attribute for a given Intent depends on the Intent being sent and the requirements of the application(s) to which the Intent may be sent.
Settable if: The Action value is "Remap a key" and Choose a key to modify is not "None" and the Key Behavior is "Send intent"
Pivotal parm? No
Parm names:
Parm value input rules:
Used to enter the Name of an Extra Data attribute for the Intent that will be sent as the Key Behavior for the specified Key in the specified Key State Mapping Table. An Extra Data attribute of an Intent generally provides auxiliary information that helps qualify the action that should be taken on the data by the application to which the Intent is sent. An Extra Data attribute must be specified using both an Extra Name and an Extra Value since both are required to add an Extra Data attribute to an Intent. Entering an empty (length of zero) value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) will cause no Extra Data attribute to be set in the Intent. The requirement for an Extra Data attribute for a given Intent depends on the Intent being sent and the requirements of the application(s) to which the Intent may be sent.
Settable if: The Action value is "Remap a key" and Choose a key to modify is not "None" and the Key Behavior is "Send intent"
NOTE: Devices with MX 9.2 or later can access the four additional Extra name-value pairs shown below**. Prepend the parm names(s) and value(s) below with the key name (i.e. "Base, Blue, Orange, etc.) to assign an Extra name and value to the desired key modifier(s):
- IntentStringExtra1Name, IntentStringExtra1Value
- IntentStringExtra2Name, IntentStringExtra2Value
- IntentStringExtra3Name, IntentStringExtra3Value
- IntentStringExtra4Name, IntentStringExtra4Value
Pivotal parm? No
Parm names:
Parm value input rules:
Used to enter the Value of an Extra Data attribute for the Intent that will be sent as the Key Behavior for the specified Key in the specified Key State Mapping Table. An Extra Data attribute of an Intent generally provides auxiliary information that helps qualify the action that should be taken on the data by the application to which the Intent is sent. An Extra Data attribute must be specified using both an Extra Name and an Extra Value since both are required to add an Extra Data attribute to an Intent. Entering an empty (length of zero) value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) will cause no Extra Data attribute to be set in the Intent. The requirement of an Extra Data attribute for a given Intent depends on the Intent being sent and the requirements of the application(s) to which the Intent may be sent.
Settable if: The Action value is "Remap a key" and Choose a key to modify is not "None" and the Key Behavior is "Send intent"
NOTE: Devices with MX 9.2 or later can access four additional Extra Name-Value pairs. See Extra parameter name section, above.
Pivotal parm? No
Parm names:
Parm value input rules:
Shown if: The Action value is "Remap a key" and Choose a key to modify is not "None" and the Key Behavior is "Send intent"
Parm Name: BaseSendIntent,BlueSendIntent,OrangeSendIntent,GreySendIntent,ShiftSendIntent,ControlSendIntent
- MX: 4.4+
Controls whether the key event should be added to the Intent that will be sent as the Key Behavior for the specified Key in the specified Key State Mapping Table.
Parm names:
Shown if: The Action value is "Remap a key" and Choose a key to modify is not "None" and the Key Behavior is "Send intent"
Parm Name: BaseIntentAddKeyState,BlueIntentAddKeyState,OrangeIntentAddKeyState,GreyIntentAddKeyState,ShiftIntentAddKeyState,ControlIntentAddKeyState
Option | Name | Description | Note | Status | Requires |
1 | true | Causes Key Event that occurred when the Key was pressed or released to be attached to the Intent. This would generally be valuable only when an application was written specifically to receive such an Intent since it would require the application to understand and interpret the data format used to encode a Key Event. |
MX: 4.4+ |
0 | false | Prevents Key Event that occurred when the Key was pressed or released from being attached to the Intent. |
MX: 4.4+ |
Used to enter the Intent Flags to include in the Intent sent as the Key Behavior for the specified Key in the specified Key State Mapping Table. Intent Flags enter information about how an Intent should be processed by the Android system and/or by the application to which the Intent is sent. Entering an empty (length of zero) value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) causes no value for this attribute to be set in the Intent.
Parm names:
Parm value input rules:
Shown if: The Action value is "Remap a key" and Choose a key to modify is not "None" and the Key Behavior is "Send intent"
Parm Name: BaseIntentIncludeFlags,BlueIntentIncludeFlags,OrangeIntentIncludeFlags,GreyIntentIncludeFlags,ShiftIntentIncludeFlags,ControlIntentIncludeFlags
- MX: 4.4+
Used to enter which Triggers will be performed as the Key Behavior for the specified Key in various Key State Mapping Tables.
NOTE: Trigger 1 is commonly used by device data acquisition subsystems to initiate Barcode Scanning. There are currently no standard usages associated with Triggers 2-8. Consult the documentation for a specific device to determine which standard System applications, if any, can register for notifications from a given Trigger.
Parm names:
Shown if: The Action value is "Remap a key" and Choose a key to modify is not "None" and the Key Behavior for the corresponding Key Table is "Send trigger"
Parm Name: BaseTrigger,BlueTrigger,OrangeTrigger,GreyTrigger,ShiftTrigger,ControlTrigger
Option | Name | Description | Note | Status | Requires |
10016 | Trigger 1 | Commonly used to initiate Barcode Scanning. This value indicates that the designated Trigger will be sent as the Key Behavior for the specified Key in the specified Key Mapping Table. |
MX: 4.4+ |
10017 | Trigger 2 | Causes the designated Trigger to be sent as the Key Behavior for the specified Key in the specified Key Mapping Table. |
MX: 4.4+ |
10018 | Trigger 3 | Causes the designated Trigger to be sent as the Key Behavior for the specified Key in the specified Key Mapping Table. |
MX: 4.4+ |
10019 | Trigger 4 | Causes the designated Trigger to be sent as the Key Behavior for the specified Key in the specified Key Mapping Table. |
MX: 4.4+ |
10020 | Trigger 5 | Causes the designated Trigger to be sent as the Key Behavior for the specified Key in the specified Key Mapping Table. |
MX: 4.4+ |
10021 | Trigger 6 | Causes the designated Trigger to be sent as the Key Behavior for the specified Key in the specified Key Mapping Table. |
MX: 4.4+ |
10022 | Trigger 7 | Causes the designated Trigger to be sent as the Key Behavior for the specified Key in the specified Key Mapping Table. |
MX: 4.4+ |
10023 | Trigger 8 | This value indicates that the designated Trigger will be sent as the Key Behavior for the specified Key in the specified Key Mapping Table. |
MX: 4.4+ |
Used to enter the Application Name of the application whose main Activity should be launched as the Key Behavior for the specified Key in various Key State Mapping Tables. The Application Name of an application is separate from the Package Name, although the two could be the same if set as such by the app developer. More commonly, the Application Name is a human-readable name that may be displayed on the app title bar and on the App Info section of the System Settings menu. Using the Application Name to launch an application is generally simpler and friendlier than using the Package Name and Class Name, as would be required when using a more general Intent to launch an application.
See Send Intent parameter for important guidance.
Parm names:
Parm value input rules:
Shown if: The Action value is "Remap a key" and Choose a key to modify is not "None" and the Key Behavior is "Launch application"
Parm Name: BaseLaunchActivityName,BlueLaunchActivityName,OrangeLaunchActivityName,GreyLaunchActivityName,ShiftLaunchActivityName,ControlLaunchActivityName
- MX: 4.4+
Controls whether a key-code is sent or an app shortcut is launched when a double-press of any scan trigger is detected on the device.
Parm Name: DoubleTriggerMode
Option | Name | Description | Note | Status | Requires |
0 | Do not change | This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) causes no change to device settings; any previous setting is retained. |
MX: 11.4+ |
1 | Send a key-code | Sends the designated key-code whenever a double-press of a scan trigger is detected. |
MX: 11.4+ |
2 | Remove double-trigger mapping | Remove assigned key-codes related to double-presses of a scan trigger. |
MX: 14.0+ |
3 | Launch application | Launches the designated app shortcut whenever a double-press of a scan trigger is detected. |
MX: 14.0+ |
Used to enter the maximum time (in milliseconds) between presses of any scan trigger on the device to consider it a double-press.
Parm value input rules:
Shown if: Double Trigger Mode is "Send key-code"
Parm Name: DoubleTriggerTimer
- MX: 11.4+
Used to enter a Key Code to be sent as the Key Behavior when a double-press of any scan trigger is detected. If a key code OTHER than a base key-code value is requided, see Advanced Double-trigger Key Code parameter.
Parm value input rules:
Shown if: Double Trigger Mode is "Send key-code"
Parm Name: DoubleTriggerKeyCode
- MX: 11.4+
Used to enter the Key State under which a key-code will be sent as the Key Behavior when a double-press of any scan trigger is detected. Select DoubleTriggerKeyCodeAdvanced to enable selection of one of the four key states listed below.
Parm names:
Parm value input rules:
Shown if: Double Trigger Mode is "Send key-code"
Parm Name: DoubleTriggerKeyCodeAdvanced,DoubleTriggerKeyCodeShiftState,DoubleTriggerKeyCodeAltState,DoubleTriggerKeyCodeCtrlState,DoubleTriggerKeyCodeFnState
- MX: 11.4+
Used to enter an the name of the app to launch when a double-press of any scan trigger is detected.
Parm value input rules:
Shown if: Double Trigger Mode is "Launch application"
Parm Name: DoubleTriggerLaunchActivityName
- MX: 14.0+
The first feature of the following Request XML document is used to first reset the keys to their defaults. The following features are used to swap the 7 and 9 keys on the keyboard.
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr" version="4.4" >
<parm name="Action" value="2"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr" version="4.4" >
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="7"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="16"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr" version="4.4" >
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="9"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="14"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr" version="4.4">
<parm name="Action" value="2"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr" version="4.4">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="7"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="16"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr" version="4.4">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="9"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="14"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr" version="4.4" >
<parm name="Action" value="2"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr" version="4.4">
<parm name="Action" value="2"/>
Queries are not supported on Zebra devices running Android 11 or later.
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm-query name="Version"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr" version="4.4">
<parm name="Version" value="4.4.0"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<characteristic-query type="QueryAvailableKeys"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr" version="4.4">
<characteristic type="QueryAvailableKeys">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="0"/>
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="1"/>
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="2"/>
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="3"/>
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="4"/>
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="5"/>
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="6"/>
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="7"/>
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="8"/>
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="9"/>
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="A"/>
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="B"/>
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="C"/>
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="D"/>
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="E"/>
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="F"/>
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="G"/>
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="H"/>
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="I"/>
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="J"/>
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="K"/>
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="L"/>
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="M"/>
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="N"/>
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="O"/>
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="P"/>
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="Q"/>
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="R"/>
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="S"/>
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="T"/>
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="U"/>
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="V"/>
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="W"/>
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="X"/>
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="Y"/>
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="Z"/>
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="UP"/>
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="DOT"/>
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="ESC"/>
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="RED"/>
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="BLUE"/>
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="CTRL"/>
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="DOWN"/>
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="LEFT"/>
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="SCAN"/>
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="STAR"/>
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="ENTER"/>
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="GREEN"/>
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="RIGHT"/>
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="SHIFT"/>
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="SPACE"/>
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="GRIP_TRIGGER"/>
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="BACKSPACE"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<characteristic-query type="QueryAvailableTables"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr" version="4.4">
<characteristic type="QueryAvailableTables">
<parm name="TableIdentifier" value="blue"/>
<parm name="TableIdentifier" value="base"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<characteristic-query type="QueryDefaultKeyMapping">
<parm name="QueryDefaultKeyIdentifier" value="0"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr" version="4.4">
<characteristic type="QueryDefaultKeyMapping">
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="0"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="140"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="7"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<characteristic-query type="QueryChangedKeyMapping">
<parm name="QueryChangedKeyIdentifier" value="0"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr" version="4.4">
<characteristic-error type="QueryChangedKeyMapping" desc="No key mappings available"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<characteristic-query type="QueryCurrentKeyMapping">
<parm name="QueryCurrentKeyIdentifier" value="0"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr" version="4.4">
<characteristic type="QueryCurrentKeyMapping">
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="0"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="140"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="7"/>
Queries are not supported on Zebra devices running Android 11 or later.
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<characteristic-query type="QueryDefaultKeyMappings"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr" version="4.4">
<characteristic type="QueryDefaultKeyMappings">
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="0"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="140"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="7"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="131"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="8"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="2"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="132"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="9"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="3"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="133"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="10"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="4"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="134"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="11"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="5"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="135"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="12"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="6"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="136"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="13"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="7"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="137"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="14"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="8"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="138"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="15"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="9"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="139"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="16"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="A"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="55"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="29"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="B"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="56"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="30"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="C"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="75"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="31"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="D"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="221"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="32"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="E"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="71"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="33"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="F"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="72"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="34"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="G"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="73"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="35"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="H"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="24"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="36"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="I"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="220"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="37"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="J"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="68"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="38"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="K"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="6"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="39"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="L"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="76"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="40"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="M"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="25"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="41"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="N"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="69"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="42"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="O"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="6"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="43"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="P"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="6"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="44"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="Q"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="6"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="45"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="R"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="74"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="46"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="S"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="157"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="47"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="T"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="156"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="48"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="U"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="155"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="49"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="V"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="154"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="50"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="W"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="161"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="51"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="X"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="10025"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="52"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="Y"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="6"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="53"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="Z"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="10024"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="54"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="UP"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="6"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="19"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="DOT"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="6"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
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<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="ESC"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="6"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
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<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
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<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
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<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
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<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
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<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="6"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
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<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="CTRL"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="10030"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="10031"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="DOWN"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="6"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="20"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="LEFT"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="6"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
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<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="SCAN"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="6"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
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<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="STAR"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="141"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="17"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="ENTER"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="6"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
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<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="GREEN"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="6"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="102"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="RIGHT"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="6"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="22"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="SHIFT"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="6"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="10032"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="SPACE"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="61"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="62"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="GRIP_TRIGGER"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="6"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="103"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="BACKSPACE"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="6"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
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<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<characteristic-query type="QueryChangedKeyMappings"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr" version="4.4">
<characteristic-error type="QueryChangedKeyMappings" desc="No key mappings available"/>
Queries are not supported on Zebra devices running Android 11 or later.
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<characteristic-query type="QueryCurrentKeyMappings"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr" version="4.4">
<characteristic type="QueryDefaultKeyMappings">
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="0"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="140"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="7"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="131"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="8"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="2"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="132"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="9"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="3"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="133"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="10"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="4"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="134"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="11"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="5"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="135"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="12"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="6"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="136"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="13"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="7"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="137"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="14"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="8"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="138"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="15"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="9"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="139"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="16"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="A"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="55"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="29"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="B"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="56"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="30"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="C"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="75"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="31"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="D"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="221"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="32"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="E"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="71"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="33"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="F"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="72"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="34"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="G"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="73"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="35"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="H"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="24"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="36"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="I"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="220"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="37"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="J"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="68"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="38"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="K"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="6"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
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<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="L"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="76"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="40"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="M"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="25"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="41"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="N"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="69"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="42"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="O"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="6"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
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<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="P"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="6"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
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<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="Q"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="6"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
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<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
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<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
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<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
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<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="S"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BlueKeyCode" value="157"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="47"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="T"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
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<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
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<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
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<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
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<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
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<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="V"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
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<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="50"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="W"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
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<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="51"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="X"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
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<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
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<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
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<characteristic type="BlueTable">
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<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
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<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="Z"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
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<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
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<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
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<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="6"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
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<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
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<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="6"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
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<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
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<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
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<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
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<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
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<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="2"/>
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<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
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<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
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<characteristic type="BlueTable">
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<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
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<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
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<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
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<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
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<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="62"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="GRIP_TRIGGER"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="6"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="103"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMappingMgr">
<parm name="Action" value="1"/>
<characteristic type="KeyMapping">
<parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="BACKSPACE"/>
<characteristic type="BlueTable">
<parm name="BlueBehavior" value="6"/>
<characteristic type="BaseTable">
<parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2"/>
<parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="67"/>